Supplies/needs list (need help!)

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New Member
Nov 12, 2021
Reaction score
Singleton, NSW
Hello! For the past few months I've been slowly gathering supplies and building an enclosure for a single blue tongued skink (note that I am going to be a first-time reptile owner).
The enclosure has been completed and set up, so now all I need to do is buy the rest of the supplies.
What I need help with is that I want to make sure I'm getting everything I need, and maybe some other suggestions.

I'll list things that I have already acquired:
- 1200 x 60 x 40 wood enclosure (if anyone wants photos feel free to ask!)
- 100W dome reflector
- ceramic lamp holder
- 2x lamp holders
- 5.0 UVB 13W compact lamp
- 100W daylight heat lamp
- Digital thermostat
- 2x dishes (food + water)
- Hide log
(I also have a heat mat but I don't think I'll be needing it)

Here I'll list things that I plan on buying:
- Infrared thermometer
- Fine organic coco reptile bedding
- Reptile safe enclosure sanitiser
- Calcium powder
- Reptile superfood powder
- Food (woodies, fruit+veg, lizard food, etc)
- More décor (logs, basking rock, plants, etc)
- Carrier (for vet appointments)

Is there anything else that I may need to get, or any suggestions?
I want to make sure I'm getting everything right so my skink can have the best care, I'm really afraid of messing up and accidently hurting my reptile :(

Thank you in advance!
Hey mate! It sounds like that little guy will be in awesome care with that list of things, you sound like you've done your research and are ready to take it on! I can't see anything else i would put on that list, I hope you have a great time with that new animal :) I hope you have fun in this awesome community of reptile lovers, always feel free to ask any questions and someone will help out :)
Hey mate! It sounds like that little guy will be in awesome care with that list of things, you sound like you've done your research and are ready to take it on! I can't see anything else i would put on that list, I hope you have a great time with that new animal :) I hope you have fun in this awesome community of reptile lovers, always feel free to ask any questions and someone will help out :)
Thank you! I've basically been researching since the start of the year, and it helps that I've had a love and understanding for reptiles since I was little. It's been one of my dreams to own a reptile, so I'm super excited and committed!
just a quick tip, you can breed woodies super easily. just grab a large plastic tub with a lid and cut a large hole then glue fly screen over it. there is a product called 'Fluon' that you can buy from brians worms that is a glue that is slippery so that the woodies don't climb out when you are getting them out to feed. you can also buy woodies from Brians' worms.