Big Hello to all!!!

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Not so new Member
Oct 1, 2006
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Big Hello to all!!!

My Account has been activated so i can finally say a big hello to everyone!!!! My name is Troy, I am 31 and live in Perth.
I dont have any herpes yet, but, i am active so ya just dont know what can pop up. I also dont have any herps yet(ok its probably an old joke!)
We, being Lesa(my wife) and me are about to do a reptile keeping course in the next week or so and hopefully after that will purchase our first python, i have been wanting one for years!! I promise her a baby, she promised me a herp.
We have up until last year been involved mainly in dog breeding and showing, with a few Aus champs residing with us still, it was this lifestyle that gave me a love for genetics(yes im a big tattooed nerd)and anything to do with the big circle of life which goes part and parcel with me studying part time to become a naturopath.
I look forward to some interesting conversations, arguments and good ol' debates on this forum, but most importantly getting to know u all and being able to share and learn from our experiences, because after all, when u stop growing(mentally and physically) u die.
So lets all learn and live hey!!!!!

HEy and Welcome. What sort of python r u thinking of getting?
Hi Troy and welcome aboard!!
Keep us posted of your herp shopping and of course we will want pics of every step of the way :)

Thanks for the welcome everyone, we will more than likely be getting a stimpsons python, but am particularly fond of water pythons, olives, blackheaded oh bugger it i really like most of them and would love to be able to have any of them, just figure a stimpson will be a good first learning python, then we will be able to upgrade the licence to cater for a bit more of a parent scarer!!! yeah got a few people Sh*t scared bout visiting us with a not dead 'nake

gday troy, welcome to the site. good to see your taking a course and doin your study before gettin your first, im tryint to do the same at the mo :)
Welcome to the site. I hope you have fun getting to know everyone's personalities. Cos there is some real hum dingers out there.

What dogs did you breed?
Thanks, we breed American Staffordshire Terriers, i have put some pics on another thread
Welcome to the site and IMO a good choice for a first snake the stimmies are very hardy a very docile.
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