Reptile Pit at School

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have you contacted NPWS as yet? if so, have they given the go ahead, and said what licencing and permits will be required. id hate to see all the hard work and expense put in to this project only to have NPWS can it over licencing or permits

contacted but have to call again tomorrow
Good on you reptile boy for trying to get the school involved in a program with reptiles as we all know they are alot more common as pets now than what they used to be years ago i think its great. How ever as for the question what to put in it, i 'd get a big lacey that no one is gaim enough to try to steal .The only problem i can see if decc give the go ahead who is going to guard it of a weekend or holidays when it is vounrable to be stolen or they need feeding cleaning etc. If someone whants it they will get it there are alot of low people in our days now:) But well done anyway Champ.
BUmp It up. any photos of peoples pits or any thing hat would help?

i think its a wak idea!i whent to a school in adelaide,(para hills high school) where they had the same sort of idea,they had a freshie croc and some turtles in a fenced off pit-wich all got stolen,and another aviery type thing with bluetounges and shingle backs wich also got trashed and the lizard were taken (kinda sad realli) & since alot of ppl have already said!that people will just try break in trash it and steal or harm the reptiles,and i belive that WILL happen.they not gonah fund u for electric fencing or guard dogs. iv never heard of a school that caters for only one kid interested in reptiles,!let alone give them the funding to open up their own reptile pit at school!i wish my teachers gave me 3000 to do a project at school(normally we had to pay for our own feild trips,ahaha),must be a rich school..!so dont get yah hopes up!,,good luck anyway bro!..and if it follows through,upload some pictures,cos you would be kind alucky they did that for u! :),would be kool if it worked out as well.
have you contacted NPWS as yet? if so, have they given the go ahead, and said what licencing and permits will be required. id hate to see all the hard work and expense put in to this project only to have NPWS can it over licencing or permits

Not sure what the story is in NSW, but in Vic schools can keep a variety of reptiles on a generic school's licence held by the Dept. of education. All you have to do is download the form off the website and display the form next to any reptiles you keep. The list of what you can keep is pretty restricted though. Good luck with the project, sounds like a great idea if you can get it up and running.
I actually really dont think its a good idea, its pretty hard to make a pit, thats always "locked" and the money you will have to spend on building it and the animals alone, i find it hard to believe the teacher would pay for it all. just my opinion, dont let me stop you, nor the theives already planning to target your school
From reading this i actually dont think you care about the animals, your only doing it for YOU. you said in a previous post your whole school is getting involved and wanting to make it work. I can tell you, theres never been an entire school so keen on one thing. Fishy to me. but then you said that your whole year is helping and your class are "reptile keepers" needless to say, only ten are. and when someone asked you about funding, you said theres pretty much no price or limit. Crock to me. A principal has money to think of, which i find hard to belive hes just letting you spend whatever. I agree with mclouglin here. too SUSS
Hmm, I'm not sure NPWS is going to allow this - It will boil down to whether or not schools are classed as commercial property in Sydney, I suspect...

After saying that - If you do get the go ahead, I would strongly recommend that you speak to the zoo - They will have a very good idea of the level of security required to keep people out of enclosures and also a lot of knowledge about what species can be safely / easily kept together.

Just an aside - Who is planning on coming into the school on Saturday and Sunday every week for the entire duration of this project to check on and feed the animals?
From reading this i actually dont think you care about the animals, your only doing it for YOU. you said in a previous post your whole school is getting involved and wanting to make it work. I can tell you, theres never been an entire school so keen on one thing. Fishy to me. but then you said that your whole year is helping and your class are "reptile keepers" needless to say, only ten are. and when someone asked you about funding, you said theres pretty much no price or limit. Crock to me. A principal has money to think of, which i find hard to belive hes just letting you spend whatever. I agree with mclouglin here. too SUSS

so right!! couldnt agree more!! i really whanted to say its a BS story befor,but i didnt whant to offend...load of cr a p story :) ....
I have sold pythons to schools in Victoria.

To my knowledge they were all housed indoors.
why dont you just create a nice enviroment in your school so the reptiles that inhabit the area will be inclined to hang around..that way no permit required and reptiles are free to come and go as they please ..spend the money on a good camera set up so you can vid tape your encounters...that way everyone can be involved and your not branded as 'king of the reptile castle'
I agree with RBB there too.. i cant see you going in on weekends to look after the reps(even though you will jump in saying you will) so you should create an environment to attract reps into your school and take pics like RBB said. thats a true herper.
we had a similar thing when i was still at school. eastern bluies, eastern beardies and ewd where what they put in there. they were awsome pits too.The ewd pit was an avairy about 15m by 5m and 2.5 high and the bluies and beardies were in a 10by10 pit in the middle of a class room block with a thigh high wall really good pits and nun of them had problems with rubbish or outside feeding.
no offence but i think thats a stupid idea people will just treat them like ****.
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