Getting There....

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Looks awesome. Love the pond. That large rock isn't real is it? That would have been very hard to move. What are the dimensions of the pit? What species are the plants?
Thanks, Oshkii:). Mostly Universal rock products with some "moss rocks" thrown in. Each glass panel is 1.3M, so the pit is 2.6M squared, not overly large, but should suit this pair with some added enclosure furniture. Mostly native grasses and ground hugging correas, kunzeas, dionella, acacias. Nothing over 1M and mostly around 400-500mm, but spreading. Anything that looks "heathy", really:). You could get some great heaths over in WA, I'd imagine? Adults "courting" last season:). In the Lacie aviary.

Heaths again 003.JPG

Heaths again 005.JPG
Looks awesome Richard!

Was thinking of you the other week when geographically challenged me realised we live near you now!

Hope all is well
Thanks, Oshkii:). Mostly Universal rock products with some "moss rocks" thrown in. Each glass panel is 1.3M, so the pit is 2.6M squared, not overly large, but should suit this pair with some added enclosure furniture. Mostly native grasses and ground hugging correas, kunzeas, dionella, acacias. Nothing over 1M and mostly around 400-500mm, but spreading. Anything that looks "heathy", really:). You could get some great heaths over in WA, I'd imagine? Adults "courting" last season:). In the Lacie aviary.

Yeah, we get some great plant life here. There's so much variety. I've been trying to identify the many species but since the south west of Western Australia is a biodiversity hot-spot for plants it's proving to be difficult.
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