Some of my venomous snakes

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Yeh rattlesnakes are def one of my fav vipers, but u cant beat the eyelash viper, stunning imo. Wow 10, people are gonna be scared to come to ur place lol

I did a search on green mamba's and realised they do indeed look quite different. U must have a damn good iphone, looking forward to seeing more photo's :)

Yeah I used to like Eyelash vipers. That's why I wanted to keep venomous in the first place, I don't know why I've just never been bothered about getting one now lol. Not a huge fan of the arboreal stuff, I do really like Atheris ceratophora though!

Haha, well maybe more. Depends how many babies my friends have! Thanks :)
Ur very lucky to have such a huge selection to choose from. Yeh their nice aswell, definatly jealous lol
Do u have to have a licence at all to keep anything over there in the UK?
Ur very lucky to have such a huge selection to choose from. Yeh their nice aswell, definatly jealous lol
Do u have to have a licence at all to keep anything over there in the UK?

Yeah I'm glad I can have whatever I want here!

Yeah you need a license, but there are more people that keep 'under the radar' as it were. Some councils make it very difficult for you to get one, like charging £2000 just for the application lol. Most councils are ok about it anyway.
Ah okay. sort of like here, some states its easier to get ur ven licence, but others are more strict, like NSW, u gotta meet all the criteria before ur able to own any venomous snake, tho i can keep lower class vens on my current licence but haven't been interested in keeping any as of yet.
Ah okay. sort of like here, some states its easier to get ur ven licence, but others are more strict, like NSW, u gotta meet all the criteria before ur able to own any venomous snake, tho i can keep lower class vens on my current licence but haven't been interested in keeping any as of yet.

Yeah same thing. Although a lot of places in Europe you don't need a license, you can just go out and buy it in Germany.

What are classed as lower class venomous over there? Like Boiga?
I think its important to put certain restrictions on venomous snakes as they are very dangerous, espcially to those who keep them and do silly things just to show off to their friends.
Without the species list in front of me i cant think of them all, but snakes like red naped snakes, orange naped snakes, yellow faced whip snakes, marsh snakes and a few more. Tree snakes can also be kept.
I think its important to put certain restrictions on venomous snakes as they are very dangerous, espcially to those who keep them and do silly things just to show off to their friends.
Without the species list in front of me i cant think of them all, but snakes like red naped snakes, orange naped snakes, yellow faced whip snakes, marsh snakes and a few more. Tree snakes can also be kept.

Um. I kind of agree with you, but at the same time I don't. Thing is these people that act hard, might say they will get this and that...but when they are face to face with a big 5ft pissed of rattlesnake or cobra, they're going to run a mile.

It's one thing talking the talk, but another thing to actually own it. There hasn't been any deaths in Germany as far as I know.

Also people will do silly things regardless of a license or not. A guy in the UK bought a baby puff adder and then took pictures of it hanging over his man hood! And he had a license lol.
I guess thats true, i know i'd prob run, not without taking a photo first tho lol but at least theirs more people that respect the snakes then those who dont, people who ARE man enough to do silly things like that shouldnt own animals imo.
I guess thats true, i know i'd prob run, not without taking a photo first tho lol but at least theirs more people that respect the snakes then those who dont, people who ARE man enough to do silly things like that shouldnt own animals imo.

Oh definitely! But at the end of the day once the animal is there's it's up to them what risks they take. If they die its their problem, but if they do something negligible that involves a member of the public that's when it's not right. As it will put this aspect of reptile keeping in a bad light!

Do non-normal people (non reptile keepers haha) in Aus kill snakes? Like idiots in America with rattlesnake round ups?
Yep very true
Im not sure what rattlesnake roundup is? but yeh alot of people think snakes are just naturally "evil" so it will most likely get a shovel to the head and then they will tell the media it was an act of self defence so they dont get in trouble.
Yep very true.
Yep alot of people think snakes are just naturally "evil" so it will most likely get a shovel to the head and then they will tell the media it was an act of self defence so they dont get in trouble.

Can you get into trouble if you kill them then?

I'm sure in the US, they don't care. They really need to change that, if i killed an Adder here i'd be arrested. If you look on social media sites like Instagram etc, and under the tag rattlesnake the amount of pictures of people killing them is insane. I don't understand how anyone can be so barbaric, makes my eyes well up lol. Ignorance!
Most people don't even care. I was doing training with my Rural Fire Brigade which was being taught by the local ranger. One of the farmers was taking great pride telling everyone about the Pseudonaja Affinis he had killed that day when I said "mate, sure you want to say that in front of the ranger". He **** himself and shut up quick smart, but so few (if any, ever) are ever convicted that most people rarely equate it as a crime until it is pointed out.
Most people don't even care. I was doing training with my Rural Fire Brigade which was being taught by the local ranger. One of the farmers was taking great pride telling everyone about the Pseudonaja Affinis he had killed that day when I said "mate, sure you want to say that in front of the ranger". He **** himself and shut up quick smart, but so few (if any, ever) are ever convicted that most people rarely equate it as a crime until it is pointed out.

Stupid. I just don't see why people feel the need to kill them, if you run away from the snake it isn't going to chase you, and if it's already bitten you, killing it isn't going to solve anything.
If its not an act of self defence then yes its very much illegal as all reptiles are protected here, im not sure what the penalties are tho.

