Cat delema ????

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Off topic, I know, but these are a magnificent set of posters!
OMG i cant believe those who say kill the cats, these animals are only doing what they did naturally before we HUMAN domesticated them, same as every other living creature on this planet, i see so many of you in here bitching about people being cruel to snakes, lizards etc but think its perfectly ok to kill cats or dogs because they 'annoy' your lizards/dragons

its not their fault they have irresponsible owners

i would go with the council option, speak to whoever you hand it to and explain to them the damage the cats are doing to your reptiles, also ask how you can get compensation from the cat owners, you might have to sue them in a civil court however by hitting them where it hurts they MIGHT just sit up and listen and do something about their cats or surrender them at least

but please i beg of you dont even consider being cruel to them

otherwise you can plant lillies all around your yard, apparenty even a bit of pollen on their fur can make hem sick and kill them, i know its not nice, but its the only legal way of killing them.......
.of ffs there is NO LEGAL way to kill a cat to do so could end up with you in jail and court and owing the neighbour a barrow load of money

Wow, I'll never cross you... Suing them? Bit extreme. It's not all about my jokes.
best fix for this problem is to set the trap catch the cat and as your taking the cat back to its home slip near the creek and drop the cage into the water so its under water but just out of reach so you have to run very very slow back to your house to get a stick to push the cage in deeper.
I recommend doing this 3x and the said problem should go away......
suing them might be the only way to make them accept responsibility and either look after their cats properly or surrender them, its a hard lesson but it might save both the cats and the neighbours reptiles

i seen a doco once where a crocodile killed a snake, going on the logic of 'some' of the posters here then we should all go out and kill crocodiles

kawaskirider i dont condon animal cruelty of ANY kind, as i said i have seen members in here carrying on because someone killed a harmless snake, ive seen members abuse people for killing harmless snakes, yet it seems ok to kill cats or can someone call themselves an animal lover yet think its ok to kill another animal

i have had up to 6 cats living with me, they NEVER roam the streets, the first thing we did after buying this house and moving here was to enclose half the back verandah for them to get outside this was done to protect both them and neighbours/wildlife and it upsets me to see people saying drown them (a slow death), to plant plants to kill them, shot them.......its bloody wrong i am positive if i came in here and posted about wanting ways to kill a snake that comes into MY property i would be howled down, abused and probably removed from the site but its ok to say these things about cats?
OMG i cant believe those who say kill the cats, these animals are only doing what they did naturally before we HUMAN domesticated them, same as every other living creature on this planet, i see so many of you in here bitching about people being cruel to snakes, lizards etc but think its perfectly ok to kill cats or dogs because they 'annoy' your lizards/dragons

its not their fault they have irresponsible owners

i would go with the council option, speak to whoever you hand it to and explain to them the damage the cats are doing to your reptiles, also ask how you can get compensation from the cat owners, you might have to sue them in a civil court however by hitting them where it hurts they MIGHT just sit up and listen and do something about their cats or surrender them at least

but please i beg of you dont even consider being cruel to them

otherwise you can plant lillies all around your yard, apparenty even a bit of pollen on their fur can make hem sick and kill them, i know its not nice, but its the only legal way of killing them.......
.of ffs there is NO LEGAL way to kill a cat to do so could end up with you in jail and court and owing the neighbour a barrow load of money

lol, they sell lillies in coles, are you telling me i can be sued for liking pretty flowers that killed a trespassing cat by default?

what makes a cats life worth more than the thousands of animals it cruelly kills in its lifetime? sutto75
best fix for this problem is to set the trap catch the cat and as your taking the cat back to its home slip near the creek and drop the cage into the water so its under water but just out of reach so you have to run very very slow back to your house to get a stick to push the cage in deeper.

PERFECT example, how about i go out and find a harmless snake, put it in a cat carrier and drop it into a creek bed and let it die a long slow death or better still how about i turn it into yabby bait?????????? that be ok with all the snake lovers in this site?

and i know its not all about money, but it might make the owners sit up and take notice and fix the problem

what makes a cats life worth more than the thousands of animals it cruelly kills in its lifetime?

what makes a man's life worth more then the millions of people they kill in their lifetime?

