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Not so new Member
Jul 23, 2008
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Hey all, introducing myself ... chick from Vic who is now in luuuuuuurve with snakes. The dogs will get jealous if I keep getting more of them but you really cant stop at one :lol:

Here are the girls

5 foot Water Python, 3yo



just over 6 foot Coastal Carpet who is my big puppy dog! She's a little unfit so we've put her on a diet and exercise regime :p 5 years old

and last but not least my new little man, also a coastal carpet. Dont have a name for him yet! A little zappy but not too bad considering he's been here not even a week. He's 18 months old and seriously tiny, as well as having those googly eyes!

(sorry photos taken with my phone so theyre not as clean on colour)
what sort of phone do you have??
lol, those pics are as good as my camera does.
love the snakes. i need more.
Welcome to aps Nekhbet!!
Your scaley friends are gorgeous!
I just bought the cheap old Sony Ericsson 750 which was $200 with a pre-paid card in it. Best phone EVER! well except that astroturf turns out like its nuclear waste green :p

yeah my new little on is special alright but a pathetic biter. He got me last night but didnt leave a scratch HA did I mock him. He relaxes then suddenly goes into super ninja mode and tries to stare you down *sigh* so I've called him Reducto after the character from Harvey Birdman ... out of proportion, and a paranoid little freakazoid hehehe He is beautiful when you stretch him out almost leopard like pattern, have to get another photo of me holding him
tehyre great fro fone pics!

beautiful babies i'd love a water python, welcome to aps! :)
Oh wow, that little fella is just gorgeous!
Just out of curiousity, how do you get a snake to excersize? I have hilarious mental images of tredmills :lol: :lol:, but seriously, I'm interested to know.
hehe actually I do have an animal treadmilll ROFL

she has never had branches before and curiosity got the better of her... after falling off a couple of times she's got the hang of it and now actually spends time , well, 'perching' for lack of a better word.
She gets pulled out of her enclosure every day and spends time slithering around and exploring, not too much but to keep her moving as she just sits like a lump in her cabinet. I reckon if I didnt make her she would just not move for days, out of habit.
Nothing wrong with those pics! Welcome to AP&S. Really nice snakes you have there too!
Hey there
Welcome to APS! I love the look of your snakes. Especially your new boy :D I also want to see how you exercise your female coastal :lol::rolleyes:

Hope you enjoy your time here, and learn heaps (and share any info that you know as well :)).


p.s. love the nuclear waste green astroturf :lol::lol:
You're water python is a stunner!!!

Welcome to APS!
wow in the last few years the amount of reptiles being kept as pets has amazed me and also now theres more and more girls getting in to reptiles good on you i have to say reptiles are more beautiful than most people think but u only notice this when you first see, touch and hold a snake for the first time and also 1 question how long have u had the snakes 4???
The water python about 7 months, the large coastal about 2 months and the weeny boy only a week!

I always go for something difficult first :p

They are lovely animals, and despite what some people tell me they DO have a personality
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