Almost Legendary
Have you ever kept archer fish?
Do you know someone who has?
What can you tell me about them?
I have a brackish water pond (up to 5000L) with loads of filtration and hopefully an oxygen rich environment. The water is crystal clear and has a specific gravity of around 1.006. The temperature is ambient - generally hovering around 27'C.
The pond is moved (in a circular fashion) by a 8000L per hour pond pump with a small mechanical filter. A smaller (unknown of size) filter pumps water from the bottom close to the outfall of the cannister filter (explained soon). This pump is housed with filter wool and covered by activated carbon.
The cannister filter is pumped from the bottom with a filter covered by filter wool and charcoal then into the cannister with a sponge, activated carbon and bio-balls (??). Prior to reaching the cannister filter it passes through a UV-C light.
There are plenty of plants - only recently planted though - I am going to wait till after New Years to get the fish.
There's a air pump delivering around 560L per hour through a large airstone.
The depth of the pond varies - but generally around 50cm deep.
My intial thoughts are for archer fish - certainly the size of the pond isn't an issue. I think the specific gravity would be ok - though pH hasn't been tested yet.
I have three sword tails in there at the moment - they're 'tester' fish. They appear ok - though they're hard to find in the huge pond. There's loads of hiding spots.
My plan is to eventually put guppies etc in the pond with plenty of cover so they can hide during dangerous times and perhaps continually breed as a sustainable supply for the archer fish.
The pond is located outside and there is a huge amount of wild insects (beetles etc) landing on the pond. I suspect these will be food as well. I have woodies that are being bred for the frogs - these I would assume can also be fed to the archer fish.
Is there anything you can tell me that will help me and my archer fish quest? If you recommend against them - what reason? If you're all for them - also what reason?
Are they breedable?
I have internet researched - and talked to several aquarium specialists. All seem to agree the archer fish is an amazing fish to keep - but most admitted to not knowing an awful lot about them. So here is a great place to start.
I appreciate your comments and feedback.
Do you know someone who has?
What can you tell me about them?
I have a brackish water pond (up to 5000L) with loads of filtration and hopefully an oxygen rich environment. The water is crystal clear and has a specific gravity of around 1.006. The temperature is ambient - generally hovering around 27'C.
The pond is moved (in a circular fashion) by a 8000L per hour pond pump with a small mechanical filter. A smaller (unknown of size) filter pumps water from the bottom close to the outfall of the cannister filter (explained soon). This pump is housed with filter wool and covered by activated carbon.
The cannister filter is pumped from the bottom with a filter covered by filter wool and charcoal then into the cannister with a sponge, activated carbon and bio-balls (??). Prior to reaching the cannister filter it passes through a UV-C light.
There are plenty of plants - only recently planted though - I am going to wait till after New Years to get the fish.
There's a air pump delivering around 560L per hour through a large airstone.
The depth of the pond varies - but generally around 50cm deep.
My intial thoughts are for archer fish - certainly the size of the pond isn't an issue. I think the specific gravity would be ok - though pH hasn't been tested yet.
I have three sword tails in there at the moment - they're 'tester' fish. They appear ok - though they're hard to find in the huge pond. There's loads of hiding spots.
My plan is to eventually put guppies etc in the pond with plenty of cover so they can hide during dangerous times and perhaps continually breed as a sustainable supply for the archer fish.
The pond is located outside and there is a huge amount of wild insects (beetles etc) landing on the pond. I suspect these will be food as well. I have woodies that are being bred for the frogs - these I would assume can also be fed to the archer fish.
Is there anything you can tell me that will help me and my archer fish quest? If you recommend against them - what reason? If you're all for them - also what reason?
Are they breedable?
I have internet researched - and talked to several aquarium specialists. All seem to agree the archer fish is an amazing fish to keep - but most admitted to not knowing an awful lot about them. So here is a great place to start.
I appreciate your comments and feedback.