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It's getting pretty complicated and confusing and people start questioning what other people meant.

From my personal point of view, I wouldn't like to see my snakes being bought by inexperienced people just because they are cheap to buy. That would inevitably result in higher mortality and sooner or later some of those unsuccessful owners will scream - "I bought this snake from such & such breeder and it died in the first week". I wouldn't be looking forward to such situation.
, those who are able (and willing to) spend top dollar on a top shelve animal will have enough dosh left to set up a top class facility, take the snake to the vet if necessary and pay electricity bills. What Orientalis said is true - many are feeling the financial squeeze and while the desire and interest in acquiring a reptile or two may be there, the cash is in short supply. Many first time buyers don't think about the on-costs.
Yes well I did plan on early retirement and just cruising along making billions out of breeding snakes, but with the price drop now it looks like I'll have to keep working and twice as hard to maintain my animals!

Oh well, I'm lucky I have my free snake catching service and voluntary wild reptile care business to prop me up........
thankyou at last some one with a eye for detail !! ,anyone who knows me knows i have a passion for reptile that i will take to the grave money from my animals always goes back into my animals ( i became a tradesman and work hard at work to pay for everything else) im no better then anyone on here!!!
Your comment really resonated with me. Why is it that when you start breeding snakes it is often seen as 'trying to make a quick buck' or 'jumping on the bandwagon'. My ethos is that I want to make my hobby pay for itself, and to reinvest in other projects. None of us are going to retire because of this hobby, and it's more about being diligent and always doing the best thing by the animals.
Alot of people made a lot of money from breeding top end snakes.
Please remember that the market only crashed a few years ago.
The problem with some breeders is that they dont understand that $500 for a person is a lot of bloody money.......weeks take home pay for most.
If I need to sell my albino's for $500 each this year.....................then so be it !!!!
I was hoping on $1000 for a each Hatchie.
oh well, 10 albino's = $5000 - $10,000 CASH FOR A HOBBY - TAX FREE !! [ 3 years ago the same 10 albino's would be worth $60,000 CASH ]
****, i'm crying all the way to the underside of my matress...........please !!
i think i might need to spend a day in your head so i can see how you got that out of what i was originaly asking???? ,as for the children comment it was my way of putting a point forward saying if all reptiles go for $50 what animals will young herpers dream to afford in the future? (i wanted to grow up get a job and buy a green tree python and it took me years to do it) and that led me on a fantastic path in the herp world and my other dream was to throw away my BMX and buy a classic mustang that took me years and im glad mustangs are not worth $50 but im not looking at making money out of my car.
Not at all. But if you embark on this venture and when the time comes to sell ur off spring and ur not going to make as much money as you thought you would and then you make a thread whinging about it. Then yeah you would seem like a money grabber.

There is nothing wrong with making some return on your hobby and i don't actually see anything wrong with being a money grabber and wanting to make millions. Just don't blow smoke up our noses by saying ridiculous things like that ur doing for the children lol (I know that wasn't you waterrat lol) or claim that you somehow have a god given right to this fortune.
Totally agree, well said.
I plan on owning one in the near future, not to breed/status etc just because I like them and have always wanted one, at least i can afford them now.

I am the same, I want to own one now or in the future, not to breed/status just because i think they are beautiful and I've always wanted one and I could be able to afford them
It is a question of priorities. Drinking a carton a week or a couple of packets of smokes equals an albino in a year!
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What the majority of enthusiasts assume in Australia, is that there are going to be hundreds and thousands produced........this season, last season the season before.....
Most thought and probably still think, that the numbers of RSP, Albino Darwins and Het Darwins (pure varigata) are huge................
Well, i would say that there is probably only around 600 RSP in this country in total in captivity, that have been produced since John's first clutch......that's 600 in total........and look at the price's........LOW as....why is that?
And, with albino and het albino darwins (pure variegata), i don't even know if you could find 50 different people who have bred them including SXR......and what most don't realize, is that the first and second clutches are usually small, especially if they are bred at 2.5 yrs........At best and not including SXR, i don't know if you could name 1 person that has bred them for 4 seasons yet.......and there would probably only be half a dozen people in the whole country that have been lucky enough to breed them for 3 seasons so far.............there wouldn't even be 1000 in total produced as yet....................

