Rosenburg Eggs in the incubator

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Active Member
Jan 27, 2008
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ADELAIDE southern burbs
Finally got a nice clutch of eggs from my Rosenburgs. :D
The first female scattered 14 eggs over Australia Day long weekend.
Starting late Friday and laying 1 or 2 eggs every day for a week. [very stressfull on both our parts]
Ended up with only 2 good eggs from her in the end.
My other female laid 2 good eggs inside her box but on the surface late Friday afternoon (Feb. 1st) and thought she was going to do the samething laying over a few days
But then she went inside her box later that night and started digging again looking very promissing.
Upon checking on her on Saturday morning she was sitting ontop of her box looking very thin and knackered !
I eventually coaxed her off where after a bit of digging found 11 beautiful eggs WOHOO!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
So now I've got 15 eggs all told in the incubator.
As these are very rarely bred in captivity there is bugger all information about them.
So going by Peter Anderson who was the previous owner of these monitors and bred them before in the past they hatched in 188 days for 1 of his clutches.
So it still can be a few weeks either way for these eggs
Going on 188 days 2 eggs should hatch the first week in August and then the others in the first week of September
Along time to keep holding my breath and keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Picture to come once I can convince my wife to upload them for me.
Cheers Deano :D
That's great news, wishing you the best of luck in hatching out some happy healthy little critters!!! Definitely keep us updated....
good luck! its a long wait. are they sydney local or SA?
Great news Deano, looking forward to seeing some photos. They are SA locale Tristis
Congratulations deano, definatly put me down for one.
Nice work Scalymung. Did your flavies produce eggs for you this season?
Thanks for the congratulation.
I've been trying too breed Rosenburgs monitor for a few years now with different animals in the past and then I was lucky enough to Buy Peter Andersons Rosies (Trio)which he bred a fair few times over the years and he also had the Adelaide Zoo get in contact with him asking for advice about breeding them as they hadn't any luck yet.
They are Kangaroo Island Locale Rosies a bit bigger and brighter than the mainland species
Cheers Deano
fantastic mate, good work! Can't wait for the Vic licencing schedule to update soon so we can keep them down here. Very keen on them.
Congratulations on the eggs!

A quick question regarding this comment:
My other female laid 2 good eggs inside her box but on the surface late Friday afternoon

Was there space above the substrate in the nest box or had she dug it out earlier? The reason I'm asking is that I've found with lace monitors (which, like heath monitors, nest in termite mounds) they nest better if the nest box is packed solidly with substrate, with a small opening in the lid or side of the nest box, so that they have to dig out substrate out just to get in there. The substrate also holds burrows better that way. I tend to overfill the nest box with substrate and then put a lot of pressure on the lid to get it on (the lid is then held in place with cable ties) so that the substrate is really packed solidly in there.
Congratulations on getting eggs! I hope they all hatch for you :)
Hi crocdoc,
She had dug it out earlier and was sleeping in there as well.
It was packed down super hard as I've read many of your post regarding your Lacies which are very similar on how you do your nest box and did the same.
They live outside but bought the females inside as they weren't intrested in the boxes and they have a few hollow logs and tunnels under ground and was worried about them laying under ground somewhere plus the male was still mating with the other female so I couldn't remove him either.
So with the stress of them being bought inside didn't help with them nesting either.
Cheers Deano
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