email mate sent me spider mythology its quite funny and interesting

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Apr 25, 2009
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Did u know that some of the native American tribal nations revere the spider? In some of the native American legends, the people were in darkness. Everyone was bumping into his neighbor. The bear would trip over the badger; the coyote would bump into the rabbit.

They got tired of trying to find there way in the darkness, and they all came together and agreed that what they needed was some light. They decided to send someone to get a small piece of lightand bring it back so they could see where to walk and what to eat.

After the Buzzard (sun burned off all his beautiful head feathers when he tried 2 balance a piece on his head) and Opossum (sun burned off his tail fur when he tried to carry a piece back in his thick bushy tail) tried unsuccessfully to bring back a piece of the sun to the dark side of the earth, Grandmother Spider wentto the place of the sun, and cunningly used her web to catch a piece of the sun and drag it back to the dark side.

The people could all see the light coming over the horizon, and with it they could all see the beautiful rays of a web That is why the sun’s light radiates out like the spokes of a spiders web ~ It was Grandmother Spider who brought th sun to the people.

How can u not like the clever spider who brought light into the darkness? And…. Now u know why the buzzard is bald, and why the American ‘Possum has a hairless tail.

The name Arachnid is derived from Greek mythology and was explained as follows.

Long ago in a village on the plane below Mt Olympus lived a beautiful maiden named Arachne. She devoted her days to weaving and embroidering, and such was her skill that even the Nymphs from the woods crept out and gazed with awe at the wonderful pictures she wove.

Unfortunately, Arachne was admired but never loved as she boasted endlessly about her own skill and deftness. She was so sure of her skills that she boasted that not even Athene, the godess of wisdome and patroness of arts could rival her work. Athene was so incenced by these taunts that she visited Arachne, disguised as an old woman, and warned her against incurring the wrath of the gods. Arachne dismissed the warning and claimed if she ever met Athene she would challenge her to a contest. Athene drew off her cloak and accepted the challenge.

Athene chose for her tapestry her own contest with Neptune while Arachne chose the abduction of Europa. As their labours finished, each turned to see the other’s work while Arachne’s tapestry was wonderful, one glance at Athene’s work sufficed to show that Arachne was beaten.

In despair, Arachne tried to hang herself for in her own tapestry; however, Athene was unwilling for her rival to escape sp easily and changed her suspended body into a misshapen and repulsive form and condemned her ro continue weaving throughout the ages. So the ancient Greeks explained the origin of spiders and the name of Arachne has been used by science.

Ananse, The spiderman

A hero of many folk tales in West Africa (Ghana) and the Caribbean is Ananse. He is both spider and man. Ananse is a fictitious character.

When things are going well he is a man but in times of danger he becomes a spider. Ananse likes to trick the other animals and get the better of those who are much bigger than him. He may be greedy and selfish but he is also very funny.
He is a hero because he bought the gift of telling stories to people. Spider Stories have spread to all corners of the Earth in the same way that spider webs marvellously appear.

The spider in this myth refers to the tsuchi-gumo ("earth spider"), a monstrous arachnid that plays a key role in several Japanese legends. The intended prey of the tsuchi-gumo portrayed in this netsuke is the hero Raiko, caught sleeping in the middle of the night. Raiko, the popular name of Minamoto no Yorimitsu (944 - 1021), was a 10th century historical figure whose exploits are shrouded in myth. Raiko had four lieutenants that served him. Raiko was known as the "demon killer". As the embodiment of evil and sorcery, the tsuchi-gumo is eventually slain by Raiko in this tale. But the symbolism of his victory implies much more than a battle against a fabulous beast. "Tsuchigumo" can also refer to thieves and marauders, whose great population in Raiko's era threatened the public safety and the future of the Japanese state.

Another story of Raiko, involves a time when he was very ill. One night, while lying in bed, Raiko was brought medicine by someone who he did not know. As his illness worsened, he attacked the boy and claimed that he had been poisened. In defense, the boy threw a sticky spiders web at Raiko and stormed away. The plot was eventually discovered when the boy was found in a cave. He was really a goblin spider, and as soon as he was killed, Raiko was once again well.

