snakes and you ...

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Almost Legendary
Feb 11, 2008
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Well as we know the weather is already warming up (especially if you live in the best state of ...anyway ..alot of people ,even the ones that may own a python or two ,panic if they have an unwanted either a ven or a large wild python in their home or yard .
here are a few steps to take if this happens to you or if you have relo's or friends that encounter this situation ...
no 1...Dont get to close to the snake ..ring a snake catcher(you should have numbers on hand before the silly panic season starts)
no 2..please tie up dogs and keep kids and screaming adults inside.
no 3..if you are able to stay with the snake ,keeping a safe distance of around 4 feet away ,this helps the snake catcher know the where abouts of the snake when they get there.
no 4..Dont try and take it on yourself EVER even if you think you can do it ,size does not matter when your dealing with a ven !!!
no 5 ...snakes inside the house ,if able to contain in a room ,shut the door and place a towel underneath the gap and wedge in tight ..this will enable the catcher to throughly check out the room and prevent it from leaving before the catcher gets there.
if in a situation that it cant be contained WATCH it till the catcher comes this is very important...
no 6..snakes in the yard most times will move on at their own leisure,if you want to move it on yourself ,this can be done safely with your garden hose .Turn the water on and use a spray motion aim at the head of the snake (snakes dont have eyelids so its not something they like but you are not hurting it in anyway)use the water force to move it on down your backyard keeping a safe distance between you and the snake ..once it seems to have gone into the garden or bush go inside and once again if you have dogs or kids have them either tied up (dogs) or kept inside for a few hours just to be sure.
no 7..becareful in the garden as snakes love to hang out there too ..use gloves and before attempting to weed or stick your hands in mulch ..get a rake and give it a bit of a shake through it ,this gives a resting snake a chance to move on and might save a scare for the both of you .
no 8 ...if you know that you are living in a high snake area ..and you know your snake catchers number and the cost of the call fee ..put that money away so if the reason arises that you need to make that call ,there is no hesitation because you dont have that cash on hand ..better to be prepared and really its not that expensive considering what we catchers have to endure and pay for out of our pockets to do this .
no 9..KNOW YOUR FIRST AID when it comes to treating snake bites this will save your life or someone elses...
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