Alpine Blotched Bluetongue localities

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Put me on the waiting list for her babies.
I'll take seconds if she does breed, that orange ones perfect :D
do you think wild blue tongues eat a simillar amount of
vegetable matter in the wild as you provide in captivity?
They'd eat whatever they could find i think, some of there range doesn't offer much plant matter but they probably eat dead insects, bird and roo droppings, orchid flowers? (not sure on that one). I'm only basing this on a particular place I know where both blotchies and eastern blueys exist.
On the topic of food, has anyone ever feed there blueys mushroom, and is it OK for them to eat?
re Alpine

Good pics jordo,ive seen one eating a xmas beetle at taralga sept first years back,yeh they like fungus (mushrooms)even the babies and snails,fruit,veges.Most absolutely love pink rats and mice and go nuts when they get them shaking them and eating whole, ide imagine they would eat cicadas and crix but i havent tryed them.Also in the wild there is uswually grass hoppers (locusts?)where they live they may also eat them but i havent tryed them either.What zen and pike was saying about scars going orange may be right as your close up of the alpine seems to indicate this but i cant see much on the others,maybe it comes about in older lizards that have been constantly bitten in the same areas and the alpine with the red spots looks old (but nice) :)
Parko said:
Just a little question for you blue tongue ppl, do you think wild blue tongues eat a simillar amount of
vegetable matter in the wild as you provide in captivity? What type of native vegetable matter would they feed on? Anything that's soft and green?


I've seen the lowland form eating the little purple berries of the native plant Dianella Revoluta (Tasmanian Flax lily) near Cape Otway in Victoria.

Like Zulu (Colin) has said I think they prefer to eat any little critter they can run down. I've seen them eating Christmas beetles and such and have also fed mine what I think is the larval stage of cicadas (that I dug up when weeding the garden) a big juicy white grub. One of my females ran from about 2 metres away to grab it.

I suspect they'd eat fallen flowers too.

Fabulous Alpine blotched pics too, everyone :)
Most absolutely love pink rats and mice
I used to breed mice when I had my snake and would give em hoppers all the time, the larger blueys can even get an adult mouse down (I only did this if they hadn't eaten for a while, and I couldn't be stuffed chopping up a fruit salad for them!), love watching them tackle mice :twisted: :lol:
Just came in from feeding them now! (dogfood, egg, spinach, banana), luv my blueys :mrgreen:
Hi Zib and welcome, the grubs are beetle larvae, usually christmas beetles and rhinos up here
Founds this one this morning in my driveway. He wasn't impressed about getting his photo taken and nearly nailed the camera. (I think its a male) Have seen some with hardly any red in them , but this one has heaps. This thread has been really great to see all the different colours, is there any more pics around?
Hey Dave,zach at is after some pics of wild blueys for his wild page and is asking if anyone wants to post some pics there with locality will get credit for the pics and credit to this site.
re Alpine

Good one dave,pikes right there post him up on blue tongue skinks . net they really like those photos theyd be welcome for sure,wish i had a nice one like that on the driveway! :D
checked out that site and now I'm depressed :( . Why can't we get any of those sweet island varieties of bluetongues here!
Damn import laws :evil:
they don't have many good blotchie pics so go and post it on there Dave, its a very nice animal. :)
Hey Folks!

Thanks Pike for letting these guys know about our search -- we're finally getting around to the Wild Page on and need some help from our fellow Australians. We can't create information as we don't live there, and we don't want to read anything in books. We're looking for first-hand experience and personal photographs of wild animals. Any and all credit will be given for photos offered for this page. Anything can be used...I would love to hear some random stories from some of you just stumbling onto an alpine in the wild, etc. I loved hearing that the one above was just sitting in your drive way.

I've seen such fabulous images on this thread; it's basically what inspired me to get this thing going. But any and all pictures of wild BTS, what you've observed them eating, behaviors you've seen, anything at all. The entire page will consist of each species' wild habits, where it lives, how it lives, the effects of man, and it will be stated that all information was given by the people who truly have observed it (specific names for those who are comfortable with it).

I'm really excited about this page; primarily because it will be authentic and not just second guessed.

I loved the talk about the red marks possibly being from breeding wounds (or any would), and others seemingly are born with it. I'd love to include all that.

Thanks again, and thanks Pike.
Good to see this thread is still going strong.

Dave, that specimen from your driveway has great colour. The salmon-orange colour of the blotches is aguably the brightest colour variant for this species. When you get a good one like this, the colour is solid (pure). I've noticed the streaking is common in wild Blue Mountains specimens too.
These are very attractive features IMO.

Specimens like Zulus perfect orange & black one are the product of selective breeding IMO, and would not occur in the wild.
I'll bet that Zulu started with the best he could find and then bred the best with the best, to get the best of the best. :wink: Correct me if I'm wrong Colin. :)

Jordo said:-
Just came in from feeding them now! (dogfood, egg, spinach, banana), luv my blueys
I'm curious about the "spinach" Jordo. I've never tried it but it sounds like it'd be good if they eat it.
I assume you mean Silverbeet, which is more commonly available.
Do you give it to them raw :?:

Welcome to the site Zach. Hope you enjoy the fodder here. :)
Zen, I think it was spinach but no doubt silverbeet would be very similar. Dad grows both spinach and silverbeet (and a heap of other fresh goodies I steal for the lizards, they lov tomatoes :lol: ). I give all their fruit and veg to them raw to keep it a bit natural.
Basically I just put leafy veggies in for the stumpies which are a bit more vegetarian :roll: , I didn't even think the blueys would go for it! Well, I really just feed them whatevers around at the time :wink: the joy of non-fussy lizards 8)

PS- been away for a few days, sorry!
Thanks Jordo for the fruit & vege wrap there.

Fresh is best & you can't get better than straight out of the patch. :)

I'll try the spinach for sure. If it's good enough for Popeye it's good enough for my blueys.
Imagine what it'll do to the males in the breeding season ! :lol:

Cheers, zen
Zen i"ll give them anything if i know it won"t kill them
Alpine blueys

Photographed these 2 this morning. Both on the road waiting to be run over. I thought they were both males ???? The top one was a lot smaller and rather slim, he has just puffed himself up for the pic.
yeah, look like males 2 me but its always hard to tell. They're both really nice colour
Nice specimens there Dave.

I hope you took them off the road after taking the photos :lol:
They've got no road sense whatsoever.

Have you noticed this species rather interesting habit of stiffening up when they first spot you. They become rigid & freeze!
They project the thinnest aspect towards the predator to make themseves look thinner.
:idea: My theory is that it makes them look more stick-like.

Some individuals do this everytime you go approach their enclosure, even if born in captivity. Others lose the habit.

Jordo, it's amazing the wide varirty of foods they'll eat. True omnivores!

I've read that too much banana gives them diarrhea and that you shouldn't give them too many tomatoes. I suppose they're too acidic or something, I can't remember exactly (?)
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