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Very Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2012
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Port Macquarie NSW
Hi Guys and Gals, Had our big girl out in the sun for a while today and a teenage girl was walking past and asked was it ok to approach her, she was telling me that she wanted a young python as a pet but her mother was terrified of them, i told her to bring her mother around if she liked and she could see how gentle our girl is, I did not think much about it as the day faded and then this afternoon the young girl was back with her mum and dad. To cut a long story short by the time they left about 1h15m later the mother was free handling our girl with little or no supervision, the father was ok, he loved snakes, All the old myths were dispelled like "snakes are slimy" and "snakes can stand up on their tails and hypnotize you" and "the first thing they try and do is strangle you" as they were getting in the car to my surprise the mother called out and asked "when we get our snake can you us with a setup for it and advise on food and such" they have decided on 1 of the "Ants" as their first snake, i told them to do a heap of research on the net and get themselves down to the pet shop and try and get hold of a 3rd or 4th edition of keeping Aus Reptiles by Mike Swan then come back and see me and i will put them onto a couple of good local breeders.

So how many others have had the opportunity to use your Rep as an aid to Therapy to help people with a fear of snakes ?? :) ......................Ron
Breaking stereotypes and helping people overcome unnecessary fears of reptiles is almost as rewording as waking up in the morning to see freshly hatched new faces. I have a Ball Python and a Leopard gecko that I let people handle. My ball python is the most placid easy going reptile I have ever encountered. I feel comfortable letting children handle her. Over the years ive helped quite a few people get over there fears. every person who has handled my ball python has gotten over there fear or at least got it to a manageable level. As soon as I plop my Ball Python into peoples hands I look into there eyes and can almost see there fears disappear. I feel its our duty as a community to help break these negative stereotypes.
Nice. I have broken down some walls with friends. Now they actually come over with reps here. Unfortunately EVERYONE I know hates them. A few of the neighbours have seen my yearling. I cant wait till they get bigger. And visible from the front yard lol.
. I feel comfortable letting children handle her. Over the years ive helped quite a few people get over there fears. every person who has handled my ball python has gotten over there fear or at least got it to a manageable level. As soon as I plop my Ball Python into peoples hands I look into there eyes and can almost see there fears disappear. I feel its our duty as a community to help break these negative stereotypes.

You said it quite how I would have
And visible from the front yard lol.

I can just imagine the neighbours... "you're a grown man, what are you doing playing with worms in the front yard? ... OH MY GOD SNAKE!!! KILLITKILLITKILLIT BEFORE WE ALL DIE!!!"
I'm guessing you're American or British cause we can't get cool reptiles like that. This is for caliherp
Onya Ron!

Shredding that ignorance person by person :) It's amazing the turn around some do, from hating snakes and believing all the myths to becomming a loving snake owner.
i had mine out on front lawn enjoying some sun then i got abused by a lady walking past for letting my daughter hold it and that i was an unfit parent to allow her do do such a dangerous thing lol i said how many kids get attacked by ya family pet dog.... yeah i thought so, keep walking woman!! lol i did ask if she wanted to come closer and meet fluffy but she was an idiot lol

so many of my friends on fb think all snakes will KILL you its crazy i have converted quite alot of people with fears of snakes who end up owning them :)

EDUCATION is the key :) i say teach young children about our flora and fauna as a compulsory module to cover in our schools because really how else are they going to learn unless they know people like us :)
It's amazing how many people in Australia are so scared of snake and think they're slimy and creepy . Australia has the most snakes in the world haha. I always try and teach them more about these beautiful creatures.
haha like cathy1986, I have one friend that likes snakes, all my other friends ring me when there's a snake in the yard or house and ask me to come and remove it or they'll kill it, of course they all know that I think it's very wrong to kill any snake venomous or not, so of course I go and remove them...the last one I had to remove was a Red Belly Black, young fella maybe two or three, it must have just shed and it was the most vibrant red belly I've seen, it was gorgeous, pretty quite too, really wanted to keep it friends wont come in the house unless Di Vinci is away in his enclosure :/
and Ron you mentioned therapy, I have had Di Vinci for a little over six years, I have a mental illness and Di Vinci has helped me improve my relaxing techniques to the point that I no longer go mental when my mind is going overtime.. so I think they can help in many ways :D
Studies have shown that having a pet, any kind, makes you feel more relaxed and less anxious. Its a great feeling when you help someone overcome their fears about snakes.
Studies have shown that having a pet, any kind, makes you feel more relaxed and less anxious. Its a great feeling when you help someone overcome their fears about snakes.
haha I've five Malamutes, they don't help with relaxing hahahaha:D Thank god I have Da Vinci:D
Do it all the time .Got a tribe of neighbourhood kids and their parents here getting photos of the snakes from the Spotted right up to the Scrub .Should start charging admission I think lol . Had a kiwi over one day deathly scared of snakes .By the time he left he was getting his picture taken holding the Spotted .Yeah wasn't too keen to get too close to Scrubby though .Can't imagine why .
That's a lovely story :D I've had a few people become interested in getting one but none of those people have done so yet. They're not afraid it's mainly their parents that aren't keen on the idea. i'd love to one day be able to convert someone though haha.
My friend was the first to get a snake and after handling hers I decided I wanted one.
My reptiles acted as a form of therapy to me. But in the sense of dispelling stereotypes and correcting misinformed ides, they helped a lot of friends and family members and even my teacher. I had this one lovely teacher back in primary school who was petrified of reptiles, so I let her hold my bredli and ten minutes later she was calling him "the cutest little thing" :lol:
I was terribly afraid of snakes. My house mate got a Stimson's and he escaped out of his tank and I refused to come home until it was found.
All it took was a few big deep breaths and the courage to go through with holding a snake. An hour later I was perfectly calm and worried about it's well being rather than my own. It helps also when your "friends" are not thrusting a snake into your hands. Being kind and explaining everything before offering a snake to someone to hold makes a huge difference. Education is key.
A year later I took the plunge and got myself a jungle and a caramel coastal.
Iv had Vet student come bye and just get a feel for working with reptiles as they are just thrown into the deep end during their course... its usually a matter of hours from a change of 'kill it' to 'i want to take it home!'. I also assist in Ven Handling courses and its very rewarding having a student keeping 10 meters away from a tiny Stimmy to readily being able to bag a flighty brown in the same day... The transformation is amazing.
best ones are blind people
they are often over protected by their carers
but they are also extremely tactile
so the feeling of a snake, also tactile, simply blows them away

kids with adsd or whatever its called calm down almost immediately too
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