How do I trap a lace monitor??

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Active Member
Dec 30, 2011
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Cranbourne North, Vic

My little lace monitor vulcan (see my avatar) has done a houdini somehow and has escaped his enclosure in the garage.

Now hopefully he's still in there some where or he's scooted up into the roof for warmth/mice.

Has anyone got any suggestions on how to trap him? I'm thinking maybe one of those rat/mouse traps that they can enter and not get out - dead rat bait maybe?

He'd only a few months old and isn't that big.

I'm desperate to get him back, hopefully he's still around somewhere - any help or suggestions gratefully recieved

I've got no idea how he got out, there's no obvious signs of escape points, I'm reasonably confident he wasn't stolen.
possum trap to me sounds like a good idea door closes as he pulls the food if im right. and i guess its lucky lacies love there food if im not mistaken? or you could allways try like a big bucket with food over hanging so he falls in it as he trys for the food.
good luck.
yeah i set some cat traps(possum traps) same thing i think for an adult that got out took me 4 days but finally he went in and took the bait good luck hope you catch him
Hopefully he considers your cage a safe haven, in which case, unless a predator has him he should return. Leave the door open, lighting/heating on, make an easily accessed entry point for him (something to climb up into the cage), lock all doors to the garage and, most importantly, give him some peace and quiet.

Goodluck...let us know how you go.
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My lace monitor CRONOS escaped from her enclosure on the 27th of november and after four weeks , thinking she was gone for good she was noticed up the end of my street by a local business which thought she was a large water dragon . they said it went into the drain system . i went past the place and looked to see this large water dragon & it was my lace monitor . I couldn't believe it .
I tried to get her but she went back into the drain & as it was late in the afternoon she didn't come out again .
I had gone back the next day and after an hour or so she came out to get some sun so i tried again to grab her and once again she went back into the drain . I then went and got some rope to make a snare . Half an hour latter she came out and i waited for her to go through the rope snare . After feeling the rope move as she crossed the rope i pulled on the rope and i had her .
As for your lacie i hope you find him . . .
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