Baby breardy HELP

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Not so new Member
Jan 30, 2008
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Hi i saw my baby bearded dragon eating its own faeces what should i do. Will it get sick.
Is he seriously muching them down? Or did he just take a little lick or bite?

Mine's accidentally chomped down a crusty bit when I was moving stuff around. It rolled away and he pounced on it.

I wouldn't worry if it's just one little nibble.

If he's indulging himself on it, then there's serious issues about. Worms are your biggest problem I'd imagine.
I feed him heaps sort of looks like his gunna pop well maybee not to that extent but his well fed.
beardys ingesting their own poo will lead to bad parasite problems, feed it more and clean up the crap so he cant eat it. :)
about half of it, but his only 3-4 weeks old so wasnt that much.
Clean out all fecal matter as soon as you see it......Also worm your animal, just in case.
My mates also eats the sand which could help with breaking down cricket shells........
Wormers work by weight so I can't see a problem, but I would check by calling a herp vet.
At three weeks it really shouldn't have worms unless the animals it has had contact with (mum) has worms.
Not to say it has not got worms at that age either.........
i wouldnt so young if it wasnt absolutely necessary.

take a fecal sample to a vet to see if its necessary.

otherwise just keep cleaning up after him and you'll minimise the potential for illness.
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