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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2011
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:)Hello, this is another new person coming to you straight from Sydney(I won't tell you any more locations because my mum would freak)lol

I don't have any reptiles at the moment but I adore Reptiles as much as you guys and gals, and hope to get one soon, maybe birthday!!!
welcome =] this site is the first step to a huge collection
Awesome, what are you hoping to get? Snake, lizard, turtle? I'm guessing a lizard going by your name :p
To avoid flaming and stuff on this site make sure you research heaps about the animal you want to get. And remember to use the search function on the top right hand corner of the site ;)
Thanks, I use that search bar 24/7 already because I used to be a guest for ages.
Yes hence the name I might go for a beardie for a first.
yeah beardie is a good choice =] plenty of info and (from what i hear) quite easy to care for
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