HELP fight back against the attack on reptile keeping in Qld

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Almost Legendary
Mar 29, 2006
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The Qld government has proposed new laws that will have a severe negative impact on keepers of native wildlife (reptiles, many birds and invertebrates). It is important that you share this with as many people as you can and also help by

Completing the survey

Sign the petition

Making a submission

Contacting the Minister for Environment and the Great Barrier Reef, Minister for Science, and Minister for the Arts and your local member.

This is a link to an overview of the changes and how to lodge a submission. It also includes a survey. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 29 June 2018

Details, including proposed prohibited species

Here are the details for the relevant minister, also contact your local representative. This is very important.
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Good work with this Cris, lets hope you can get some people to actually get involved. Can you find out if submissions will be accepted and considered by non residents of Queensland, for those of us who are interstate and want to contribute?? I emailed DES yesterday on this so they could very well come back to me in the next few days but as Jamie quite rightly points out, the deadline for submissions is very short.

Mark Hawker
I believe there is a meeting this weekend about this, but most of the calls to action have been on Fb... I'm sure you can track it down there...

This seems like a hard battle, some of the new changes are good too. As I understand, it should allow all legal reptiles to be traded in petshops. Having online records makes sense. I was not familiar with the old bird species list, but they are supposed to be getting more species added. I have only read about half of it so far, they seem to have everything narrowed down to a number of options.

Banning perenties and a few other species that are not commonly kept is probably not going to bother many people. According to their figures only 5% of wildlife licence holders will need the most expensive licence.
Banning the keeping of Perenties makes no sense, and it will bother those who have them now. It is bureaucratic overkill and just because you don't think it will "bother" many people cris, is no reason to sit back and let it happen. These apparently arbitary imposts on keepers need to be justified. If it's a safety issue, for example, a large Lacie is just as dangerous as a Perentie. No government department should make any decision that cannot be justified objectively, as a matter of principle. Perenties represent a big investment in time and money to buy, and over the years, raise and house. There is NO justification for them to be arbitarily banned at the stroke of an ignorant bureaucratic pen.

You know if the yanks got hold of our perenti’s there’s nothing left they need or haven’t got.

I don’t see the new regs as price hikes on the standard licence. Maybe they are underfunded to preform inspections ect.
You know if the yanks got hold of our perenti’s there’s nothing left they need or haven’t got.

I don’t see the new regs as price hikes on the standard licence. Maybe they are underfunded to preform inspections ect.

What have the Yanks got to do with this?

Banning the keeping of Perenties makes no sense, and it will bother those who have them now. It is bureaucratic overkill and just because you don't think it will "bother" many people cris, is no reason to sit back and let it happen. These apparently arbitary imposts on keepers need to be justified. If it's a safety issue, for example, a large Lacie is just as dangerous as a Perentie. No government department should make any decision that cannot be justified objectively, as a matter of principle. Perenties represent a big investment in time and money to buy, and over the years, raise and house. There is NO justification for them to be arbitarily banned at the stroke of an ignorant bureaucratic pen.


Yeah, I plan to write a detailed submission, even though I doubt they will read it. I spent lots of time trying to have some postive influence on the recent vegetation laws, but they simply didn't care about me or even large well funded lobby groups. My local member is a Green, they probably have a policy to tax white people for breathing, SFA chance they care about me keeping a perentie.
You might find a few animal libbers amongst the Greens, and they might be very unhappy about any fauna in captivity...


Yeah, I have avoided making a meeting with them to discuss vegetation, firearm and wildlife laws. Despite the fact I have forgotten more than they know about conservation in the time it takes to drink a carton of beer lol. I have no respect for watermelons and don't want an assault charge on my record.
What have the Yanks got to do with this?


They have rights, liberties and freedom, we do not have much of that going on here...
I find it disgusting that after keeping an animal for however many years, we are now told they are a different class and care level and will require a higher cost for no reason. I could understand them implementing such a process if they actually did household checks and any research work on the history of those keeping licences (criminal or otherwise), actively monitoring the population requires funds, this is just going to have people breed and trade illegally in higher quantities. They are punishing those who do the right thing and are registered, not the problems of black market import and improper housing and care. Not to mention limiting people now to 5 animals, I am only a basic keeper but have 4 animals myself, apparently one of which will now be a Class 2 for no reason, I want to know how they researched what will be classed as a 'specialist' reptile because the blanket approach they have taken is far from accurate!

I feel for everyone on here with an extensive collection, this is all going to hurt you the hardest.
I think if they want to compete with other states they should have SA style laws for native wildlife in captivity and similar to Tasmania for wildife harvest.
Jamie is 100% right with his comment about being defeatist. Everybody knows that the proposed new regulations need further tweeking and that there are certain proposals within the framework review that are ok and quite a few that are draconian and unfair. Yet, I fear that this will all get too hard for too many people or others will have the "it doesn't really affect me so I'LL be alright" attitude and as a result everybody will sit back and do nothing and just whinge. I hate to say it, but do nothing and you get what you deserve. There should be a huge effort to drum up as many QLD keepers and other interested and affected parties as possible to make sure your voices are heard. I don't even live in QLD and I have already contacted DES and asked if I can do a submission and if I can will it actually be considered. At least DES respond to my inquiries, which is more than I can say for NPWS. I have been invited to make a submission by DES and assured that it will be considered as part of the review process. I think if there are people out here that are putting their hands up to fight for your rights in QLD that are not even QLDers then the least those of you that are living in QLD can do is make sure you have a voice in this process too. Don't sit back and do nothing. Have your say.

Mark Hawker
This needs a concerted effort by as many people as possible,you can beat these boofocrats by going straight to the minister.
We had the NSW minister back off when 1,000's of people emailed him complaining about the over the top restrictions proposed trying to make pet keepers have to follow pet shop rules and regs.Check out Pet Owners R NOT Pet Shops on face book for some ideas
Since spiders are being added to the licensing system does this mean you will need a permit to catch a daddy long leg? lol or is it only tarantulas? on a serious note i keep a couple of boigas which will be class 2 i believe? What a joke!! they are just as easy to keep as pythons, are not dangerous and least concern so i have no idea why they would be class 2.
What is our unified message? I for one oppose than ban on perenties and thorny devils, that might have some support?

I also want every least concern mammal added to class 1 and every other mammal on class 2. Collection permits based on sustainability with any valid proposal a $1000 fee per property for wild collection of all species. Bag limits similar to fishing rules for harvest of eastern grey kangaroos and various other native animals that are currently shot and left to rot under DMPs or illegal killing. The ability to sell skins and use meat for non commercial purposes under DMPs. The legal ability to move protected species a distance under 500m without a permit when the species is a threat or nuisance to people, property or livestock. Allowing the use of cast nets and spear fishing in freshwater to eliminate turtle by catch.

Plenty of other things to add. Not to sure how many others will be willing to back many of my ideas as they go into more rational and less emotional realms.
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