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I am not sure exactly how many geckos you would like to have on display or where you could get more than 26 different species on display at one time other than at a very good keepers place! I organized the gecko display and there were 26 different species on display. Two were exceptionally rare in general circles namely the granite belt thick tail which I believe VERY few people had seen before, plus the fringe toed gecko. It is interesting that you did say however that you got good information on how to look after geckos.

Surely that is an indication of the level of commitement of the people who were there giving their time freely to add to the hobby rather than be critical of what was an exceptional effort on many peoples part. It is Thursday night and the clean up is still not finished as I have just come home from it and many were there from Monday setting up to make it happen. I suspect very few are aware of the amount of planning and effort that happens behind the scenes ALL on a voluntary basis.

Perhaps you can offer some constructive comments about how it could be enhanced for the next expo or perhaps where we could source a "better" supply of geckos with more variety?

I understand how much planing goes in to an expo, but there is always room for imporvement. I would have liked to see the geckos in the displays have the breeders name on the cages making it easier to source hatchies. Stalls should be set up and ready to go by opening time not set up during the day. Maybe a leaflet explaining where and when demos are. These are just a few things that could be corrected for next yr. Would be nice if more interstate breeders could get there but the bullshit regs dont allow for it. I need all the help i can get when it comes to geckos feathers.
I think there should be a thread outside this one asking people how can we make it better, and just read what people put down. There is no need to justify anything that people post, it might help for future expos for the organisers.
I loved the geckos set up, about 1/3 of my pics from the day were of geckos. Was great seeing the fringe toed (there's a good article in the current Reptiles Aus mag about these) & the different leaf tailed. However I'm a sucker for a golden tail, & spiny tailed, & now I'm convinced (read, trying to convince my wife) that I, I mean, we need to get some amyae.
The cost of the venue is 10K plus, the costs of the stalls reflect that.
Hi guys,

What would you like to see at next years expo, that wasn't at this years?

Things set-up on time would be my only criticism. Even though I immensely enjoyed this years expo, I was disappointed to see there was barely a couple of animals on display when the gates opened on Friday morning (well except for the sellers tables!). Maybe everyone in the crew could get there an hour earlier next time :)
Things set-up on time would be my only criticism. Even though I immensely enjoyed this years expo, I was disappointed to see there was barely a couple of animals on display when the gates opened on Friday morning (well except for the sellers tables!). Maybe everyone in the crew could get there an hour earlier next time :)

We actually didnt go home thursday night....or get any sleep...
The logistics behind getting the expo setup is huge.Anyone who actually sees the amount of work that goes into its preparation understands what a huge task it really is.There are a heap of volunteers that spend the entire week running up to the expo working busily all day into into the night getting it all together.I for one appreciate all the effort that these guys and girls put into it.
+1 Rams, after seeing the effort a lot of people put in behind the scenes, I have a new appreciation for events like this.

I guess a lot of that is easily forgotten when people just want to pay their entry & enjoy the show, that's just human nature I guess.

The Wild Expo team should be proud of what was achieved, & I'm sure they'll take all criticisms on board to help make it even better next year.
i have been a member of clubs that have held big events, but if things were not setup/animals not on display when the show opened on friday, then what do u expect from people that have spent money to get into the expo. As a person that has paid to get into any event ive been to, if things arent ready when i get there after official opening time then expect me to be honest about it. I didnt go friday but went saturday and sunday, about the only gripe i had was it was so hard to actually get up close to see what people had for sale, especially those that were in the corners when your trying to navigate with kids(1 in a pram). I will be at the next years regardless.

my 5 cents
What I did noticed about this expo in comparison to other expos, people were handling their critters alot more freely then other expos which is great. Other expos I thought it was a 'no no' to get reptiles out of the cage and handle them due to hygiene reasons? Just curious... The other thing was I seen Snake Ranch there selling reptiles under its banner, again, I didn't think that was allowed at other expos? again though, I think it was great!
i liked all that i saw and the ppl i spoke to on the fri...... as a suggestion for next year.....would it be possible source someone to show/sell rodent tubs/racks setups??? as well as auto watering systems??? maybe even have a couple of different homemade tubs/racks to show ppl???....just an idea as it seems to be a natural progression to start breeding your own food as collections get bigger...... what do you think????
i have been a member of clubs that have held big events, but if things were not setup/animals not on display when the show opened on friday, then what do u expect from people that have spent money to get into the expo. As a person that has paid to get into any event ive been to, if things arent ready when i get there after official opening time then expect me to be honest about it. I didnt go friday but went saturday and sunday, about the only gripe i had was it was so hard to actually get up close to see what people had for sale, especially those that were in the corners when your trying to navigate with kids(1 in a pram). I will be at the next years regardless.

my 5 cents

I understand where you are coming from.Being the first expo in a totally new venue no doubt had its teething problems.As a seller there we went out and setup most of our stuff minus the animals on Thursday night.We were up and running around an hour before the doors opened each day and from what I saw so were a lot of others.Having said that I didnt get the chance to have a walk around.

What exactly wasnt ready at opening time.
Yeah i did notice there wasn't much in the way of rodent accesseries! I wanted a rodent watering bottle and couldn't get one. Ahh big deal. I would like to see rodent racks.
mark.... a lot of the big displays either werent ready...didnt have animals in them...werent tagged so you knew what animals were in them,if there were any in them.... i think a couple of them were still being built when i walked in at 10 on fri... i think that was the biggest thing i saw..also a couple of stalls were empty..just had a few pamphletts and/or business cards on the tables.. maybe they didnt get there in time?? or were not getting there till fri night/sat morn.
mark.... a lot of the big displays either werent ready...didnt have animals in them...werent tagged so you knew what animals were in them,if there were any in them.... i think a couple of them were still being built when i walked in at 10 on fri... i think that was the biggest thing i saw..also a couple of stalls were empty..just had a few pamphletts and/or business cards on the tables.. maybe they didnt get there in time?? or were not getting there till fri night/sat morn.

Yeah possibly,Maybe they were thats another entirely different logistical nightmare lol
I think alot of good suggestions have arisen in this thread, and am sure that where possible, changes will be implemented for future expo's, off the back of some of the input in this thread.

That being said, at previous events, Wild Expo, had organised for a variety of food stalls, though unfortunately, this time the venue dictated a standing catering contract. So for all the gripes about the food and beverages, I would like to know how it compared to other events in the Olympic Park venues, Boat shows, Easter show, concerts at Acer Arena and such, even football games.... as its all the same catering company from what I understand. Yes, the catering wasnt up to scratch with previous years, but are we being a bit precious.... Im a local, and attend alot of events in the Olympic Park, and never once has someone asked how a footy game was, or a concert, or the Easter show, and my response has been " the food was average at best, and they charged me an arm and a leg for a warm beer in a plastic cup", more likely than not, it was the furthest from my mind, and the event I attended was the focus of my reply.
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