Spiderdance (Tarantella)

In the middle ages the people in Taranto in southern Italy called the large wolf spider (Lycosa narbonensis) the tarantula. They believed the venom of the spiders bite could only be flushed from the body by doing the tarantella, a lively dance. However, the bite was not serious. An epidemic of spider bites at the time was probably caused by the Malmignatte spider (Latrodectrus tredecimguttatus).

The dance tarantella are a Italian folkdance in 6/8 pace. A couple or several couples follow each other in rhythm with the music. It is a tarantella that Pentangelia try to get the orchestra to play in the wedding scene in The Godfather.

Christmas Eve
A German Myth

On Christmas Eve, a long time ago, a gentle mother was busily cleaning the house for the most wonderful day of the year... Christmas day, the day on which the little Christ child came to bless the house. Not a speck of dust was left. Even the spiders had been banished from their cosy corner on the ceiling. They had fled to the farthest corner of the attic. The Christmas tree was beautifully decorated. The poor spiders were frantic, for they could not see the tree, nor be present for the little Christ child's visit. Then the oldest and wisest spider suggested that perhaps they could wait until everyone went to bed and then get a closer look. When the house was dark and silent, the spiders crept out of their hiding place.

When they neared the Christmas tree, they were delighted with the beauty of it. The spiders crept all over the tree, up and down, over the branches and twigs and saw every one of the pretty things. The spiders loved the Christmas tree. All night long they danced in the branches, leaving them covered with spider webs. In the morning, when the little Christ child came to bless the house, he was dismayed! He loved the little spiders for they were God's creatures, but he knew the mother, who had worked so hard to make everything perfect, would not be pleased when she saw what the spiders had done. With love in his heart and a smile on his lips, the little Christ child reached out and gently touched the spider webs. The spider webs started to sparkle and shine! They had all turned into sparkling, shimmering silver and gold. According to legend, ever since this happened, people have hung tinsel on their Christmas trees. It has also become a custom to include a spider among the decorations on the Christmas tree.

Robert The Bruce

The story of Bruce and the spider has been handed down by generations following Sir Walter Scott's account in his Tales of a Grandfather, published in the 1820s.

In 1306 the king of Scotland, Robert the Bruce, was resting in a barn after defeat by the English. He watched a spider trying to spin a web. Six times it had failed, on the seventh attempt it succeeded.

Inspired by this to fight on, Robert the Bruce finally defeated the English at Bannockburn in 1314.

He lived 1274-1329.

Spider Rock

Spider Rock stands with awesome dignity and beauty over 800 feet high in Arizona's colourful Canyon de Chelly National Park. Geologists of the National Park Service say that "the formation" began 230 million years ago.

Long ago, the Navajo Indian tribe named it Spider Rock. Stratified, multicolored cliff walls surround the canyon. For many, many centuries the Navajo built caves and lived in these cliffs. Most of the caves were located high above the canyon floor, protecting them from enemies and flash floods.

This rock according to Navajo legends was the home of 'Spider Woman'. From their elders, Navajo children heard warnings that if they did not behave themselves, Spider Woman would let down her web- ladder and carry them up to her home and devour them! The children also heard that the top of Spider Rock was white from the sun-bleached bones of Navajo children who did not behave themselves.

The Prophet Muhammad

In the Islamic world

He lives 571-632. Spiders are still given special respect by Muslims. More than 1400 years ago, a web spinner helped the Prophet of Allah. When the Quraish wanted to kill the Prophet Muhammad he hid in the cave near Mecca called Thaur. The Meccans sent out many people to search for the Prophet. These men searched everywhere. They even came near the cave where the Prophet was hiding, but Allah did not let them find the Prophet.