So, what the perception seems to be, is that there will be so many produced that the market will be flooded and they will be dirt cheap.............I think, the market in Australia is really quite small and even with only a small number of animals, the animals are advertised cheap and still not selling...... the general majority don't pay and probably cannot afford to pay, the 2000 to 7700 dollars each........
so, look at GTP' many were actually produced and sold???? alot less than people assume and there are still breeders with animals still lining their facilities at all price ranges........The problem is, not enough keepers are willing and others unable to purchase.....and those who are able and willing to spend large amounts already have........

Australia has a population issue when it comes to the reptile hobby and with the economic crisis around the globe for the last 3 years..... well, you don't need to be Einstein or have a crystal ball to work out that the price is dropping in many species in Australia, due to individual circumstances and most people cannot and do not want to hold out for their firm asking price. Most thought they would breed and sell and when they don't, other advertisers start dropping prices, genuine buyers wait...... and dreamers make up stories about how cheap their mates paid for them and how cheap they will be because of supply and demand.................Supply is not high......face facts..........demand is high.........and yet, there are still advertisements for albino's and greens at cheap, reasonable and high prices........same goes for and...not sold out.........WHY is that????????? because Australia does not have enough people to purchase all the reptiles being produced.........The market is saturated with numbers of reptiles, not numbers of albino's, greens or rsp..............and people always want to save money, it is normal.........but there will always be different priced greens, albino's and all species or locale or morph animals.......that is life......prices do come down, other's go up..........
What animal you want and what animal you buy, is completely up to you..........don't worry about knocking people for paying high prices and same for those who are lucky enough to pay bugger all.........good luck to is shocking to see that the prices have dropped so much so quickly in the last 3 years especially, but all in all even if you went out today and paid 20,000 dollars and bred an adult pair, you would still be able to recoup you dollars in 1 or 2 successfull still an unbelievable hobby when you take the money and costs into consideration.......and to think that those same animals can be found on advertisements for way less, is just astounding......i can only think that people are not buying them because of their actual cash position or they already have some......

I'd like to actually know just how many people have actually seen an Albino Adult in the flesh???
And an RSP?????
The majority wouldn't have even laid eyes on them to appreciate them.....when you see adult animals, they are extremely impressive, just amazing.......

How many keepers actually own adult albino's 4.5 yrs, 5.5 yrs and 6.5 yrs old????
At a guess, probably not even 50 people........pretty small really when you look at it and most think that every man and his wife have them.......

PS.........I spend more than i'll ever get back, as do the majority of genuine enthusiasts keepers and breeders......why does it matter what price they are, if you want them....go find the person you want to buy from and get them.......If you only have x amount of money and cannot afford 1, 2, 3 or 12.....keep saving, work more hours or sell something you own to get the extra dollars....or wait and in time........... you know the rest.....
Rome wasn't built in a day..............

Impressive post,very well written and it makes sense to me anyway.
good post, puts thing in perspective, you would think there were alot more.
haha, i didnt say animals deserve better care if they are worth more, they just get it subconciously. its human nature to look after something more expensive before something cheaper. i know that is gonna be taken wrong. lol. im not saying it should happen. i'm saying it does happen, i know plenty of people that buy nice big display enclosures for gtp, bhp and albinos. while their coastals stay in tubs......
Not always the case AUSHERP, I spent 4mths building an enclosure for my diamonds at a cost, far more than what they are worth,I could have bought the albino that i wanted with what i spent,you have to get your priorities(sp) right.
LOL. nothing is ALWAYS the case. people can only speak of what they have seen, heard and experienced.
i wish prices would drop casue i want a pair of these to add to my collection
from someone that just spend a week to find a suitable albino to buy, i think everyone is hoping the prices will drop because there is 'so many' out there, when infact there are just not the numbers out there yet to see them drop to $1000 & under.. i tried getting the 2 that were going for $1000 each, they went pretty quick..
from someone that just spend a week to find a suitable albino to buy, i think everyone is hoping the prices will drop because there is 'so many' out there, when infact there are just not the numbers out there yet to see them drop to $1000 & under.. i tried getting the 2 that were going for $1000 each, they went pretty quick..

oh yes,for a deal like that you have to be very very quick
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