I think my snake is really sick.

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Obviously i need to elaborate, If you have seen an obstrusted snake before you will see the exact action which is very much an action of stress related to hypoxia. This as seen in the video i have seen in three seperate cases since mid august this year. to elaborate more, symptoms being caudal placidity, generalised lethargy and coiling of the crainial quater of the body in an act to regain some form of airway. this was seen in all three cases. The first the owner decided not to treat and it was humanely euthanised. I performed a free post mortem on the snake for training purposes with other staff and found airsacs filled with fluid. the second was one of very few true emergency reptile cases , and it was obstructed and continued to coil and become more lethargic. Its mouth was cleared and its glotis cleared, in which we then low power suctioned its trachea to clear the airway and was then intubated an given oxygen supplementation. once stable he was kept in an oxygen tank and was very happily cruising around and back to almost full strenght, bloods showed an infection, rads showed plenty of fluid in his airsacs and he was treated aggressively with synergistic antibiotics and nebulisation and this was all due to his friend saying to brumate his snakes at a maximum 15degrees since may. He is currently healing well. the third case was less intense and has responded to the same treatment.
no one on this forum is able to make any form of diagnosis for that snake as no one has seen it. once again as stated above i said it could be anything, it could be bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, it could also be cancer related. But i can assure you i will not be so irresponsible to state on a public forum that a members snake has a virus for that can and will have affects on their reputation especially if they breed. there is to much ambiguity surrounding virus' is snakes, and to jump to a conclusion of a disease that can not be diagnosed and can not be directly treated would not be in the snakes best interest. i can assure you if we had implied that to the three cases mentioned above all three would have euthanased.

I do hope that her snake recovers and i am crossing my fingers that a bad lower RI is all that it is as althoguh still very life threatening it is much better then some of the other possibilities.

regarding the metnioning of brumation you have taken it out of contex, i was answering a seperate question unrelated from saximus on page one. and it is very true most of these guys go into brumation with mild infections and come out half dead. it only takes 2-3 degree below Preffered body temp before their immunesystem is no longer efficient.

But that is enough from me The snake is in good hands/
Hi Everyone,

Thank you for all your kind words and concern. As you all know Monty spend the last 2 days in the care of Deb, she has a minor infection but nothing that should make her lose her balance the way she is. Deb still has no idea what is wrong with her but is doing everything to try and save her.

Monty is home with us now, she still rolls but is able to right herself a lot quicker than she was. She will have more injections on Friday and Monday and spend each of those days with Deb. She will monitor her progress those days and let me know Monday if she thinks Monty will be ok.

I am keeping my fingers crossed, she is such a good snake I would hate to lose her.
I think there are many people here who will be keeping everything crossed for you, your son and Monty. I hope it turns out okay.
Understood Blue, I also thought it looked neurological on first sight but as has been correctly stated a definitive diagnosis cant be made from watching a video and there are a range of differential diagnoses so I can see why you would state that recommending a vet consult is really the most accurate advice that can be given. I can see where you were coming from I just wanted to note that I thought a comment had been somewhat misinterpreted - which is rather easy to do over a forum.

cheers mate

ps. Im glad to hear that Monty seems to be a little more stable now - good luck
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QUOTE=Sinderella;2036191]Hi Everyone,
… Monty is home with us now, she still rolls but is able to right herself a lot quicker than she was. She will have more injections on Friday and Monday and spend each of those days with Deb. She will monitor her progress those days and let me know Monday if she thinks Monty will be ok….[/QUOTE]

Not out of the woods by a long ways yet, but even that measure of improvement gives one heart. Am really glad to hear it, for even if it is only a small step, it is a positive one! Hoping for you and your son that things continues in that direction….

Thanks for the update,

Firstly, I am quite genuine in telling you that I was in no way attempting to belittle or denigrate your experience or knowledge.

