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At first I thought it was a joke, but no Umbral was serious.......
give him a break please guys.. making fun of someone else doesnt make you a better reptile keeper..
Amen!!! Twice!!!
good comment.. I think people should concern themselves with what they are personally doing instead of worrying about the next person. And should not knock people with more or less experience than themselves.. We're all in this hobby with a common interest for reptiles and the hobby would be better off if everyone tried to help each other and showed more tolerance to others instead of the infighting we seem to see a lot of these days.

People should buy animals on their merits at the time instead of worrying about what the price will be in a year or two.. Enjoy the animals you have and forget the dollars.. The pleasure and enjoyment i get from my animals is worth much more than the dollars i've paid for them.
give him a break please guys.. making fun of someone else doesnt make you a better reptile keeper..

Funny thing is Colin, these are the same dudes bitching about "big breeders" being bell ends! I feel it's the old "Respect my 5 months experience" attitude that creates the worst of the crap attitudes you find in this hobby. Folks need to "pull their heads in" and enjoy their hobby for what it is to them, and spread that joy around. A bit optimistic I know, but it's how I do it.
Funny thing is Colin, these are the same dudes bitching about "big breeders" being bell ends! I feel it's the old "Respect my 5 months experience" attitude that creates the worst of the crap attitudes you find in this hobby. Folks need to "pull their heads in" and enjoy their hobby for what it is to them, and spread that joy around. A bit optimistic I know, but it's how I do it.

Folks need to "pull their heads in" and enjoy their hobby for what it is to them, and spread that joy around. A bit optimistic I know, but it's how I do it.

I agree Aaron.. all Im saying is that more experienced keepers shouldn't make fun of inexperienced keepers and should try to encourage and help them, and inexperienced keepers should show a little more respect for the more experienced people and maybe listen and learn from their advice to improve their husbandry, keeping and breeding skills.. I think fighting and name calling between ourselves is counterproductive to the hobby. I'd just like to see everyone get on a little bit better.. maybe I'm a bit optimostic too :)
i agree colin its meant to be a hobby and meant to be fun not all keepers do want to breed i myself would like to (1 day in the very far future) when i feel i have learnt enough about my snakes but even if i wasnt goign to breed them id still be happy just keeping them it probably sounds funny but i enjoy the company and chill out time handling them when i want a break from the missus and the young fella
I have great news, Im going to try and breed some of my herps this season, I haven't bred them before and am looking foreward to it. I'm not sure the nuns breeding at home deserve such bad press. I for one look after my pythons well ie my male costal has a 6x3x4 enclosure with a warm and cool hide he has a hot and a cooler side of the enclosure which is cleaned weekly. How many big breeders offer an enclosure like that? I already have homes for four offspring (should I manage to get them) and if I can't sell the rest Ill house them well and look after them so IMO there are good and bad people on each side of the scale (I have 6 pythons all bought from big breeders and have had a most pleasurable time with them, very helpful and friendly) Get off your high horses and stop putting everyone in one basket.

wow. why do you need to clean your snakes enclosure weekly? glad you can rehome 4 hatchies should you be lucky enough to breed them. but do you have any idea of just how many you may breed? do you have an endless supply of food or the funds to buy the food that you will need to feed maybe 20 or more hatchies while you find new homes for them? dont forget they grow and you will need to upsize tubs and have to room to keep them while finding new homes for them. good luck with your dreams
Does 'less than weekly' mean 'more than weekly'? That's the big question...

wow. why do you need to clean your snakes enclosure weekly? glad you can rehome 4 hatchies should you be lucky enough to breed them. but do you have any idea of just how many you may breed? do you have an endless supply of food or the funds to buy the food that you will need to feed maybe 20 or more hatchies while you find new homes for them? dont forget they grow and you will need to upsize tubs and have to room to keep them while finding new homes for them. good luck with your dreams

Yes I have homes for four of them and no I doubt I'll be getting more than 20 eggs as they are woma's
Actually Gordo, I'm with CR here... a clutch of 20+ eggs would be pretty rare for Womas in my experience (never bred them, but lots of friends have and they seem to clutch around the 8-12 mark most of the time.)

Actually Gordo, I'm with CR here... a clutch of 20+ eggs would be pretty rare for Womas in my experience (never bred them, but lots of friends have and they seem to clutch around the 8-12 mark most of the time.)


Jamie, Greer in 'The Biology and Evolution of Australian Snakes' lists two clutches well in the 20's from womas and nearly 20 clutches in the high teens. Like i say to a lot of people, just because you haven't observed something yourself doesn't mean it hasn't or wont happen, we all know it is pretty rare for carpets to clutch into the 40's but they do it.
no I doubt I'll be getting more than 20 eggs as they are woma's

Gordo, I think the certainty implied in this statement indicates a large degree of optimism, which in turn reflects a lack of experience...

As I pointed out, I've never bred them, but know lots who have, and I've never known a clutch of 20. Just out of interest, those who breed Womas (and there must be heaps here) - I'd be very interested to hear what you would consider an average clutch for this species, and if you could routinely expect clutches of high teens into the 20s?

Gordo, I think the certainty implied in this statement indicates a large degree of optimism, which in turn reflects a lack of experience...

As I pointed out, I've never bred them, but know lots who have, and I've never known a clutch of 20. Just out of interest, those who breed Womas (and there must be heaps here) - I'd be very interested to hear what you would consider an average clutch for this species, and if you could routinely expect clutches of high teens into the 20s?


Dammit Jamie that wasn't the point lol! I was having a stab at the hero who was needlessly having a go at the noob! All Noobs have a lot of misguided optimism, but that is what makes them fun.
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