advice for first snake owner re species and enclosures (another)

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Active Member
Aug 25, 2009
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Blue Mountains
Hey guys
I know there are many people who are asking about a suitable first snake on this forum and I dont want to bore you but i really have no idea about where to start.

I have read through other posts and am thinking that maybe a stimpsons python would be a nice smaller snake for me. I have dreams of owning a green tree python as they are beautiful. I also like the fact that they are arboreal so i will get to see more of them

However I also think black headed pythons are stunning. I have met some gorgeous olives also so basically I'm not very fussy! lol

Basically I'm trying to figure out what size enclosure I should be looking for which will last for a long time. I do not want to blow a heap of cash on an enclosure which my snake will rapidly outgrow.

I have found a decent looking tank with good ventilation which comes on a cabinet (no lighting or heating sorted yet) but im worried that it might be too small.
Also what is the best way to monitor the temperature of the tank. I know that you need to have a temperature gradient but how do you keep it at appropriate levels.

I have been googling my brains off and everyone has their own opinions but feel free to share yours. i would appreciate reasoning behind suggestions rather than just "get a ....." because that wont really help me.

I would like to start with a smaller snake so that my mum wont freak out too much. lol

Any other general tips are appreciated too.

thanks for help guys!
I say start with a spotted, stimson or a childrens python. i have a spotted myself. they're such a great pet to start with. don't even try to bite you. well mine dont. lol i dont know bout others. but yeah enclosure sizes, you want the height for the arboreals, common sense i guess =P. i'm gonna get a custom made enclosure done, i reckon it's cheaper than retail prices. not really sure tho. a thermometer keeps your temps in check, or a heat light with a dimming thermostat so you set it to a certain degree and it will set that light so it's give off that temperature. and spotted, stimsons and childrens are good (i think) coz they dont get too big. maxes out at 1-1.5 metres. easy feeders as people say for first timers.
Hi there,

Any of the Antaresias would make a great first snake, Stimson, Childrens, Spotted. They are fairly good temperament-wise, and fairly easy to keep in captivity with regards to their needs.

When you say you've found a 'tank' can you give us a description, ie size, construction etc.... If it is a fish tank, as in all glass, I would say give it a miss. Personally I don't think glass fish tanks make good snake enclosures, for one they lose too much heat, therefore making it harder to maintain a resonable temp.

If you're looking at keeping an Antaresia, my adults do well in a melamine enclosure measuring 600mm x 600mm x 600mm. Things to keep in mind for the enclosure:
- Make sure it is escape proof, then double check, snakes are great escape artists,
- Include some climbing braches, this is important to maintain your snake's muscle tone (even ground dwellers like BHPs & Womas, enjoy a good climb),
- A good hide is important, so the snake feels secure,
- Always have clean, fresh drinking water available,
- Substrate, or what to put on the floor. You'll find a gazillion posts on this topic, but personally, I reckon newspaper is the best. It is cheap, easy to keep clean and therefore maintain good hygiene,
- On the above, make sure you keep the enclosure clean,
- Heating: I use either a heat bulb or a ceramic heat element, and always hooked up to a thermostat. Make sure you have a cage around the heat lamp, and make sure the holes in it are VERY small if you are keeping antaresias. The best ones are the ones that have the side and bottom made from sheet metal and has small holes punched in it. (I can post a pic if you want) As opposed to the ones that use wire mesh. The last thing you want is your snake getting inside and cooking itself.

Hope this helps.
Hey thanks for the advice guys

I have done HEAPS more reading on the forums here and although everyone seems to have different opinions on EVERYTHING

I think I'll go with one of the antaresia as my first burely based on the size they will grow to. I particularly like the look of the Stimsons pythons. We'll see how we go

I've also done ALOT more research on enclosures/tanks/clickclacks etc mrmikk and I realise Ive made probably the most common begginers mistake in my choice. I wanted a good looking display cabinet straight up. Luckily I didnt pruchase the tank I've had my eye on but it was all glass with ventilation holes in the side and the top. I now realise that this would probably be difficult to get a good heat going and I think that I will attempt to make my own with help when I need it.

Best to start with a click clack anyway so that they dont freak out in a big space.

I'm a fair way of actually purchasing a snake as my mum is not liking the idea at all. I want to make sure that I do it right (hence all this research)

Thanks heaps guys
your replies really help
i keep reading that the smaller snakes are snappier than the bigger ones,..

big snakes start out small too, by the time its 2 years old and 1.5m, you'll be hanging for it to get bigger,..

i reckon look at bredli, all 3 of mine are lovely now that theyve settled in.

and theyre always out and cruising around so u see alot of them,...

do get a nice display cabinet when u find one u like (def get 3 sides wood fro heat/privacy) Wood is also easier to set up nicely sincew u can screw stuff in the sides,...

u can partition it off or just let ur snake out of the click clack to cruise around and get accustomed to it when it looks like it wants to move around a bit.
If your buying a hatchy anteresia you can keep him/her in a click clack for the first 12months, or whenever you think they are ready for a bigger enclosure. Just be careful though, they are good at escaping!
My spotted is now in a 900mm x 600mm x600mm tank which will be plenty big enough.
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