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AussiePythons Supporter
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Jul 15, 2022
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G'day all.
I've had my black headed python (Monty) for 4 months now. I don't know if it's just me assigning him human characteristics, but he seems to be developing his own personality. When I come home from work, I usually grab a drink and sit down in front of his tank to watch him. After a minute or so, he'll notice me and poke his head out of his hide and we'll just stare at each other for a while. Sometimes he'll come out to the front of the tank close to the glass and follow my movements. Nothing aggressive, we just look at each other for up to 30 or 40 minutes. (I'm fascinated by how they move).
Also, when I take him out, I sometimes sit down on the couch and let him climb into my windcheater. He's taken to moving straight up to my shoulder and back down the sleeve. He'll rest there for a while, then make his way out the cuff, look around, then out onto the couch. Which is when I usually pick him up and put him back into the tank.
Is any of this normal behavior for a pet snake. I'd appreciate hearing about anyone else's experiences.
Thank you.
I think it is cute that you have created a personality for Monty, I do the exact same thing with my animals, unfortunately though, snakes are not that complex and Monty investigating and follwing you means most likely he has associated you with food and is simply looking for his next meal.

As to his behaviour outside the enclosure, if I was to take my pythons out on to the lawn, 9 times out of 10 they will follow me around and try to climb back on me at every opportunity, they do this out of safety and not because they are my friend. They are looking at me as the closest tree or hiding spot to protect themselves from the big bad world.

Monty climbing inside your jumper is the same thing, he is looking for the closest hiding place which happens to be you.

I have yet to see evidence that snake have any further intelligence than "can I eat you? are you going to eat me?" Other than that it's all self preservation.
Dogs and cats have personality. Snake have survival instinct.

I still think it's fun to imagine we are friends and that when they look at me or follow me, it's because we have a bond, it doesn't hurt anyone and I think like you have discovered, it gives us another opportunity to experience and share something with our animals. To me this shows you love Monty and that means you will give him a much better life, what's wrong with that?
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G'day all.
I've had my black headed python (Monty) for 4 months now. I don't know if it's just me assigning him human characteristics, but he seems to be developing his own personality. When I come home from work, I usually grab a drink and sit down in front of his tank to watch him. After a minute or so, he'll notice me and poke his head out of his hide and we'll just stare at each other for a while. Sometimes he'll come out to the front of the tank close to the glass and follow my movements. Nothing aggressive, we just look at each other for up to 30 or 40 minutes. (I'm fascinated by how they move).
Also, when I take him out, I sometimes sit down on the couch and let him climb into my windcheater. He's taken to moving straight up to my shoulder and back down the sleeve. He'll rest there for a while, then make his way out the cuff, look around, then out onto the couch. Which is when I usually pick him up and put him back into the tank.
Is any of this normal behavior for a pet snake. I'd appreciate hearing about anyone else's experiences.
Thank you.
I have recorded my children’s python doing things that are not seen in other pythons at least in searching I haven’t found as yet it’s funny but expected no one believes me but it’s fine enjoy your snake he is becoming more and more familiar with you and your connection to him its rare when they go beyond that but let’s not forget they are in captivity and i think it’s fantastic what’s happening with yours I’ll give you and example of what my Monty does e.g. he will let me know with his body language to help him achieve certain things he will let me know when I’m close by if he prefers me to put the lid on one of his hides by lifting his head and freezing in that position while coiled in that hide until I open his enclosure and put the lid back on if his temperature is not warm enough he will look up to the area where the heart source is and stay there until I do something about it while I’m watching him off course he does crazy things and I have not taught him non of these reactions they learn over time it’s adapting to their captive world this one is funny we play a “game” (what I call a game) when I put him around my neck and his body is hanging down the front of my chest I’ll pat him softly and when I stop his tail end goes nuts until I do it again his whole body starts going like a massaging movement on my neck then I will pat him by moving my neck or chin on the top of his head he does the same reaction by pushing into my neck and rubbing against my jaw he loves it there’s more but I have decided against showing the video because people will think I forced it on him or it’s not true and this or that But that’s ok finally my advice is enjoy your snake as he becomes more and more comfortable with you they are amazing some or more than some people refuse to accept that they are more capable and closer to their owners than they believe but their bond with their owner is bound to happen after all they are in captivity just don’t force anything “human” onto these amazing pythons they will learn certain things that are out of the box because they are in captivity and they are the most amazing snakes in the world.
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G'day all.
I've had my black headed python (Monty) for 4 months now. I don't know if it's just me assigning him human characteristics, but he seems to be developing his own personality. When I come home from work, I usually grab a drink and sit down in front of his tank to watch him. After a minute or so, he'll notice me and poke his head out of his hide and we'll just stare at each other for a while. Sometimes he'll come out to the front of the tank close to the glass and follow my movements. Nothing aggressive, we just look at each other for up to 30 or 40 minutes. (I'm fascinated by how they move).
Also, when I take him out, I sometimes sit down on the couch and let him climb into my windcheater. He's taken to moving straight up to my shoulder and back down the sleeve. He'll rest there for a while, then make his way out the cuff, look around, then out onto the couch. Which is when I usually pick him up and put him back into the tank.
Is any of this normal behavior for a pet snake. I'd appreciate hearing about anyone else's experiences.
Thank you.
All snakes have behaviours. One snake may engage in a behaviour more often than another snake. There can be variations in behaviour. What you've described is typical. They are aware of others and cautious (watching you while in the hide). They enjoy climbing and feeling secure and hidden. All typical behaviours of a snake.
Lot's of people will say we attach human traits to our snakes and lizards. To a degree it is true that we humanise our scaley friends. But after 20 odd years with many species I believe they do associate us with certain characteristics.
They know we are the carers, etc. When I tap on the glass they come out for a feed, if I touch the snakes with tongs they know it is cuddle time not feed time. In short yes you can train them, although snakes are not the smartest creatures

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