Full grown adults - how long between sheds

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Active Member
Feb 5, 2013
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Hi legends,

Some advice. My Stimmie has now been 8 months without a shed. Mind you, about 5 months of that he wasn't feeding because of winter. His previous shed was perfect - one full skin.

Anyway, he's 3 years old and fully-grown. So my question to you more experienced keepers: how long can a full-grown adult python go without a shed? I've read they drop down to maybe only 1-3 sheds per year once they stop growing in size. Is that your experience?
My Stimmie has done basically the same thing, he is nearly 3 too. Last ate 1/5/13 and didn't shed since about a month before that. He finally shed 3 days ago, and ate the next day. I was starting to get stressed about it, but as long as your husbandry is correct they'll do it in their own time.
I don't get this full grown comment? and only at 3years? 3 years and they are finally classed as an adult and more then ready to start breeding but I dought its fully grown.
adults will tend to go off eating during the cooler months but if you want them not to be cooled then don't turn there heat off, keep it at 32 - 34 degs during the day and drop temps at night. maybe he is just to cold to eat. what do you feed him? what temp do you have him? and how long for? they will shed when they are eating it will only take a small feed after winter to kick start them into shed mode. what have you done so far?

I'd turn his heat up, try offer it a defrosted food item during the warmest time of the day, maybe even take him outside for some natural sun glow. and keep offering something every couple days. if he doesn't take a defrosted item then try scenting it with chicken or try feeding it a baby quail. small meals for the first few feeds and once a week till his shed and then space the feeds out a week at a time. how often you chose to feed him is your choice.

I feed all mine once a month but they get 2-3feed items each and then I get a shed all at the same time every 3 months.
I don't get this full grown comment? and only at 3years? 3 years and they are finally classed as an adult and more then ready to start breeding but I dought its fully grown.
adults will tend to go off eating during the cooler months but if you want them not to be cooled then don't turn there heat off, keep it at 32 - 34 degs during the day and drop temps at night. maybe he is just to cold to eat. what do you feed him? what temp do you have him? and how long for? they will shed when they are eating it will only take a small feed after winter to kick start them into shed mode. what have you done so far?

I'd turn his heat up, try offer it a defrosted food item during the warmest time of the day, maybe even take him outside for some natural sun glow. and keep offering something every couple days. if he doesn't take a defrosted item then try scenting it with chicken or try feeding it a baby quail. small meals for the first few feeds and once a week till his shed and then space the feeds out a week at a time. how often you chose to feed him is your choice.

I feed all mine once a month but they get 2-3feed items each and then I get a shed all at the same time every 3 months.


Thanks heaps for the feedback. He is 95cm and fairly close to full size for an Alice Springs Stimson's. He went of his tucker in March, even while temps were up. And I maintained the same temps right through winter (mid 30's hot end). This is not unusual for Antaresia species - at least that's what I've been told. He has been back on the food since August. This issue is not with feeding. He is going gang-busters on the food.

The question is how often should a fully-grown python typically shed? As opposed to a growing animal. Is it annually? Twice yearly?
maybe have a listen to reptile radios episode about Antaresia its a good couple hours. on facebook or look up there website
I was under the impression that snakes never fully stop growing. The growth just slows considerably until they only shed once or twice a year. ?????
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