As I see the thread, you made a decision on the most likely cause of the snake’s illness (at the same time acknowledging there were other potential causes) and then set about to explain how this could and should be avoided. This opened the door for others to chime in, which, from what remained uncensored, involved criticism and accusations more than help. I was not intending to single you out and your comments were clearly not the worst. I over-stated an alternative scenario to explain the signs primarily in an attempt to de-rail the “this is what you have done” line of comments. I apologise that this may have been seen as undermining your experience or knowledge. My opinion as to the likely cause I really consider as irrelevant. The point I would make is, irrespective of how certain you felt of your diagnosis, neither your information on correct husbandry techniques nor the resultant posts of others, had any positive input on the needs of the OP at that point in time. In fact, they had the direct opposite effect. She felt criticised and further confused, in a time of crisis when she was crying out for help.

I put it to you that providing Sinderella with the help she requested should have been the first priority of anyone responding to the thread. Especially those with access to the information she really req1uired. And a little explanation of why, with that information, would not have gone astray. Too many presumptions were made and too little concern was shown for addressing the real issue… her clearly stated need for guidance = help. I should also point out here that a few well directed questions would not go astray either, in particular before people pass judgement, if they must. (Why they must I am not sure.)

The bottom line is Herp Help should be just that. Let’s work together to try and be less judgmental and more positive in our responses when need calls. That does not mean to be undiscerning or to reduce your expectations of others in their husbandry standards. What is does mean is addressing issues in their order of priority and ensuring, as best we can, that we are in receipt of ALL the relevant facts before we pass judgement. And while that judgement may end up negative, bear in mind, berating a lack of knowledge or skills or understanding will do little to nothing to resolve the problem. On the other hand, coaxing a reluctant learner will get you further in terms of engendering better husbandry practices any day!

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Hi Ya

just wondering how things are going and if you have any more news

All the best, you are obviously doing everything you can. Don't let a few flamers get you down and don't ever feel like you have a stupid question to ask here. Most people here will try to offer something constructive, you will get to know the ones that don't. Just don't let anyone make you feel like you are an idiot.
Some people are passionate about animals and it can cloud their "being reasonable/helpful/relevant" powers, so it kind of comes from a good place.
Again, all the best! and a lot of people here are obviously hoping for the same.
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Monty seems to be doing better, but she has a long way to go.
She spent the day at the vets again yesterday for another injection and observation and will do the same again on Monday. They are happy with her improvement so far as Monty is recovering much quicker when she loses her balance, hence not so much rolling. Deb still has no idea what has caused this, but the medication seems to be helping so we will keep it up.
We are yet to see if she is able to eat, but Deb does not want to try yet. Still a waiting game which I hate, but so far the signs are looking good so I am keeping positive.
Thanks everyone for your support :)
Hi Sinderella, I am so glad that Monty is improving so well and hope she continues to do so! It must have been an aweful time for you and your son!
We also have a spotted python named Monty who is almost a year old.
This is wonderful news that whatever is wrong the vet has picked the right medication and you are getting a response....lets just keep all fingers and toes crossed it keeps going !!
Hi Everyone,

Monty is doing much better, she is having injections every 3 days and this will continue for another 2-3 weeks. The vet is still unsure what made her so sick but they think she had meningitis. I didn't even know snakes could get that.
He head still slightly tilts to the left but even that is improving daily. She is such a good snake, she has put up with injections, blood tests and Oral medication constantly for the past week and hasn't flinched.

As most of you know Monty belongs to my son, I am terrified of snakes, my husband handles Monty with Nicholas. This week is the first time I have ever got her out of her enclosure (because I am the one that takes her to the vet every 2nd day), I cant believe how much she has put up with and how good she has been through all of this. I won't lie, I'm still scared of her but I can see why my son loves her so much, she has such a gentle soul.

I have had so much support from people here and I want to thank you all for it.

Cindy :)
I'm very happy to hear that, and good luck, I hope you're as far out of the woods as possible and running flat out in the opposite direction.

maybe one day you'll get over your fear of snakes, they're really just misunderstood that's all, but it just takes time.

hope Monty continues to improve constantly
This is great news you must have got Monty to the vet just in time.
I am so pleased you are seeing improvement

keep us updated !!

and i do hope youg et over your fear of snakes they are wonderful relaxing creatures and I am sure really do get to know you and know you are looking after them

Oh Cindy that is wonderful news!!!! I am so happy for you, your son and beautiful Monty!!!
I hope you will conquer your fear one day, it sounds to me that you are well on the way already ;) please do continue to keep us posted on how everything goes.
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