Question for all Diamond Breeders!

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Very Well-Known Member
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Port macquarie, NSW
Hey all just a quick question for all the diamond breeders out there, When did you first see your pair Hook up this season?
I have one pair that are being a pain, i did the cooling and cycling etc and when i introduced the male to the female at start of september he has shown no sign of interest in the female.
Im no expert but i didnt think she was that ugly that after months of being cooled and alone that he still wouldnt give it a go.
Anyone have any tips for setting the mood?
Or is it just this strange season where the environmental temps have been alittle colder the usual.
if you have another carpt male that has sloughed/shed recently, try putting the shed skin in with the pair, the smell of a nother male should make him pull his finger out, other wise try seperating them for a few days and re-introduce him to her.

i put my pair intogether at the start of the week, they have been shoing signs of cortship, but i havent seen any "action" from them yet, but diamonds are alsoe very shy apparently, and do most of there matings in the very early hrs of the morning, or often in the hides away form prying eyes.

if that helps any
I havent been that strict with my cooling and cycling i tend to try and match them with whats happening outside.
Am trying to get hold of another male or at least a shed skin, but until then il just have to keep separating and reintroducing until he shows some interest.
remember if your seperating and re introducing them not to move them too often, only remove him after a few days to 1 week, have him in his own for a few days to a week and then put them back together,

but also diamonds are very reclusive. so they might be doing the deed with out you noticing, if you have the book keeping and breeding australian pythons, have a read of it, and study the stuff on morelia cortship rituals.
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