Funnelweb in pet shop

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lol that's funny. i saw about 4 or 5 funnel webs being sold at one of my local pet shops today to. not sure what they were selling them for but thought it was a bit odd.
Where was that petshop if you don't mind?
Yeah, might have to try somewhere else to sell to, but Morisset is close, so shrug
you would still need to go to the hospital if you were biten by a funnelweb..and need a bandage as you would for veno snake bite..and may require the antivenom..just because they can not climb up smooth sufaces,..they relatively easy to look after a nice cool room not really any hotter than 25..the boys only usually live for 4years max..girls longer...they are a impressive spider to watch,..but i dont really think they should be selling them as pets..they can do some damage..
I'm sure they wouldn't sell to just anyone. But, really, If anyone is stupid enough to go out and buy a highly venomous spider and do anything silly with it, they deserve the bite IMO.
I'd love to keep funnelwebs, if keeping them cool wasn't such a necessity! No way could they stay that cool in a Brisbane summer

I'm sure you could keep the Northern Sp.'s of tree Funnel Web much easier than the Sydneys, if you can find one...
Sue and i used to be the collection point for the illawarra area we had 20 at one time i think there great pets but she couldnt wait to put them on the van to the reptile park
would love some now but
Considering you usually only get swelling where you were bitten with a funnel web, I don't think it's weird at all.
You've been able to buy 'bird eating spiders' for years at my local pet shops.

LOL tateana only swelling!!

the male funnel web has the most toxic venom of any spider in the world,
it is dangerously neurotoxic and responsible for many deaths in humans
and is very painful on top of that LOL
Definitely not the most toxic in the world mate. I believe the Wanderng Spider of Brazil has that dubious honour..?
hey, ive kept a bird eating spider b4 they r really cool to keep, great to watch eating and leave sheds which r great 4 scaring people. i would love a funnel web!!!
Definitely not the most toxic in the world mate. I believe the Wanderng Spider of Brazil has that dubious honour..?

This is true, but apparently they rarely inject a lethal amount of venom
please post pics of any pet funnel webs if available. Thanks in advance, coop
Definitely not the most toxic in the world mate. I believe the Wanderng Spider of Brazil has that dubious honour..?

well the guiness book of record states the toxin in the wandering spider is the most potent,
but further reading states it is responsible for deaths in young children.

the sydney funnel web has killed 14 people both adults and children since 1927

havent found anything directly comparing the venom of the two spiders
funnelweb might inject more??
I was under the impression Hadronyche infensa of northern Australia was considered to have the most potent venom. Could be wrong, havent kept up to date with spiders for a few years.
Go for H infensa or H formidibalis Phil, bigger animals and from around your area i believe.

Atrax robustus might have potent venom, but they could never be classed as a dangerous animal. Youd have to be thick as two short planks to be bitten by a captive critter.

Id love a funnel web, cant imagine it being anymore aggressive than the asian Haplopelma species ive kept, whats the usual price paid for them ?
Would you be allowed to go out and collect youre own ?
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The male Sydney Funnel Web is the most toxic spider in the world on bite stats, being the only spider to have killed children in under half an hour, ( it has killed a child in under 15 minutes on one occasion). H. formidibalis is thought to be "as toxic" though bites are rare from these tree dwelling sp. and no one has died from the few bites they have given out, though they are highly aggresive as their name states. Brown Recluse are more like a White Tail in bite nature, not really that bad unless you are one of the few who have a bad reaction, then it's terrible, but you will live... The Wandering Spider is the OS bad boy.
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