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Active Member
May 10, 2003
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Sydney, Western Suburbs
heres my problem..

Im going o/seas at the end of June..
i have a 1 coastal that will be left here at home

the people in my family are dropkicks and dont want to feed her, the whole idea of thawing mice freaks them...

should i increase feeding steadily until i go? so she'll be in good health when i come back in 5 weeks?

NOTE, she will be without food for 5 weeks.. i usually feed her every 7 days on adult mice
How old is she? What about water? There are plenty of herpers in Sydney, maybe someone can help you out there. 5 weeks is a while....

ARe you living with your family, so they can at least top up the water, watch the temps, etc? Is just the feeding the problem?

i would be happy to offer but i'm not sure of the NPWS is 'baby sitting' in the licence?
It'll be fine 5 weeks without food, unless its a hatchy or very young. It will need water though. ...
Sorry, missed your bottom line, i take its a young snake? still it might be ok. They dont get regular feeds in the wild.
You can transfer the snake to my licence and i will look after it for you. Or you can do the same for any one that is licenced that you choose to babysit for you. Easy.
Dear Maximus,

I did exactly this about 10 years ago when I went to North America for 5 weeks. I reduced the temperature a little, it was September, and gave my (dopey) flat mate instructions only to top up the water bowl if it was needed. Even that was too complex for him and for some reason he decided to turn off the power to the enclosure about a week before I returned. My guys were fine and I now regularly breed from some of their grand children.

One of the main advantages in keeping pythons as pets is the fact that you can go away for short periods and know that they will be fine without intervention.

As an aside, it was on this trip to North Amercia that I met Herp Trader #1, my dahrling wife Judy. It is she who handles all you Herp Trader inquiries. :lol:

That sounds fine to me, but I am by no means an expert. I have had some of my snakes go that long without food, as they wouldn't eat. :?


Wow, i bet that is a story and a half! Funny these little things that we do in our lives totally change everything. I bet you didn't go over there expecting to find your future wife! :wink:
I would be not concern about it at all maximus. Specially this time of year.
Some of my snakes do not eat for 4 months during the winter.
15 month old juvi is no problem and small brake in feeding will do him only good.
Even a brand new hatchie can go 5 weeks without it causing any problems at all.
As long as they have water, they will be fine.
I'd leave the heat on though, cooling them can lead to respiratory infections which is not good if you aint there to get them to a vet.
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