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hi it is still early days, if it helps i bought a pair of womas a few years back on was eating rat pups weekly and the girl never ate for six months. the male was 3 times her weight by this point.
what got her to eat with now probs was a eliminate this cost i made a sparrow trap from pics off the net. ive just come to terms she only likes birds. thou lately while im down at the butcher getting a feed i bye chichen wings for her. she will come up and gently eat them out of my hand. i would never try to hand feed my other womas thou. so chicken wings may be a answer if you don,t wish to kill birds.
after reading that Mrs Macs Mlak Mlak ate the day after spending some time in the sun, i'd try that....maybe even try offering food outdoors,..!?
Thanks guys,
I am going to call my local reptile vet and talk to him, see how much he will charge to assist feed her.

Otherwise, Over the weekend I will try chicken juices and maybe even the chicken wings like Rusty suggested.

Thanks for all of the help & advice guys!
I have had problems in the last few months with hachies i found that pinki rats dipped in chicken stock put in there enclosures at night worked realy well. I just leave the lights off for the night.
My stubborn Olive ate a zebra finch on his own the other day!!!!!! I was stoked!!!!!!
He has always pulled away ate the site if a rat pinky even though I scented it with the finch, as soon as I put the finch in his enclosure, he went straight into hunting mode. The finches cost me $6.50 but I don't care, I will keep buying them and scenting rats first to try to wean him onto rats. I will do this for as long as it takes. I don't see the point in starving the snake if he wants to eat finches, let him eat finches, I say.
Hey just a thought....... Ash you said

And yer Teni she is in her water alot.

What are the temps at? Maybe they don't feel quite comfortable.

I would be overly paranoid just yet. I still have some bredli & PMS's that haven't eaten in 6 weeks. They haven't put on any size but haven't lost any either.
I tried everything with my jungle and he didnt eat for 5mths little bugger.... i finally got him to eat a tail from a massive rat that i feed the big olives...... dont know why maybe it was a stronger smell or maybe he was just ready and i was lucky...

hope she/he feeds for u ash :)
Had a few troubling hatchies , tried all the usual tricks , one now takes pinkies scented with pilchards , the other is now taking the pinkies just not eating them yet .
I defrost the pilchard in the same cup as the pinkies .
*rant mode on*
I can't believe breeders would sell non-feeding snakes to anyone. It shocks me how many people have told me about their snake not feeding well.. Dean's first snake, before i met him, was a noodle coastal and had apparently eaten once, from an apparently reputable breeder. well after it not eating for ages, and doing everything as he was supposed to, going to the vet and then buying all the equipment for forcefeeding (as he was recommended to do) and pinkie-pumping.. it ended up dying anyway! it's very disheartening for anyone to have a pet die, but when its your first you want an easy start to owning herps, not the hassle that a lot of experienced owners dont even have to do.. it is just outrageous!
i know one breeder who wont even sell his snakes untill they have had 5 or 6 good feeds and he is happy to let them go, he wouldnt even let me have one that had "only" had three feeds.

whether you are an experienced owner or not, it is the breeders responsibility to make sure their snakes are healthy and ok to be selling, not just getting rid of all their "stock" to make the $$$

fair enough if you request a non-feeder (for cheaper, or because thats all they have left, or whatever reason you so desire one) but selling them non-feeding or not feeding well to unsuspecting buyers just isnt right! (by unsuspecting i mean someone who either doesn't know that it doesnt feed well, or someone that doesnt have experience in getting them to feed) and even then, if i sold a non-feeder or bad-feeder to anyone, i would check back regularly and offer any assistance.. its just the right thing to do!
*rant over*

good luck with your snakes guys, keep up the good efforts!

and sorry for ranting in your thread :)
Wow, guys, havent checked this thread for a while to find heaps of posts!

Thanks for all of your replys!

And Penny, I agree, 100% but at the time didnt know it had only had one feed.

She looks liek shes lost condition, her eyes dont look the same at all, they are really dull, and have been like this for a couple of weeks now, and no shes not coming up for a shed.

She has pooped again now, which makes 3 all up.
And she frantically runs around looking for food. She never stops, Never. (Well ofcourse she sleeps but most of the time shes out and about LOL)

And I am worrying quite alot..
I am going to get some chicken wings over the weekend and try them, if they dont work then assist feeding at the vet next week it is!
dont keep putting the vet off, thats your best hope, maybe she has a medical problem, i wish you all the best
*rant mode on*
I can't believe breeders would sell non-feeding snakes to anyone.

I agree, but to be fair, sometimes they are feeding well until they are put in a new environment. Mine had been feeding well according to the guy who sold it to me (I know and trust him and he had good records). For some reason it went off food for the first few weeks in its new digs.

But yeah, they should be feeding well before sale without doubt.
I agree with mis mac If you need advice I would recomend Brendan from Pine Rivers as well has helped me heaps
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