advice needed for sick bearded dragon

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Not so new Member
Nov 8, 2007
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I'm new to this site so would like to say to everyone...hi.

I'm actually looking for some info if on an illness my male bearded dragon has. He is a 9 month old beardie who is very mature for his age and has fathered 3 clutches this season. He is about 40cm long (nose to tail) and weighs approximately 280g. He has suddenly become very despondent, doesn't move, won't open his eyes, won't eat or drink by himself and doesn't seem to be relieving himself much either. He was partnered with a friends beardie for 4 days (for breeding purposes as he is such a stud muffin) but seemed quite lively although may not have pooed much.

I have taken him to a vet who did an ultrasound to rule out impaction - which was able to show that he had a few fecal deposits , but nothing that would cause an impaction. He was also able to do a urine analysis which was positive for crystals which I believe he called 'bassili' crystals. He said these were not the type shaped like 100 & 1000's, but were more like the long 100 & 1000's (sorry for the analogy, but it works!). He has said that the amount in his urine was quite excessive, and gave me baytril to give orally every 4 days (4 baytril doses in total). He mentioned that it was bacterial, and most likely passed on from another beardie who may not even be showing symptoms - but may be more of a carrier. I have been giving him woodies every couple of days (having to force feed him) and have also been forcing water into him regularily. During his warm bath today (which I do daily for about 40 minutes to try to help him go to the toilet) he did a little poo but when he tried to follow it with a wee, he went quite stiff and jolted forward as if in pain (I do know crystals in cats cause alot of pain when urinating so I pressume this is the same)

He is in an inclosure by himself, although previously shared with his 'girlfriend'. He usually dines on woodies, crickets, meal worms and green mix (insects dusted in calcium) and has fresh water daily that he loves to swim in. He has a 10% UVB tube and likes the temp around 27.C. The UVB is on a timer which allows him to have 12 hours light and 12 hours dark. His enclosure has logs which have been cleaned and artificial green leaves which he has never attempted to eat.

I'm sorry to have rambled on so long but would prefer to provide all info so as to hopefully get an answer as to what may be wrong, how it happened and more importantly how I fix him. He went to the vet on Monday where he had his first baytril dose and had his second on Friday (the next is due tomorrow) He doesn't seemed to have gotten any better although will open his eyes sometimes and shift his position slightly. He is usually such a strong robust dragon, but at the moment I'm concerned he wont pull through.

Can someone please help me!
Sounds like you're doing everything right?! the only thing i can think of is that 9months is WAY too young to start breeding even if he is larger(more mature) than the avarage. Perhaps this has had some sort of adverse reaction? maybe even making him more prone to illness/disease. I really hope he pulls through mate and welcome to APS
Hope i'm not answering out of turn here but i will on behalf of mumof4*, as i know her and it was my female beardie that he was paired with for approx a week.
His temps do go up to around 30c - 32c, his cooler end is around 27c. Correct me if i'm wrong, mumof4*.

Any advise for mumof4* would be gratefully appreciated.
W D R 6
Even though that may or maynot be the case fact is if it was not ready to breed it would not have.
BD's should have access to a basking spot of aproxx 35-36 deg.
How many days has it been on the baytrill for.
He's been on Baytril since Monday 21st Jan, so last monday. He's having Baytril every 4days.
Any ideas....................anyone.
Poor mumof4* is very worried about this beautiful dragon. ANY advise would be helpful.
If its baytril oral than it shouldnt be every 4 days,it should be daily to be effective.I reckon there could a better antibiotic to give him than baytril.
Whoops! let me finish what I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself!
Any suggestions on what other antibiotics I
Whoops! Let me finish what I was saying before I so rudely interrupted myself!
Any further suggestions on other antibiotics I could try?
I did turn his temp up to 30-32 but he was standing with his mouth open too often for my liking. As this was definitely not a case of aggressive behaviour, I can only surmise that he was overheating.
I'm pretty sure open mouth breathing while basking is fine with beardies as im pretty sure I've read it somewhere on a bearded dragon website? But I've only been keeping dragons since November so I'm by no stretch of the imagination a expert on the matter.
27 would be the temp where the thermostat is and therefore in his cool spot. I'm guessing therefore the temp in his basking spot would be around 30-31. It's been the same temp for about 4-5 months.
When comparing what little urine he is doing to that of one of my other dragons, his is very shiny and glistening, almost like white/pearl glitter with a fibreglass like consistency. The other is a dull chalk colour with a chalk like consistency.
Hi although I am a snake and tarantula keeper I read your thread with great sadness. You sound like you love your little guy heaps. The only thing I can say is if it were me I would seek a second opinion. I know this is expensive but if possible this is what I would do. Also maybe a call to your state museum would be worthwhile as they have a host of experts working for them and may be able to offer further help. All the best and keep us posted on developements.:)
He (Lazarus) is very gorgeous. I did actually try both the Melb Zoo and Heallsville Sanctuary today, but being a public holiday, the phones/office were not being manned. I also tried a herp guy I found on the internet in Geelong - but to no avail!
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