baby blue tongue wont eat need help

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Not so new Member
Apr 7, 2010
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hey every one i just got a baby blue tongue a few days ago an it doesent seem to be eating im giving it shredid carrots and apple mixed with mashed up canned cat food but it doesent seem to want any i need help i dont want the poor lil liz to starve to death
Hey don't worry, like most reptiles they can go ages without feeding. Try some live mealworms/crickets with calcium and multivite power. I found with my juvs that live food really increased the feeding/hunting reflex. Wild blueys tend to eat more protein when young as it aids in speedy growth. Hope this helps.
Oh, and make sure the cat food has no fish in it. Good luck :)
well the cat food is with chicken and i asked my mum to get some worms cos i cant leave the house and i read that babys should be eating 2 times a day an i cant find any snails anyware. im in australia if that helps
experts say canned cat food an dog food is good aslong as it isent fish
Are you heating the lizard? It may not be feeding as it is too cold?

I am in Melbourne and y adults outside are no longer eating as it is too cold. I have some babies inside who only eat when i am heating them, when the heat is switche off they are not interested in food.
yes i am heating it. the warm side is 35 degrees australian degrees . cold side is around 20 give or take
are u running a uv light aswell?
pics of the enclosure would be a help , i think 35c is a little too hot - i would drop it to 30c [ basking area]
what sort of heat is it ? from a basking lamp - heat emitter - heat matt - ect -ect ?
there is no way in hell im gunna run a uv light an i am running a heat lamp the enclosure is 4 foot by 2 foot with 3 foot deep an half foot deep of non chemical mulch an about the uv light i read that 1 hour of natural sun a week is better than fake crap running 24/7 for a bluey
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