Two doves had built a nest at the entrance of the cave. A spider had made its web across it too. Tradition says that when Muhammad's enemies came to the mouth of the cave, they saw that it was completely covered by an elaborate spider web. Assuming that no human being could have entered the cave without disturbing the spider web, and knowing that no spider could weave such a web in the short time that was available to it before they came to the cave mouth, Muhammad's enemies did not enter the cave, and Muhammad remained alive and well. After three days when his enemies, having looked everywhere, gave up hope of capturing him and returned to Mecca, he left the cave and set out for Yathrib. The people of Yathrib, whose leaders had already accepted the message of the Prophet and sworn allegiance to him, accepted him with open arms and placed their lives and property at his disposal.
Little Miss Muffet

"Little Miss Muffet" was based on the daughter of British entomologist Dr. Thomas Muffet, who studied spiders in the 16th century. Little Miss Muffet, had arachnophobia, or the fear of spiders, because her father, Dr Thomas Muffet, (1553-1604), loved spiders and would often subject his daughter to them. He also liked to use spiders to cure illnesses.

Dr. Muffet wrote several books including a cookbook that explained how to use local plants and insects in food as well as medicine. Dr. Muffet experimented on his daughter by having all the different types of spiders in England bite her to see if she had any reaction. Dr. Muffet used his daughter in this way because he considered her expendable. Sons can pass on the family name, but daughters do not, so no harm in using her in this potentially dangerous task.

Dr. Muffet had a friend named Elizabeth Goose. She and her husband ran a publishing company in London. Elizabeth Goose also wrote children's poems and later became known as Mother Goose. She wrote the very famous "Little Miss Muffet" that we all know to this day.

When Earthmaker had completed his creation of the world, he looked for a creature that could watch over his creation. First Earthmaker appointed Turtle to oversee things, but his legs were so stubby that he could not see very far at all. So he was recalled.

Then Earthmaker appointed Crow to oversee the world.
Crow could see far and wide, but he did more than just watch: he gave orders to everyone, and never was he silent for even a moment. Thus Earthmaker recalled Crow.

Then Earthmaker appointed Bear. Bear could stand on his hind legs and see well and could even climb trees so that he could see in every direction. However, Bear had a terrible temper, and soon frightened the whole of creation. So Earthmaker recalled him as well.

Then Earthmaker appointed Spider to watch over the world. Spider was without any passion, so no one feared her. Her voice was so small that only Earthmaker himself could hear her. Because she could climb, Spider was able to see far and wide. In the beginning, Spider had only two eyes like everyone else, but just to make sure that she could see everywhere, Earthmaker gave her six new eyes, one eye for each direction. Ever since, spiders have had eight eyes.


Moon was sad. She had spent many years looking at the people on Earth and she saw that they were afraid. They were afraid of dying. To make them feel better she decided to call on her friend Spider to take a message to them. "Spider", She said, "The people of Earth are afraid of dying and that makes me very sad. Please tell them that they will all die sooner or later but it is nothing to be scared of." So Spider slowly made his way back to Earth, carefully picking his way down on moonbeams and sunbeams.

On his way he met Hare. "Where are you going Spider?" said Hare. "I am going to give the people of Earth a message from Moon." he said. "Oh, you'll be far too long. Tell me the message and I'll take it there for you", replied Hare. "OK! Moon wants the people of Earth to know that they will all die....." Spider started. "Right! Tell the people of Earth that they will all die", said Hare. And with that, Hare disappeared off to Earth.

Spider gloomily made his way back to Moon and told Her what had happened. Moon was very cross with Hare and when he came back to tell them that he had given them the message, she hit him on the nose! And that is why to this day, the Hare has a split lip. "You had better take the message yourself", said Moon to Spider.
And to this day, Spider is still carefully carrying Moon's message and spinning the web in the corner of our rooms; but how many of us listen?

