murray help again

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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2004
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i know to seperate my pythons when feeding so i made a divider to split it into 2 and just put one in one and one in the other.
Sounds simple hay, well the male and more curious one (when my back was turned) found a way into the other half, i had just given them a pinkie rat each and the female was sniffing then i turn back just in time to see the female get the male around the head and fight.
I thought quickly and put them under water (i thought hay it works for dogs it might work for pythons) and it did.
Then i covered them both up awaiting them to calm down cause the female was quite worked up.
Its been 1 hour and i thought i would have a peak to see if she was better and struck the cage so i have covered her back up.
The male seems fine still happy as lary i left the rats in their but i don't want to work up the female any more and to put the divider in i had to take the water dich out.

Any ideas?
Next steps?
move the male temporarily (and its rat) and just leave her be. She will eat if shes hungry in her own time. Any container with airholes, kept atleast a room temp will be fine for him for a couple of hrs. :wink: might be worth using a separet container to feed one or the other as a general rule, less stress that way, least till you get one its own enclosure etc.
no obvious damage from the blue?
right after i seperated them into temp accomidation. i took out the hide and the water bowl from the main enclosure to get them out and stuff so their still isn't any in with the female and i don't want to work her up
no obvious damage
they both let me handel them after the blue and checked them both out mainly around the head no obvious wounds.
the male was much calmer after
It wasn't a fight, one snake (as opportunistic as they all are) detected the presence of another meal and went for it. The only time you will see snakes fighting is when two males of some species are placed together during breeding season.
why is the female still worked up in strike pose then?
Probably because she missed out on her meal, although stress could definately be a possibility. Just leave her alone for a day or two...she'll be sweet.
should i attempt to put a hide and water in there now?
The male is sweet, he is out and sitting on my hand quit happly
the male has just started eating his rat ;)
this is so cool its the first time i have seen my pythons eat
Yes give her a hide and her water and try to leave her cage the same way for her so she can settle down and know that it's her enviroment and don't worry too much it was just a dispute over food.Good thing you were watching!
cool stuff. yeah put the stuff back, leave be and try again later. is she not intrested in her food now?
i'll just check..............
nup she is just curled up on the hot spot
i'll wait till the male is finished his dinner (his enclosure is on top of hers) then i will put the hide and bowl back in with the female

sound good?
was putting them under water the right thing to do? it was just instinct and i would like to know if that was the right thing to do
Yes it is probably the safest and least harmfull thing to do for them.Yep sounds like a good idea.
cool thanx

she is fine now i'll do all that when he finishes his dinner
i just opened the females enclosure and dangled the warmed rat in front of her she went for it but not to eat, just to strike at i left it in there and covered her up again.
anything else i should do?
Its ok, Just leave her be. You can try her tommorrow or you could just leave
it until you feed the boy again.
Im with JP, just let her be, if you keep disturbing her every couple hours, it is very likely that you will stress her out and possibly turn a minor problem into a big one.

Good Luck!
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