Should I take my spotted to the vet?

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Not so new Member
Jul 31, 2021
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Around a week ago I had a light fixture in my snakes enclosure malfunction causing the enclosures ambient temperature to get up to around 30c for around two days, until I realised what was going on. Needless to say this whole thing stressed her out like crazy and she started exhibiting really uncharacteristic behaviour that made me want to take her to the vet. However, I got some advice from a general vet (not an exotics specialist) and they suggested that she was acting this way because of stress and that I should just leave her alone and keep an eye on her. After a few days she was perking up so I decided to feed her just to gauge where she was at. She took the food with no problem.

Now a couple days later she has started to try and escape her enclosure, going up to the vents and looking for a way out. Then she had a really loose stool and went back to trying to escape.

I've checked her temps, her substrate is brand new, the rat I fed her was the same she always gets, her water is fresh, the humidity is good, I cant think of any reason she would be so adamant on escaping or why she would have diarrhoea.

My question is, do you think the stress of the past week could be causing this? Or is she sick?
either way, should I take her to the vet or wait a bit and see how she goes?

Sorry for the long rant, I'd really appreciate anyones input, Cheers
Around a week ago I had a light fixture in my snakes enclosure malfunction causing the enclosures ambient temperature to get up to around 30c for around two days, until I realised what was going on. Needless to say this whole thing stressed her out like crazy and she started exhibiting really uncharacteristic behaviour that made me want to take her to the vet. However, I got some advice from a general vet (not an exotics specialist) and they suggested that she was acting this way because of stress and that I should just leave her alone and keep an eye on her. After a few days she was perking up so I decided to feed her just to gauge where she was at. She took the food with no problem.

Now a couple days later she has started to try and escape her enclosure, going up to the vents and looking for a way out. Then she had a really loose stool and went back to trying to escape.

I've checked her temps, her substrate is brand new, the rat I fed her was the same she always gets, her water is fresh, the humidity is good, I cant think of any reason she would be so adamant on escaping or why she would have diarrhoea.

My question is, do you think the stress of the past week could be causing this? Or is she sick?
either way, should I take her to the vet or wait a bit and see how she goes?

Sorry for the long rant, I'd really appreciate anyones input, Cheers
A Vet exam is always the best but you need an exotics Vet. 30c is not a problem, more than likely she needs feeding. If she is stressed, she would be hiding away and bite you if you try to pick her up. As for escaping, Snakes are the best escape artists since Houdini. If there is a way to escape, they will. About the food, how old is she and what size food are you feeding her. Rule of thumb is to feed items a little larger than her tummy, they need this to grow. Next is the light the only heat source? Does she have a heat mat on a thermostat controller?
A Vet exam is always the best but you need an exotics Vet. 30c is not a problem, more than likely she needs feeding. If she is stressed, she would be hiding away and bite you if you try to pick her up. As for escaping, Snakes are the best escape artists since Houdini. If there is a way to escape, they will. About the food, how old is she and what size food are you feeding her. Rule of thumb is to feed items a little larger than her tummy, they need this to grow. Next is the light the only heat source? Does she have a heat mat on a thermostat controller?
Hey, thanks for the response. I think you're right, always better safe than sorry so I booked an appointment with an exotics vet tomorrow because she's still acting a little odd. Good to know that temp couldn't do much damage to her, that makes me feel better. She gave me a bite for the first time ever after the whole incident so I think it must've shaken her.

Luckily the enclosure is totally secure, theres no way she's escaping but I was just worried that her trying to constantly escape was a sign of stress or sickness. She's 3yrs old, and she's getting fed a medium rat, around 90 grams, but she's on a diet on the advice of some other members on the forums because she was overweight when I got her, she has months in between feeds.

The light wasn't even supposed to be a heating source, it just malfunctioned and got really hot, I've got a heat mat for her and thats hooked up to a thermostat. Ive bought a little digital thermometer to so I'll know the ambient temp now, don't want to make the same mistake twice - thanks for the advice!