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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
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Southern hemisphere
The DSE are doing the rounds and over the next several months! They plan to inspect 4000 wildlife license holders. Check your books and dot your i's and cross your t's! I personally know 2 people who have had compliance officers knock on their door un-announced wanting to check their animals and record book!
There's only one door they need to persistently knock on.

Duly noted. Cheers.
The DSE are doing the rounds and over the next several months! They plan to inspect 4000 wildlife license holders. Check your books and dot your i's and cross your t's! I personally know 2 people who have had compliance officers knock on their door un-announced wanting to check their animals and record book!
good on them , i hope they catch the dodgy ones out .
good on them , i hope they catch the dodgy ones out .

l to hope they catch the dodgy ones who don't have a valid licence to keep what they currently have their home.

l myself have not had any inspection from any DCE Wildlife Officers since November 1996, they are always welcome to come to my home to check my Reptiles and Record book cause l have nothing to hide from them at all.:p
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Thanks dottyback. Problem is, some of these "officers" would'nt know a bearded from a lacie. They've been tagging people for the last 12 months, which is good, weeds out the illegal stuff sometimes. But they also take record books and its a mission to get them back! They give you a new book in the meantime, so in effect, you have to keep two sets of books. Gets very confusing. Especially around hatchie time!
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Cool l'll have 2 invite them in 4 some tea,then throw em in the illegal tiger cage.
Yep. They can do that here too Gordo but they usually give you notice.
No they can't. They can turn up but they have to tell you what they plan on doing and if it doesn't suit you can send them away and reschedule. I've been inspected once and they made an appointment with me.

Yep. They can do that here too Gordo but they usually give you notice.
Are they allowed to turn up unannounced like that?

They can turn up unannounced Gordo, but WA is the only state where they have a right of access even if you say no (this is an appalling excess power for any government official by the way). You can legitimately ask them to make an appointment and come back when it suits you everywhere else, despite what they may tell you.

Thanx for the heads up, tho they are welcome to knock on my door :) hope they catch many doggy ones!
You can refuse entry if it does not suit you but most often they will just return with a search warrant - speaking from experience
sounds like one is better off just letting them in on the spot
Hmmmmm. More wasted tax-payer dollars. They'd be more useful planting native trees or weeding. Perhaps an activity that actually contributes to conservation!!!
What if you're not there at the time? If they come on a weekday most likely I'll be at school and my dad doesn't know where I keep my books...
I would let them in, I have nothing to hide and i keep my animals in top conditions.
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