a living creature is a living creature regardless whether it has two legs or four
I am a cat owner, but my cats stay inside. The people obviously dont care about the animals so take them to the closest animal shelter. They will be far better off and so will you and your wildlife. People cant blame cats for doing what comes natural. Blame the loser owners for not being responsible pet owners. Even if they are put to sleep, they will be better off anyway as they obviously arnt getting the love and care they deserve!
lol, sad but it has to happen, if the owners kept them inside there wouldnt be a problem! :p
OMG i cant believe those who say kill the cats, these animals are only doing what they did naturally before we HUMAN domesticated them, same as every other living creature on this planet, i see so many of you in here bitching about people being cruel to snakes, lizards etc but think its perfectly ok to kill cats or dogs because they 'annoy' your lizards/dragons

its not their fault they have irresponsible owners

i would go with the council option, speak to whoever you hand it to and explain to them the damage the cats are doing to your reptiles, also ask how you can get compensation from the cat owners, you might have to sue them in a civil court however by hitting them where it hurts they MIGHT just sit up and listen and do something about their cats or surrender them at least

but please i beg of you dont even consider being cruel to them

otherwise you can plant lillies all around your yard, apparenty even a bit of pollen on their fur can make hem sick and kill them, i know its not nice, but its the only legal way of killing them....... .of ffs there is NO LEGAL way to kill a cat to do so could end up with you in jail and court and owing the neighbour a barrow load of money

That is exactly the point, cats kill without discrimination, and the ones that do 99% of the time have irresponseable owners who don't desevre them in the first place, so once trapped and they don't have a home to go to with responseable owners I can't see any problem with despatching in a humane manner. sutto75
best fix for this problem is to set the trap catch the cat and as your taking the cat back to its home slip near the creek and drop the cage into the water so its under water but just out of reach so you have to run very very slow back to your house to get a stick to push the cage in deeper.

PERFECT example, how about i go out and find a harmless snake, put it in a cat carrier and drop it into a creek bed and let it die a long slow death or better still how about i turn it into yabby bait?????????? that be ok with all the snake lovers in this site?

and i know its not all about money, but it might make the owners sit up and take notice and fix the problem

what makes a cats life worth more than the thousands of animals it cruelly kills in its lifetime?

what makes a man's life worth more then the millions of people they kill in their lifetime?

a living creature is a living creature regardless whether it has two legs or four

Jeannine do you understand what in jest is? Maybe your should have a 5 min rest of here and have a cup of tea....
OK, so this is the rules in SA on cat trapping:
1 must be council traps
2. must be taken to the pound
3. impoundment is for 72hrs and after that if not collected by the owner the cat is put to sleep
4. if collected by the owner they have to pay the following fees:-
-cost of food $35 per day
5. if put down and owners are found they have to pay the following:-
- impoundment
- cost of food
- cost to put down

i had a similar problem and i fixed it real quick,i caught the cat and had it taken to the pound, put up posters saying "if this is your cat go check the pound....If i see it again in my yard i'll make sure you don't see it again!!! Heed my warning"

man, did they heed the warning coz its been 3 mths and i haven't seen it in the yard at all.
kawaskirider i dont condon animal cruelty of ANY kind, as i said i have seen members in here carrying on because someone killed a harmless snake, ive seen members abuse people for killing harmless snakes, yet it seems ok to kill cats or can someone call themselves an animal lover yet think its ok to kill another animal?

What are you on? I never said you condoned harming any animal, nor do I, hence my posts. I HATE cats with a passion, but I wouldn't kill one, I've been known to give one a light kick up the coit but it ends there.

Suing someone over a stray cat is ridiculous, you've no idea of the persons financial situation, not to mention you'd be taking up time that could be otherwise spent dealing with other issues through the magistrates court, even though they'd be minor offences surely they'd take precedence over a stray cat.

Bloody hell.
I HATE cats with a passion, but I wouldn't kill one, I've been known to give one a light kick up the coit but it ends there.
I love cats, i think they are amazing creatures and when I kill them they never suffer.
Getting trapped and then sitting in a cage for hours, driving to the pound or the vet, waiting for a vet and a decision, getting your shot of green dream...
all of this must be terrifying for a cat.
I love cats, i think they are amazing creatures and when I kill them they never suffer.
Getting trapped and then sitting in a cage for hours, driving to the pound or the vet, waiting for a vet and a decision, getting your shot of green dream...
all of this must be terrifying for a cat.

I agree, that's why I don't agree with euthanising any animals. Don't get me wrong *some* cats are OK, the majority I don't like. No idea why, they just don't do much for me. I'd never hurt one, though.

Hell, if my collection gets large in the future and I have to breed my own rats, I have no idea how I'd kill them, I'm a softy when it comes to animals :(
I love cats, they're so cute and fluffy, we're getting one soon :oops:
Dont worry though, I've told my mum that when we get one it has to be an indoor cat.
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