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It was a 7ft Coastal
a 7fter could certainly do some damage and even cause death , id be calling 000 if I had just been half strangled by a 7 ft coastal python . I hope they have learnt a valuable lesson here . never put a snake around your neck , and if you have a snake out of its enclosure make sure its your number one priority - rather then being on the phone or doing something else .
[MENTION=4778]cement[/MENTION] I agree, people underestimate their strength when they haven't experienced it. It's easy to sit back and criticize but they are powerful animals.
Great now mum is gonna need extra convincing to let me get one :'(
And there is a pic of her with it around her neck again today for the media ------ Obviously a slow learner .
Great now mum is gonna need extra convincing to let me get one :'(

haha yep its the same for me, mum sees it on the news and it will be Now look what these creatures can do. It is tough enough as my parents are the only good snake is a dead one type of people :(
I think the snake got sick of her talking all the time on the phone and had to do something about it.
Not the snakes fault. hehehe
After seeing the story on tv, that snake is over 2 m and easily has the strength to choke out a person, . But it won't grow to 4m like the journo says.
Personally, I think she is a lucky girl, and credit to her it hasn't turned her off her pet.
I might be a nancy girl, but I dont generally let my Pythons drape or twine around my neck. Some of my Pythons are well over 2m and I just dont see the need to court potential disaster. I am glad she is not turned off her pet, although I dont blame the Python lol
I don't understand why it was roaming around in the first place?

Stupid woman.
haha yep its the same for me, mum sees it on the news and it will be Now look what these creatures can do. It is tough enough as my parents are the only good snake is a dead one type of people :(

My mum despises them and my dad up in QLD doesn't like them but respects them. The first thing my mum said was "And you said they aren't dangerous" And this is on the same day that the groundskeeper at my school was talking about the time he had to spear his shovel at a king brown (In Melbourne), And then he said that they are Australia's most poisonous snake.

So i wasn't a happy camper,
It was very intents trying not to argue with people.

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Those of you that feed pythons know full well how quickly the animal\ throws loops around the prey item. If you are handling a python and its head over your shoulder, it can rapidly encircle the neck from this position. This can happen out of the blue with a placid animal that has many times crawled over oneā€™s shoulder and into a nearby object such as the lounge. It happened to a mate of mine while he was attempting to get his 3m plus coastal off the clothes line. I was alerted to the problem right behind me by a weak, raspy cry for help. He had both hands between the python and his neck to allow him to get some air into his lungs. I grasped the snake by the head and had to walk it around in circles to release the pressure. It was remarkably strong.

The moral of the story is very simple. Any python of 2m or more should be kept well clear of the upper body if it is being handled by a lone person. And while we are at it, dangerously venomous snakes should not be handled without a responsible person also being present.


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The morale of the story is very simple. Any python of 2m or more should be kept well clear of the upper body if it is being handled by a lone person. And while we are at it, dangerously venomous snakes should not be handled without a responsible person also being present.


This is spot on. There are Some snakes I would have every reason to 'trust' (so far) hanging around my neck and kissing on the head by myself. If I did though it would be a matter of if, not when, I got a nice big bite to the face and strangled by something I really have no prospect of overpowering alone.

We have several large snakes where I work (scrubs and olives, bredli, coastals) and with the exception of the scrubbies, the rest are used in wildlife displays (as below) and as such are incredibly placid. No chance I would be hanging them over my body while I'm alone though, EVER! Same goes for my big BHP and the olive (once she's a big girl).

funny how people on here are so judgemental. were you there did you see that she had the snake around her neck? was she a big strong lady? Having had a coastal python for many years myself who was about 9foot along with other large breeds I know that strenght of the snake when he was out for feeding and cleaning. A good friend of mine who is a bit more built then I also had trouble with the strenght of the ssnake. I guess all your answers to that are don't get it out to clean it's enclosure or to feed it just as you have judged this woman. one of the whole ideas of having herps is to enjoy them handle them etc. what is the point in having them if they are to be kept indoors not handled or allowed to venture I am sure that you wouldn't like to live in a little box with only a bowl for water a light and some sort of heat nor would you keep any other animal like this constantly or do you believe in the bonsai kittens? I certainly am not content to leave my behind locked glass 24/7 365days.
funny how people on here are so judgemental. were you there did you see that she had the snake around her neck? was she a big strong lady? Having had a coastal python for many years myself who was about 9foot along with other large breeds I know that strenght of the snake when he was out for feeding and cleaning. A good friend of mine who is a bit more built then I also had trouble with the strenght of the ssnake. I guess all your answers to that are don't get it out to clean it's enclosure or to feed it just as you have judged this woman. one of the whole ideas of having herps is to enjoy them handle them etc. what is the point in having them if they are to be kept indoors not handled or allowed to venture I am sure that you wouldn't like to live in a little box with only a bowl for water a light and some sort of heat nor would you keep any other animal like this constantly or do you believe in the bonsai kittens? I certainly am not content to leave my behind locked glass 24/7 365days.

Not sure what you are getting at... No one said she shouldn't handle her python just that it is a reminder for all of us as to what they are capable of, and there is a risk in having them around your neck area and being complacent.

People's needs are very different to a snakes so I don't really understand that either.
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Note to self don't go putting 7ft coastals on your neck while on the phone...
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