Fire People

There were races of giants who had fire and were called The Fire People. All the animals got together and decided that they should get some fire from the Fire People. The bear went first since he was the strongest. He came back and told the other animals that he had indeed tried his best, but that he had been unable to get any fire. Just then, the animals heard a tiny voice, "Let me try," said the spider. They laughed and said, "You're too small."

But as each animal tried and returned with the sad news that they had failed, the spider's small voice was still heard saying, "Let me try". Finally she was the only one left, so they agreed to let her try. Spider fashioned a small clay pot with a lid on it and put it on her back as she started toward the fire. As she approached the fire, it began to grow light. When she finally reached the fire, she put a small ember into the clay pot.

Immediately the Fire People missed the fire. They looked all over for the missing fire. The spider would run a little ways and stop until she got right to the water's edge. The Fire People were almost on top of her, but they were afraid of the water, because they new it would put them out. Spider slipped into the water, so the Fire People figured that the fire she had stolen had been put out. So they went away thinking that their fire was safe. What they didn't know was that the ember had baked the clay pot to be waterproof. So when the Fire People left, the spider came out of the water and brought the fire to the Indians.

This is the Sacred Fire of the Cherokees.

Human Race

The Pueblo Indians, a North American tribe believed a woman spider going under such names as Kokyangwuti, Tsiticinko, Sussistanako, Thought Woman and Thinking Woman was responsible for their very existence.

The world was understood to have taken shape when the spider began spinning a couple of threads. The threads were spun from east to west then north to south.

From this came the creation of her two daughters, the sun and the moon. The spider then moulded the clays of the earth, white, yellow, red and black thus creating the colours of the human race.


In Mexico it was believed that Tocotl a Spider God, who spins a huge hammock to hold the world up, assisted the creation of the world.

The Mayans believed that after death of the body the soul was destined to wander through the many dark passages of the underworld until they met a great river, which they could not cross on their own.
Each soul can only get to the other side of this river with the help of a spider person.

The spider people spin a web rafts and then one spider person and one soul journey across the underground river linked in a sort of spiritual bond so that each is totally dependant on the other until they reach safety on the other side.


The Ancient Spider in the mythology of Nauru (Micronesia).

In the beginning only Areop-Enap and the sea existed. Then one day he discovered a mussel shell. After much trouble he managed to open it and crept inside. It was so dark inside the shell that he could see nothing so he passed some of his power on to the small snail and made it the moon.

By the faint light of the moon he spied a worm, which he set to work separating the upper and lower parts of the shell. These became the sky and the earth. When the worm was finished it died of exhaustion, and became the sun. The sweat of the worm, running into the lower shell, became the sea.

From stones Areop-Enap made man to support the sky, and then travelled to the newly created world.


Long ago when the word was young, an old Lakota spiritual leader was on a high mountain and had a vision. In his vision, Iktomi, the great trickster and teacher of wisdom, appeared in the form of a spider. Iktomi spoke to him in a sacred language. As he spoke, Iktomi the spider picked up the elder's willow hoop, which had feathers, horsehair, beads and offerings on it, and began to spin a web.

He spoke to the elder about the cycles of life; how we begin our lives as infants, move on through childhood and on to adulthood. Finally we go to old age where we must be taken care of as infants, completing the cycle. "But," Iktomi said as he continued to spin his web, "in each time of life there are many forces; some good and some bad. If you listen to the good forces, they will steer you in the right direction. But, if you listen to the bad forces, they'll steer you in the wrong direction and may hurt you. So these forces can help, or can interfere with the harmony of Nature.

While the spider spoke, he continued to weave his web. When Iktomi finished speaking, he gave the elder the web and said, "The web is a perfect circle with a hole in the center. Use the web to help your people reach their goals, making good use of their ideas, dreams and visions. If you believe in the Great Spirit, the web will catch your good ideas and the bad ones will go through the hole." The elder passed on his vision to the people and now many Indian people hang a dream catcher above their bed to sift their dreams and visions. The good is captured in the web of life and carried with the people, but the evil in their dreams drops through the hole in the center of the web and are no longer a part of their lives.

