Sick little Childrens Python

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user 41856

Active Member
Aug 16, 2015
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I woke to find my female Childrens Python upside down in her hide, I got her out to see if I could feel any folicles growing eggs. I couldn't feel anything, so after handling her for a while I found she would open her mouth wide like a yawn. I took the opportunity to chek inside her mouth and all looked healthy, she continued to open her mount on average once every minute. I took her to an emergency vet because this was over the long weekend and they thought she was a healty Python, that was an expensive exercise for no real help.

On Tuesday this week, I took her to see a Vet that handles Exotics. She said that she was concerned about some puffyness in the lower section of her body, she is a little overweight but not badly and she has always had good body condition. The vet mentioned that the puffyness could be a result of an infection causing her to retain fluid and can cause issues with her heart valves, she put her on a course of Antibiotics. I am now giving injections every 72 hours for 2 months.

My question is: Has anyone had something like this happen to their Anterasia's
I woke to find my female Childrens Python upside down in her hide, I got her out to see if I could feel any folicles growing eggs. I couldn't feel anything, so after handling her for a while I found she would open her mouth wide like a yawn. I took the opportunity to chek inside her mouth and all looked healthy, she continued to open her mount on average once every minute. I took her to an emergency vet because this was over the long weekend and they thought she was a healty Python, that was an expensive exercise for no real help.

On Tuesday this week, I took her to see a Vet that handles Exotics. She said that she was concerned about some puffyness in the lower section of her body, she is a little overweight but not badly and she has always had good body condition. The vet mentioned that the puffyness could be a result of an infection causing her to retain fluid and can cause issues with her heart valves, she put her on a course of Antibiotics. I am now giving injections every 72 hours for 2 months.

My question is: Has anyone had something like this happen to their Anterasia's
When they look like there yawning too much it’s lack of oxygen(possible) she may have compaction ? Over fed(over time)Temperatures? Eaten something that is off? Dehydration That’s the best I can think of .man I hope everything goes well I have a childrens too I truly hope everything goes well.

Oh I just read your in the injections phase thoughts are with you and the childrens python good luck speedy recovery I love Anterisia they are tough .
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When they look like there yawning too much it’s lack of oxygen(possible) she may have compaction ? Over fed(over time)Temperatures? Eaten something that is off? Dehydration That’s the best I can think of .man I hope everything goes well I have a childrens too I truly hope everything goes well.

Oh I just read your in the injections phase thoughts are with you and the childrens python good luck speedy recovery I love Anterisia they are tough .
I have come to understand that she has a Respitory Infection, the Antibiotics seem to be working but I have many more weeks of injections. You are correct that she is sucking in air, when she yawns she makes a crackeling sound otherwise she is silent and why I didn't suspect it in the first place. I looked at her enclosure and couldn't find anything at first but found the heat mat has a warm spot and the rest isn't getting as warm. I have fitted a basking globe which heats the enclosure to 29c to 31c throughout and with luck I have fixed the cause. I have a new heat mat and will be fitting it over the weekend.

I love my Anterisia's too and they are pretty hardy, I have 4 of them 2 x Childrens and 2 x Stimson Pythons. They are the most laid back of all my Pythons, just wonderful animals.

Just an update to my Sick Childrens Python Olly. She has just about over an RSI but it seems there is an underlying issue. Her heart has been attacked by a Bacterial bug, she now has a heart murmur and is now on a different Antibiotic, fortunately it is Orally administered. This is not good, and she could die, we are hoping the new Antibiotics will help extend her life expectancy. Apart from this, she is not eating and is losing weight so today I force fed her to give her at lease some protein and hopefully get her feeding again. After two days on the new Antibiotic, she seems a little more active, but it is a bit of touch and go. This bacteria normally attacks Dogs and Cats so it is rare for a Snake to get it. The vet said this is the second animal she has treated for this bacteria and so far that animal is still going. All my Snakes live is separate enclosures so there is no danger of the others getting it as long as I keep the quarantine by washing my hands after handling each Python. Remember to wash your hands often when handling your animals.