How hardy are thick-tail geckoes (milii) in brisbane temps?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2004
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Newcastle, NSW
Officially moving to Brisbane in 3 weeks and weighing up sending for my thick tail geckoes in a few months or if it's better off to just sell them off.
Don't keep heat on them here in Newcastle and they handle hot days ok, but Brisbane standard temps are obviously higher usually, so who has kept them up there and how have you found them coping in standard and heat wave day temps inside?
You can find wild Thicktails in Brisbane, although that doesnt mean yours are from that area.

But to answer your question yes Thick tail geckos can be kept in brisbane
Years ago I kept them and on one hot day several died when the aircon wasn't on. So just keep them cool when the heat cranks up. Chat to a Queensland gecko keeper (Gecko Dan comes to mind) they will know all about it.
We keep them here in Emerald in Central QLD and yes on the hot days you just need to keep the room cool.
So far they have suvived.
yeh mate i keep mine with no prblems, most of the time i dont even use heat(herp room warm enough). just gotta watch the temps a bit on hot days.
Cheers guys. Really didn't want to part with them so will just keep an eye on them up there and have the setup perfect.
I have some up here in Cairns. They survived their first summer up here. I have to admit i turned the Air-con on when the house got above 33 just in case.
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