Stimsons not eating....

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Active Member
Oct 10, 2012
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Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Australia
Hey guys so ive had my stimmi for awhile and always strikes for food but last week she didnt really strike but opened her mouth and just sorta bit it ( did the tug a war effect ) then constricted the mouse..checked on the mouse the next morning and it was still there so i was like okay must not be hungry... then tried to feed her again she was VERY interested but did the same thing again.... is there any particular reason for her not to eat? doesnt seem stressed out at all​
how long did you wait until you tried feeding again? also what temps are you keeping it at?
how olds the animal , antaresia are notorious for going off food when coming into the cooler months regardless of the fact they still have heat they just seem to know , what time of year do ants start breeding maybe his stopped because of that
If it is normally eating well , it may just not be hungry or on shed , dont panic yet.
Anterasia breed late in the year with hatching in Nov/Dec and the cold months aren't close enough for it to be a reaction to winter.
My 3 stimis r already showing lack of interest in food.... My older male only eats 3/4 months a yr and loses very little weight / condition
Fair enough Ozmid, my Mac is still chowing down in Summer glut mode. She olnly slows down marginally during the Winter.
Anterasia breed late in the year with hatching in Nov/Dec and the cold months aren't close enough for it to be a reaction to winter.
could be feeling cold to them down in melbourne atm , im not sure im not there but melbourne is well and truly out of their climate compared to us further up the coast :)
Stimis r well known to be more fussy and finicky than say macs
Last year my male stopped eating in Feb and my Female stopped in April. The year before the male stopped in Jan. It's still really warm in Perth at the moment- about 30 degrees every day, and I believe my pair are done - both showing very little interest in food and not using their heat mat.
Last year my male stopped eating in Feb and my Female stopped in April. The year before the male stopped in Jan. It's still really warm in Perth at the moment- about 30 degrees every day, and I believe my pair are done - both showing very little interest in food and not using their heat mat.

Yep a few of mine are done too. Gone off food a few weeks ago. I still offer each week, but they sniff it and move on. Even with the heat sometimes they just know the seasons are changing.
put a pin hole in the rodents head. Also if they are interested in the rodent just leave the rodent in the enclosure and in the dark and the snake will take it in its own time. :)
Yep a few of mine are done too. Gone off food a few weeks ago. I still offer each week, but they sniff it and move on. Even with the heat sometimes they just know the seasons are changing.

exciting times for a lot of us :)
Sounds like you have a young dugite. A suburb locality would help to confirm this.

It is only natural to expect a difference in ā€˜shut downā€™ time between macs and stimmies, the latter coming from a significantly more southern location. As keepers have said, it is not unusual for stimmies to go off their tucker before the autumn months set in fully. All you can do is to tempt them with techniques like braining or scenting and hope for he best.

Bottom line, unless your snakes shows significant weight loss, lack of appetite towards the reduced hours of daylight time of year is not something to be concerned about with a southern Antaresia species.

With the nights slowly cooling off in Sydney, I keep waiting for my Stimmy to go off his food. Not happening - yet. And I keep having to buy him more frozen. Maybe he's a PIG!
With the nights slowly cooling off in Sydney, I keep waiting for my Stimmy to go off his food. Not happening - yet. And I keep having to buy him more frozen. Maybe he's a PIG!
Maybe it's a northern specimen? Stimis cover a large area. My stimi's are from the lower parts of WA and have stopped eating.
Maybe it's a northern specimen? Stimis cover a large area. My stimi's are from the lower parts of WA and have stopped eating.

He's an Alice Springs region. The breeder told me to expect him to go off his food around this time, but no signs yet. He's out in the enclosure now prowling around, ready to tag anything that moves and it's still 2 days before his next feed is due. PIGGY Python. No doubt he'll give up just after I buy a new packet of frozen for him!!!
He's an Alice Springs region. The breeder told me to expect him to go off his food around this time, but no signs yet. He's out in the enclosure now prowling around, ready to tag anything that moves and it's still 2 days before his next feed is due. PIGGY Python. No doubt he'll give up just after I buy a new packet of frozen for him!!!

Yeah Alice is still quite far north in comparison though...
Makes you wonder if where they are actually bred is more of an influence than any genetic coding. Most of those bred would be of mixed locale in all likelihood so if I cross a southern and a northern while living in Sydney which trait would win?
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