It's said that the dream catcher holds the destiny of the future.

Did You Know?

· There are around 820 tarantula species currently known.
· Of the 35,000 currently known species of spiders in the world just 26 of them are considered to be dangerous to human beings.
· Spiders have existed for more than 300 million years.
· Tarantulas are the dinosaurs of the spider world.
· On average people fear spiders more than death.
· The bite of most tarantulas are no more dangerous than a bee or wasp sting.
· Jumping spiders can jump 40 times their length.
· On average, you are never more than 3 feet from a spider.
· A spider has no bones. It's tough skin serves as a protective outer skeleton.
· Some spiders have been reported to go as long as 5 years with out eating.
· The smallest fully-grown spider is the male of the species Patu Digua, which has a body length of just 0.37 mm. That's smaller than the head of a pin.
· The smallest known species of tarantula is Aphonopelma Mojaviensis, the legspan of adults of both sexes are under 5/8 inch (1.6 cm).
· Wolf Spiders are so named because it was once believed that they hunted in packs, just like wolves. See picture.
· Only the male of the Sydney Funnel Web is considered venomous to humans.
· Only the female of the Widow Spiders (black, red and brown) are considered venomous to humans.
· The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night.
· Tarantulas can smell even though they don't have a nose.
· Tarantulas can hear even though they don't have ears.
· The Goliath Tarantula is the worlds largest tarantula, it has a 12 inch legspan.
· If a spider loses a leg it can regenerate (re-grow) it over the next few moults.
· Spiders have no muscles, they rely on their blood pressure to allow their bodies to move.
· Spider silk has been used to dress cuts.


Authorities in southwestern Virginia say a preacher who refused medical attention after being struck by a rattlesnake has died.

The Reverend Dwayne Long was handling a rattlesnake during an Easter service when when he was bitten on the back of a finger. Long's church is in Jonesville on the Tennessee border, northwest of Kingsport.

Authorities report that the congregation prayed for Long, but no one sought medical treatment. Long died Monday at his home.

Rev. Long was pastor of a pentecostal church where members interpret serpent-handling as a form of obedience to God. The religion claims only a few thousand followers, but many of them live in Southern Appalachia.

Snake-handling believers conduct worship services in which some individuals willingly handle venomous snakes, often several snakes at one time. Those involved in the practice say they can speak in tongues and handle the venomous snakes only after being anointed by the Holy Ghost.

Many church members proudly display bite marks from their own previous run-ins with snakes. They believe that when a church member is bitten, that individual's fate is a matter of God's will.

These believers base their beliefs on a literal interpretation of the Bible, specifically Chapter sixteen of the Book of Mark in which Jesus is quoted as saying believers should "take up serpents."

While it's a misdemeanor to handle deadly snakes in both Virginia and Tennessee, Lee County Sheriff Gary Parsons says its unlikely charges will be filed in the death of Reverend Long. Parsons says that he doesn't believe it's the place of law enforcement to infringe on the snake-handlers' freedom to practice their religion.

Reverend Long leaves behind a wife, five children, and two grandchildren

Luckiest bungle" makes granddad a triple lotto winner

SYDNEY (AFP) - A forgetful grandfather who mistakenly entered the same lottery drawing three times has come up a triple winner and will take home nearly 500,000 dollars (350,000 US) thanks to what he called the "luckiest bungle" ever.

The suburban Sydney man went overseas for his 60th birthday and put in a Multiweek Lotto entry to cover the following three weeks, the New South Wales Lotteries agency said.

But unsure his coupon would cover all draws of the multiple lottery, the man had a friend put in another entry. On his return from holiday, the man then entered again, forgetting he was already in the draw.
His numbers came up and he won 494,326 dollars.

"Having the same entry three times was not done intentionally and can only be described as the luckiest bungle we have ever made," the man said in a statement issued through NSW Lotteries.

"I am due to retire soon so the money from winning Lotto three times in one night will certainly make a big difference."

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