Yay! Finally Got My First Snake!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2012
Reaction score
Ellalong, NSW
So, after months and months of research and looking for the right snake, I finally brought him home yesterday! I'm sure everyone here knows just how exciting that is..

There was actually a bit of chaos trying to get him here. To get here from the breeder, he had to take two flights. For whatever reason (I still don't know what that reason was) he didn't make it on the second flight, and so had to spend the night at the airport. He ended up being in transit for about 25 hours, and being a nub when it comes to snakes, I was absolutely freaking out thinking he was going to die without heating and water for a day.

But when they finally brought out his little container and I looked in, desperately hoping to see movement, he flicked his little tongue out haha and the relief! I've never felt relief like that.

So he's here, and settling into his temporary tub.. and I suppose I should actually tell y'all what he actually is! He's a 9 month old Cape York carpet python, and I may be biased, but I think he's THE most gorgeous baby snake I've ever seen. I've decided to call him Floyd, the reason being I was listening to a Pink Floyd song when my wildlife licence came back approved.

I did get tagged once last night. I'd held him a little, to warm him up from the cold flight, and he was SO placid. Then I put him in his tub to let him settle in. After a while, I wanted to just make sure all was well, with the temperature etc, so I opened the lid.. And funnily enough, he was sitting right on top of the thermometer. I waited a while, but he just did not want to budge, must be the most comfortable thermometer in the world! So I tried to move him a little, and BAM lol drew a couple of drops of blood even through my sleeve, which was a little surprise.

Anyway, I haven't managed to really get pics of him yet, I did try, but he just did not want to stop moving! So I only have a couple of questionable quality to show you for now (assuming I can work out how to attach photos on here... :rolleyes: )

Oh, I do actually have a question for any of you that have made it this far through my rapidly expanding post... Floyd hasn't been fed in about a week, because the breeder didn't want him to defecate in his freight baggy (understandable lol). But I've also heard you shouldn't feed your new lil fella right away, let him settle in a bit first. So when do you guys recommend I offer him his first meal?


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You aren't biased, you're honest...Stunning! Honest that's so pretty. I fed my carpet a week after i got her home.
Congrats on the hunny, what a stunning little snake. I cannot believe the fact that your luggage (the little yorkie) was not moved on with your flights as well! disgusting. I always feel anxious when they travel, as I'm sure everyone else is too. I'd leave the little monster to quietly settle in for a week too and then maybe offer some tucker.
Enjoy your new baby :) and def post more pics :)
I always offer a feed straight away and only one of my snakes has ever refused it
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