Murray Darling hatchling not eating, HELP!!

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Just a thermometer. The heat light comes on for 2hrs at a time then 1 hr off.

it may be getting over heated.... u should consider taking it off the timer and putting it on a thermostat and see if that makes a difference.... I have been told that it is easy to kill a snake with too much heat......
oh bugger, don't want that!! Can i have a thermostat in a click clack? I thought I'd need a heaps better set up for that.
oh bugger, don't want that!! Can i have a thermostat in a click clack? I thought I'd need a heaps bett er set up for that.

Yes u can all u need to do is drill a hole big enough for the probe end to stick in the top of the click clack lid....See as per photos below....
If you have had her for two months and she hasn't shed I would be guessing she would be due and with ours the eyes were only milky for two days ,after that they looked normal again but still didn't shed for five days.But I would also be using a thermostat instead of a timer.
mayb try putting your click clack on a heat mat they provide much better warmth for your little snake then from an over head light you can also put half your container on the mat making a gradient , i wouldnt worry about a thermostat just use low wattage heat sources like a little mat or cord and with a bit of adjusting on your timer you will get the right temp for your python, all my animals are on timers and do fine the only time ive had trouble was when a $150 thermostat malfunctioned and nearly cooked all my hatchlings ive nver seen or heard of a $4 timer malfunctioning when set up correctly.
Shes still in a click clack, daytime temps in hot end 32-34, nighttime there is no additional heat, my upstairs is warm anyway(24-28) at night.

Firstly you top end temp is a little high!and the fact that the temp is dropping
so dramaticly will be the primary cause of the snake going off its food.
Hatchies should be provided with heat 24/7 and at 30-32dg in this case.

Fix up the heat issue, leave it alone for the next week apart from water/cleaning
and then offer a feed!
You will more than likely find that it will take it.

The single biggest problem with hatchies is Keepers!
I have a box full of cheap timers here that did malfunction!
The best way to control a heat sorce is to use a "Good Quality Thermostat"
as it is designed to keep the heat at a even stable temp.
I am ony a newbie to all this but I am inclined to agree that a thermostat is the go. We got a heat pad and connected a separate thermostat to control the heat pad. The thermostat's probe should go on the heat pad so it regulates that Then we got a thermometer with a probe that you can move to different loations in the click clack to make sure the temperature is right. The clicl clack sits on the heat pad....just one half of the bottom so that we are creating a hot end and a cool end. We put the water dish in the cool end and a hide in the middle. Something we also did to help the heat come inot the click clack was to get a small ceramic tile and put it on the bottom in the warm end. This way the heat somes inot the tile and it helps the transfer of warmth into the click clack. There is the posting on this site on how to set up a click clack that will give you all this info of how to set everything up. It is what hubby and I read and set up exactly as the instructions describe and things are going really well for us so far with our little jungle (fingers crossed)

Good luck

Thanks all for your input. I'll be going out today for a thermostat. Hopefully that gets her eating again.
She finally ate last night!! Thanks all for your input. It surely was the temp was too up n down.
My 2 Coastals had a similar thing.Not withstanding that the animal may be in shed,i found that as i increased the size of the food item, according to theyr own size,- they seemed apprehensive at the size of the food.
Ive found whenevr i change their enviroment, even something small, they go all shy agaion.I havent had baby snakes before though,im still learning all about their fickle crazy little habits.
If all else fails put her in a small container with a fresh mouse, after you have smeared a brained mouse all over the inside of the container
The single biggest problem with hatchies is Keepers!

Great advice!

I have a jungle that has been in a two foot tank with a heat light for quite a few months now and has been a very slow feeder. I recently took the heat light out and put a heat mat underneath instead and he is eating like a machine now. (given that its winter too, he should have gone off his food even more)

Sometimes the most simple things can make everything go wrong.
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