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Vets assist feed too.
Also, did you guys buy your snakes from breeders? As I thought it wasn't really smiled upon to sell non-feeders?

Well the EPA wouldnt like it, but apart from that its OK IMO if the buyer is aware.

Have you tried scenting with an AHG? if that fails try scenting a live fuzzy mouse with an AHG that would have to look and smell tasty.

Actually find out what the breeder fed it it should eat this again if the conditions are right.
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Did you get my text , ash?

One of my olives ate last night :)
No force feeding etc , it ate 2 fuzzy mice - its a start
my little coastal isnt eating either, tryed a thawed fuzzy rat, live fuzzy rat, live AHG and ahg tail, its still looking good not losing condition but if it continues i will consider assist feeding, ash, try clayton night at dbay, he should be able to help ya, good bloke 2.
thats good 2 hear trousa

yer its only been 6 or so weeks , so I'm not too stressed about the other one not eating , someone needs to tell ash this!

(ate : two defrosted fuzzy mice as well , not live)
lol yea ash if its not loosing condition dont worry tomuch, i'm not worried about my coastal, had a good feed before i got it
What is it with people selling snakes that aren't feeding properly??????

As far as I am concerned...they should be shot.........unless they KNOW that they are selling them to an experienced herper!!!!!!!!
mine was feeding before i got it, altho the olives the others got had only had one feed, should have had a few more before selling
Well I myself havent had enough experience to judge whether shes losing condition or not, to me she looks healthy, shes always exploring and tryign to escape!
And yer Teni she is in her water alot.

And the breeder I got her off has told me not to panic and stuff but im just so worried and i just want her to start eating so I can hold her & enjoy her like i have been dying too for the last 2 months!!
Teni, I wouldnt ''force feed'' her, only assist, which I believe isnt that hard, not that I would do it, Just its not as bad as a pinkie pump??

I also agree though, that hatchies shouldnt be sold until they are feeding well not just oen feed, because the snake is obviously gogin to stress out being in a new enclosure.

Thanks for all of your replies guys.
dont worry ash, she will feed eventually, give clayton a call when u get home
Nah Im going to take 'Python_Gal" up on her offer as shes only local.

Thanks for all of the replies guys, I will let you know how it goes :)
hi all having the same trouble... Got my hatchie jungle 16 days back... Tried feeding her 4 times but not much luck.. Tried live fuzzy mice twice but showed no interest... Tried frozen fuzzies twice, once brained and once just the thawed fuzzy... still no luck... Planing on trying a live fuzzy in a icecream tub this week end and hope fully she should feed... I got her from the breeder with a bulge in her stomach so I know she was feeding b4 I got her.... Dont know why she's being so difficult now.... Have her in her click clack so I'm guessing it not how I'm housing her...... Since its been only fifteen days I know I have no reason to get worried.. Imagen I havent even handled her to see if its the same snake I chose... Do throw in some ideas u think I can try.... thanks a lot

G&B as you got your hatchie only 16 days shouldn't even be trying to feed it until now. It would be settling in during this time. JMO
The problem with feeding finches is it can be difficult to change them over to rats. I'd stick with trying scented rats and mice and go with the finch on its own as a last option. It took me a long time to get my olives (no longer have them) onto rats after feeding finches and day old chicks.
How long was that Bo??

I have been told it isnt too hard, and my mac has such a strong feeding repsonse, I believe that once the olive gets eating it will too, and there fore would jump at the rat with the smell of a finch??
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