I agree. I watched this show (cant remember what it was called) where people got paid to find rattlesnakes, then they'd be killed for their skin etc. I honestly dont understand how people could kill animals and be happy and cheerful about it. It makes it worse if they put the animal in alot of pain before properly killing it. Makes me angry/sad.
If its not an act of self defence then yes its very much illegal as all reptiles are protected here, im not sure what the penalties are tho.

I agree. I watched this show (cant remember what it was called) where people got paid to find rattlesnakes, then they'd be killed for their skin etc. I honestly dont understand how people could kill animals and be happy and cheerful about it. It makes it worse if they put the animal in alot of pain before properly killing it. Makes me angry/sad.

Probably rattlesnake republic or something like that.

The thing is, they sew the mouth shut so people can take photos with them. It's disgusting what they do. I'm surprised a country like the States that's supposed to be the 'best' country in the world hasn't put a stop to it nationwide. They should be proud to be home to such amazing animals, not just kill them because one is on it's property.

Like you say they enjoy it. If someone was to kill a kitten and put it on youtube i'm pretty sure they would be arrested, but because it's a snake it makes it ok. Sad world we live in hey!
Can you get into trouble if you kill them then?

I'm sure in the US, they don't care. They really need to change that, if i killed an Adder here i'd be arrested. If you look on social media sites like Instagram etc, and under the tag rattlesnake the amount of pictures of people killing them is insane. I don't understand how anyone can be so barbaric, makes my eyes well up lol. Ignorance!
Just because there are some ignorant pices of sht, does not mean all of us are. I'm shure lots of people kill adders in the UK. As long as there are people who do not understand snakes there will always be people killing them. It's not just in America. Tides are starting to shift. There has been a lot of contraversy about this lately. I do not have to much time before work so I could only dig up one link. I'll post more when I get off of work. Georgia Officials Called on to End Cruel, Dangerous Rattlesnake Roundups
Just because there are some ignorant pices of sht, does not mean all of us are. I'm shure lots of people kill adders in the UK. As long as there are people who do not understand snakes there will always be people killing them. It's not just in America. Tides are starting to shift. There has been a lot of contraversy about this lately. I do not have to much time before work so I could only dig up one link. I'll post more when I get off of work. Georgia Officials Called on to End Cruel, Dangerous Rattlesnake Roundups

Can you point out to me where i said all Americans are ignorant?

When i was I'm pretty sure in America they don't care, i was on about governments actually putting laws in place so that it is an offense to kill any native herps.

I'm sure people probably do kill adders and grass snakes here. But very rarely, show me any pictures on the internet of people killing our native wildlife? I could show you 100 from the states in 2 seconds. I'm not having a go at all Americans, so i don't know why you're getting defensive.

I'm aware of that link, but it's still prominent in other states. People need to start educating people on what to do if one is on 'your' land. Things like there should be at least one person within a community who is able to dispose of them correctly. It's not hard, if you used a longer hook than usual you can easily place a rattlesnake into a bin...and then release it.

- - - Updated - - -

Just because there are some ignorant pices of sht, does not mean all of us are. I'm shure lots of people kill adders in the UK. As long as there are people who do not understand snakes there will always be people killing them. It's not just in America. Tides are starting to shift. There has been a lot of contraversy about this lately. I do not have to much time before work so I could only dig up one link. I'll post more when I get off of work. Georgia Officials Called on to End Cruel, Dangerous Rattlesnake Roundups

Can you point out to me where i said all Americans are ignorant?

When i was I'm pretty sure in America they don't care, i was on about governments actually putting laws in place so that it is an offense to kill any native herps.

I'm sure people probably do kill adders and grass snakes here. But very rarely, show me any pictures on the internet of people killing our native wildlife? I could show you 100 from the states in 2 seconds. I'm not having a go at all Americans, so i don't know why you're getting defensive.

I'm aware of that link, but it's still prominent in other states. People need to start educating people on what to do if one is on 'your' land. Things like there should be at least one person within a community who is able to dispose of them correctly. It's not hard, if you used a longer hook than usual you can easily place a rattlesnake into a bin...and then release it.
When you said, "I'm sure in the US, they don't care." That really got under my skin. To me it sounds like you ment all Americans. I'll admit I jumped the gun and could have typed my thoughts a little more clearly. But when you said that it really pissed me off. There are a ton of people who care. There are a ton of people who are trying everything they can to change what is going on. It's hard to make changes when it has gone on for a couple hundred years. You were right about adders there are not to many cases on that.
When you said, "I'm sure in the US, they don't care." That really got under my skin. To me it sounds like you ment all Americans. I'll admit I jumped the gun and could have typed my thoughts a little more clearly. But when you said that it really pissed me off. There are a ton of people who care. There are a ton of people who are trying everything they can to change what is going on. It's hard to make changes when it has gone on for a couple hundred years. You were right about adders there are not to many cases on that.

Like i said mate, i was on about the Govt.

I'm just amazed that it hasn't happened sooner, it's no different to going round killing peoples cats and dogs, just because they aren't a domesticated animal doesn't mean they deserve to be tortured.

Is it starting to gain momentum in the States? They need to dish out a few big fines to the people displaying the rattlesnake they just killed as a trophy in pictures, I'm sure that would put people off.
It is starting to gain momentum, more so this year then any other year. I'm pretty sure people and organizations are trying to get legislatures to pass new laws. But we all know how hard it is to get a large group of people to agree on something. There are a few rattlers that are protected but IMO not nearly enough. We do have people to relocate snakes, unfortunately some like to take it into there own hands. Again that as well is starting to change as many people are getting nailed.
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