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i can under stand a new comer thinking a glove would be a good choice but to say this
(The devil )
I use a leather glove to remove some of my adult snakes from their cages, have done for years.
It's a lot better than having a large jungle or BHP hanging off your hand or arm.
BAD INFO !!!!!!!!!

I can't for the life of me understand why my comments would be classed as "bad info"

I can't remember when one of my adult jungles last had a bite of the leather glove. It would seem that they know that leather is not a food item.

Someone mentioned that maybe the snake would loose some teeth on leather. Well sorry, if the snake is going to loose teeth and there is a choice between my hand and a leather glove, the leather glove wins every time.

Been using a leather glove on some of my snakes for better than a dozen years so I'm not going to stop now.
Point 1: If you want to use a glove, use it. No harm to you, no harm to the snake. So f#@&!ng simple.
Point 2: It's plainly bloody obvious some snakes are more aggressive than others. Does this mean..."oh I just have to get bitten by that one every time I want to handle it?"
Point 3: Return to point 1.

......if you put your hand in and it strikes the first reaction is to pull away most time resulting in the snake doing damage to its teeth, and opening up to cancur or mouth rot .......

I believe you've contradicted yourself here. Using a glove prevents the reaction to pull away, thus not resulting in damage to the snake if it bites a soft glove!

Anyway, back to point 1 again.
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i found when handling my snake she was getting use to my body oils and my smell. i only handle her when i'm happy and in a good mood because i believe she can sense my fears and pick up my vibes ( like an infant can sense its mothers vibrations) so when i'm confident Keiko is happy and just sits on my hand relaxing. when i'm tense she's a wiggle pot!!! i think having the glove as a barrier between you and your snake being able to pick up your body oils and smell in the long run, you will still get bitten and the bond you have with it won't be like the bond someone that doesn't use a barrier has. it's just an opinion. maybe try a handling sesh without the barrier. you may find as you grow more confident so will your snake
every one take wally76 advice
ops thats right he didnt give any !!!!?????????
use a glove dont use a glove who cares when you get a vet bill dont wright in here whinging about mouth rot because your snake lost some teeth and and got sick
listen to what people say, some are to scare to form an opinion because of other members like wally76 putting them down with out giving any advice a number at the end of your name dosnt mean you know every thing just that you have no life and sit on forums promoting your self
yes i will take warning for this
every one take wally76 advice
ops thats right he didnt give any !!!!?????????
use a glove dont use a glove who cares when you get a vet bill dont wright in here whinging about mouth rot because your snake lost some teeth and and got sick
burt wouldnt the same snake still get mouth rot and get sick if it bite u and left some teeth in your skin rather then a glove ? lol u have no idea - do u even own a snake ?
Do whatever you want just don't tell anyone you need to wear gloves cause you're scared. Oh wait you already did
my bredli python is my first snake and hes a real prick.. i made a hook out of a bent metal coat hanger, best thing i ever did, especially after today when he had a strike about 10 times a minute! hes mean haha
Point 1: If you want to use a glove, use it. No harm to you, no harm to the snake. So f#@&!ng simple.
Point 2: It's plainly bloody obvious some snakes are more aggressive than others. Does this mean..."oh I just have to get bitten by that one every time I want to handle it?"
Point 3: Return to point 1.

I believe you've contradicted yourself here. Using a glove prevents the reaction to pull away, thus not resulting in damage to the snake if it bites a soft glove!

Anyway, back to point 1 again.

Why do all these threads turn into petty arguements, why can't all of you just agree that people have different ways of doing things?

Personally i have been told to let a snake strike me and get used to the feeling so then minimal if any equipment needs to be used (dependant on the species of course) and i am confident to handle snakes. I am fortunate enough to be buying some placid adults but may have hatchies in the near future.

I agree with using equipment such as a glove when it comes to some jungles (not all are snappy) and other larger snakes but that is to help protect the animal.

If this was me and i was happy to handle the snake with a glove and the snake was used to it and more comfortable then it would be fine but on the other hand you are not getting used to all the aspects of owning a snake and handling it.

Can you all just agree to disagree for once and actually answer this person's question without a full blown arguement?
Why do all these threads turn into petty arguements, why can't all of you just agree that people have different ways of doing things?
Can you all just agree to disagree for once and actually answer this person's question without a full blown arguement?

e-thuggery is alive & well... long live the keyboard warrior.
e-thuggery is alive & well... long live the keyboard warrior.

What is that even supposed to mean? I didn't threaten anyone or anything like that, i am just sick of seeing so much of this crap happen on here and now you are doing it too.
Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinions but everyone is also entitled to have their own ways of doing things and they have the right to not be criticised about it as long as the method works and the animal is fine and healthy then why does it matter how things are done?
What is that even supposed to mean? I didn't threaten anyone or anything like that, i am just sick of seeing so much of this crap happen on here and now you are doing it too.
Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinions but everyone is also entitled to have their own ways of doing things and they have the right to not be criticised about it as long as the method works and the animal is fine and healthy then why does it matter how things are done?

My apologies for a poor attempt at humour, I was merely agreeing with you in my own sad little way :)
My apologies for a poor attempt at humour, I was merely agreeing with you in my own sad little way :)

That's alright then, i am just getting really sick of all the bs that goes on in these forums. It completely defeats the purpose which is to help and share knowledge and tips with people and also having a place to discuss different topics. It doesn't surprise me that so many people don't bother replying and helping anyone anymore, they are sick of the **** they have to put up with.
We are all individuals with a common hobby and there will be many different ways of doing things and handling matters and i feel that there is no number 1 way of doing something as long as it works and does the job at hand and doesn't cause any harm then it can't be a bad thing.

I am personally on the fence with this and think that 'each to their own' is fitting in this situation.
That's alright then, i am just getting really sick of all the bs that goes on in these forums. It completely defeats the purpose which is to help and share knowledge and tips with people and also having a place to discuss different topics. It doesn't surprise me that so many people don't bother replying and helping anyone anymore, they are sick of the **** they have to put up with.
We are all individuals with a common hobby and there will be many different ways of doing things and handling matters and i feel that there is no number 1 way of doing something as long as it works and does the job at hand and doesn't cause any harm then it can't be a bad thing.

I am personally on the fence with this and think that 'each to their own' is fitting in this situation.

I'm interested Em1986, is your displeasure aimed at me?
i agree 1986 ! i gave my opinion, old school if the new school arnt allowed to talk then dont open it up for membership this thread got off track by members with no advice given and should be taken to task( warning or infraction) so it dosent get repeated on other questions and so dont newbies getting intimated by those with a higher post number
to the first question no i don't recommend using leather glove ask your local herp vet why as they are the one,s who fix the problem
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