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I posted that pic a couple of pages ago on this thread...get with it man :wink:
Another US Creation......

Fair dinkum Browns, it's a small world mate ... I was actually unsure of the year the photo's where taken, just guessed by their quality that it was the 70's lol... I am good friends with these people and I actually work with the ladies husband, thats how I came to have copies of these pictures.
I must admit I have no problem with cross breeds etc if they are sold as such. Some of them are magnificent animals. The Jungle/GTP hatchling is beautiful as are the adults. It will happen more here and my opinion is the offspring will sell like hotcakes, if you don't like them don't buy them is my advice.
Beautiful snake, but I have to say i totally disagree with what they are doing, cant they just be happy to have a green tree python, i know plenty of us would be happy if thats all we ever had, no pleasing some i guess.
with the cross breeding ,do the the snake's mate them self or is it artificial insaminated?
It's happened before with carpets and scrubbys so why not a carpet with a Chondro?You would wonder if the offspring were fertile or not though....
here's a different one...
Browns, please excuse my lack of knowledge, are some cross breeds young infertile are they? What is the cross breed in your picture?
Yeah, the americans have done some really weird things with their pythons...burmese x retic, jungle carpet x woma... and I don't see the point in it. I agree, I don'wt want Australia to go down that path. Could spoil whole groups of captive species.
When people start selling off cross-breeds as purebreeds, either through ignorance or financial gains the problems will start. Lets hope we don't go down that track.
Oh no, not this again...? And so soon after the last debate! Where's Boa? Chondros and rough scaled pythons are primarily rodent feeders as adults in the wild, according to stomach contents analysis, very few bird remains found at all. The long teeth are designed to grab rats and hang on to them. Weigel has told me that Chondros & RSPs are extremely close genetically, moreso than anything else.

Stamp the hybrids out though!

Maybe some mate, if they are closely related enough, but I'm sure that many of the crazy crosses are artificially inseminated. And the carpet/scrubby mix is probably possible because they are from the same genus, but I still don't believe in cross-breeding...we might lose the originals forever.
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