How did you spend your Easter?

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2011
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Sunshine Coast
Well Firstly I reckon I had the most eventful Easter :)

My daughter was pretty sick 3 days before the long weekend, and as life has it I thought she would turna round and deal me a blow on the long weekend as its the only real one we get apart from the Christmas break. Sure enough on Saturday-ONE DAY IN! I became ill, severe vomiting for 20 hours straight (refused to go to the hospital cause they stick ******* into you and I don't like needles!) so was in a serious amount of pain. Tore the muscles in my chest from vomitting (lucky I didn't break a rib-its more common then thought) and I am still recovering today! But wait there is more, if that didn't cut it on Sunday night my wife (I was kind enough to share as my daughter had done with me) recevied the same treatment except shes got a bean inside her :D ) So that was bad, after 5 hours we went to the hospital for her and we spent (got straight into a bed tho so can't complain) 8 hours there on our Monday so that she could be pumped full of goodness. This morning she is looking better and feeling better then me, so there is a bonus on going to the hospital (and it was our first time at Nambour hospital-The staff and everyone were amazing mind you).

So thats it for us in a nut shell :)

How was everyone elses!
I went out on Thursday night, where some lovely young man took it upon himself to punch me in the face.. spent friday recovering, saturday was the MIL birthday, so on the drink again, until my nephew brought an abrupt end to the party by running full speed into a palm tree and being rushed to hospital. he ended up being ok, just jarred his shoulder badly.spent sunday recovering. Then learnt an important lesson- there is NO point in taking your kid to feed the ducks at 3pm as the ducks just arent hungry any more...

Hope your wife and the bean are ok Skelhorn..
I went out on Thursday night, where some lovely young man took it upon himself to punch me in the face.. spent friday recovering, saturday was the MIL birthday, so on the drink again, until my nephew brought an abrupt end to the party by running full speed into a palm tree and being rushed to hospital. he ended up being ok, just jarred his shoulder badly.spent sunday recovering. Then learnt an important lesson- there is NO point in taking your kid to feed the ducks at 3pm as the ducks just arent hungry any more...

Hope your wife and the bean are ok Skelhorn..

Hahaha sounds like you had a big one....Did you smack the guy that punched you? Thats should put a brick in your handbag and if it ever happens again swing that at them :) Don't hit females is my rule!

The Dr's said the bean is all good and that it is very unlike that there is ever any harm. Only the mum feels the intense pain-only danger is dehydration and that is why we went there. Amazing what 2L of fluids and 1L of special stuff (no clue-some sort of sugar substance to replenish and neutralize stomach acid that they give you if your lucky after the normal fluids) can do for you tho-She's up and at it today...I'm running on empty and no sleep for the last 3 nights!
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Sounds like you need another long weekend to get over this one!

I was so shocked at beinghit by a guy that i just stood there saying to him "are you seriously that weak you gotta hit a woman?" then the security guys got him, and he put up a fight so he got his.. Only problem was the guards forgot to make sure they got into cabs, and when we left there was a group of pissed and pissed off guys blaming us (a group of 7 chicks) that theyd been kicked out so the stilletos came off then...
Gosh what unlucky long weekends guys! At least everyone is on the mend.

Ntls, isn't it funny how few people take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of them? Everyone needs a big dose of Fritz Pearls these days!
I'm sure some time later some bigger guys bet them up thst night haha

I went for a roadtrip to see the boyfriend, which was lovely
Yeah some people are ****ers (am I allowed to say that?) Sucks but its everywhere you go right!

Gosh what unlucky long weekends guys! At least everyone is on the mend.

Ntls, isn't it funny how few people take responsibility for their actions and the consequences of them? Everyone needs a big dose of Fritz Pearls these days!
I'm sure some time later some bigger guys bet them up thst night haha

I went for a roadtrip to see the boyfriend, which was lovely

...Bummer you guys live apart? Least 4 days would have been nice...Well I am thinking I will work Anzac Day and then take the Thursday off as TIL as I already have the friday off....then I will get my 4 day weekend!
Vampstoro, he go given a couple of good whacks by the guards, so that gave me a bit of joy. Hubby was not impressed when i told him...

Skelhorn, that sounds like a plan for anzac day! it sux there isnt a long weekend for that this year...
I know right...but least this way I can make it a 4 day weekend so can't complain...just gotta make sure there is work for me ;)
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