I can't get her off!

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phone a friend for help? stretch her out? make her uncomfortable? also clutching at straws, never encountered this before, i've had snakes wrapped around me but have always been able to get them off.

What about giving her something else to wrap around as soon as you get a section off...?
FINALLY got her off! I just kept moving and trying to look all big and imposing until she started freaking out, then she grapped onto her light cage and wrapped around it from there. Now how to get her off that now so I can feed her...
I've been trying that but with only one hand at an awkward angle she just rewraps!

With the (hand of the) arm she is wrapped around, you need to get hold of her neck behind the head (enough not to hurt her, but so she can't squirm out either). Then with your free arm you gently unwrap starting with the tail. I've had to do this many times in the past (my family wouldn't go near snakes, let alone assist me unwrap one that had latched onto me) and it worked every time, though it's been a long time since I've needed to do it.
Skip the feed, I'm sure she is a little stressed as well. Maybe feed tomorrow or in the morning.

I leave at 6 tomorrow and I'm not back until Saturday - I don't wanna feed her Saturday cause that'll only give her a day to digest before I have to stress her out with another injection AGAIN.
That's how she latched on in the first place! She REALLY hates me holding her behind her head.

Oh they don't like it but gee, I was not going to sit there all night in the hope they might just decide to crawl off of their own accord. Glad it's worked out for you anyhow.
I didn't wanna stress her out again by grabbing her, AGAIN. She hates the needles enough my poor darling. Though not sure how much of a darling she is after I just sat there for 50 minutes.
She didn't seem to want to, though! Just chilled. Just grabbed on and....chilled. I think the injections put her out a little bit, maybe? And she's cranky cause she's coming up to shed.

She may have just been hungry - she fell off her cage (of course), and was looking like she wanted to strike when I was feeding the little one in the cage over - offered her a rat and she pretty much guzzled it instantly (there was a constriction of like ....2 seconds).
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I've got to say that I would not be attempting injections solo, for the very reason of what's happened to you tonight. Is there someone who can assist you with this in the future ?
I might have to! Only 3 left - she's not getting any better so I may just call the vet and see if I should make a follow up appointment early. She's never given me an issue before!
I always touch yhe tip of the tail to make them move forwards..

Or start from the head and unwrap. He wont let himself get hurt just to hold on. Obviously dont be to rough.

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Did you run a spell check, or do you just type really well 1 handed with a diamond python cutting off your circulation?

10/10 for a coherent & grammatically correct post in trying circumstances.
do you live alone? get a bit of mouth wash and drop it on his mouth it should make him slither into his hide
I don't know where along the body your vet has recommended you inject her however a good way to do it is to put their head and half the snake in a pillowcase and keep the part you're injecting out. This will hopefully calm her and she won't be able to more around as much and grab onto things. Bigger snakes can be pains but it can be done quiet successfully with one person.
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