Baby turtle (warning extreme cuteness)

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The person i have purchased them from, has told me they have had a 75% mortality rate with hatchling turtles since the laws changed and hatchlings have been available for sale in vic.


Have they done a research on the mortalitiy rate of turtles since the 1st of October ?
And also do the pet shops down in SA, VIC give out a caresheet with every species purchased?

I dont know about official research but the seller was basing that of how many dead returns and nearly dead returns he had from purchases from him.
Alot of the care sheets wont tell you things like temperate and tropical species needing a heated environment as well as water.
And also ventilation and biological filtration basics ect.
They dont take into account some peoples lack of common sense.
Oh well..thanks for setting me straight...I am a bit of a reptile myself (dinosaur) and have not been up to speed with turtles for about 10 years...I notice in my googling John has released a book called "Turtles in Australia" so that does indeed pay credence to your argument....we learn something every day in this forum...actually makes it easier to call em turtles like the yanks. Now if only we could change a few other words like gasoline/petrol Aluminum (SIC)/Aluminiun :lol:
the whole turtle - tortoise thing came about in au as a slang thing from what i understand but the official classification for all australian turtles is turtles.
I even read where the word terrapin came from in my turtle researching.
My boy used to sleep on his basking dock- he had heaps of plants etc to rest on near the surface, but simply went through a phase where he wanted to sleep on to basking dock. nothing in his tank had changed to bring about this change, but he is an animal and he does what he likes :)

A lot of people do seem to recommend getting plants and perhaps floating objects (driftwood before it sinks, for example) for turtles to rest on. When they get big its a bit more difficult and you generally need to get something that extends from the bottom of the tank to the top, because they weight too much and sink everything (lol).

Basically, as my turt grew up, he initially liked sleeping in the plants (as a hatchy), then went to sleeping on the dock, and now sleeps on the bottom. If yours are sleeping on the dock then I would probably recommend using IR to keep them warmer if its so cool down there :)
If your tank was well set up correctly with ample reeds & hiding places your turtles would stay in the water overnight, by far, the majority do, which I presume you have heated. The fact if there is a basking light on or off should only have minimal impact on the water temp, as this should be maintained seperately. The hatchling turtles will then spend their nights in the water, not allowing it them dry out.. They do this in the wild, for safety, an instinctive self defence reaction.
Your little ones on the dock overnight may have been dehydrated, so not too far from death at all.
Do you realise that the change to the law in regards to legal turtle size was 1/10/09, seeing that it is now 20/10/09, I really think you are streaching it a bit Dabool with your comment "they have had a 75% mortality rate with hatchling turtles since the laws changed" Hatchlings always have a high mortality rate unless they are raised to a suitable size & strength before they are sold.
You might want to ask Craig Latta yourself to verify if what I have told you is correct or not, you know, the guy who wrote the caresheet you like so much, the website where you got it, etc, etc.
If your tank was well set up correctly with ample reeds & hiding places your turtles would stay in the water overnight, by far, the majority do, which I presume you have heated. The fact if there is a basking light on or off should only have minimal impact on the water temp, as this should be maintained seperately. The hatchling turtles will then spend their nights in the water, not allowing it them dry out.. They do this in the wild, for safety, an instinctive self defence reaction.
Your little ones on the dock overnight may have been dehydrated, so not too far from death at all.
Do you realise that the change to the law in regards to legal turtle size was 1/10/09, seeing that it is now 20/10/09, I really think you are streaching it a bit Dabool with your comment "they have had a 75% mortality rate with hatchling turtles since the laws changed" Hatchlings always have a high mortality rate unless they are raised to a suitable size & strength before they are sold.
You might want to ask Craig Latta yourself to verify if what I have told you is correct or not, you know, the guy who wrote the caresheet you like so much, the website where you got it, etc, etc.
Sorry i missed your point . or did you not have one.
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the whole turtle - tortoise thing came about in au as a slang thing from what i understand but the official classification for all australian turtles is turtles.
I even read where the word terrapin came from in my turtle researching.

Yeah...Terrapin is rarely used these days...we had a band called Terrapin many/many years ago (in homage more to Sid from Pink Floyd)...this actually got me obsessed with turtles ......when I was into them as a kid back in the dark ages I just had a pond in the backyard at my parents and they would come and I didnt officially own them. I have a small pond in my latest house and the frogs also come and go...Amphibians seem to be quite smart in that they can seek out water...

Now that I have a licence I think I may consider getting an outdoor setup ....they are such cute creatures to watch...

I remember one turtle that lived in our yard for a time would get really excited if anyone came past...they must recognise people and understand some are not threats.
****chuckles to mysel********

how old are you Dabool? Maybe time to grow up?

All Gary tried to do initially was offer some advice.... Where did your attitude come from?
if it was a northern yellow face or any of the northern species you just killed it with your advice. not here for argument .
just some good advice anyone?

For a start we all know it isn't a northern yellow face so the information that Gary gave you was very correct..And yes if you knew anything about turtles you wouldn't have even commented about Gary's knowledge of turtles. You don't seem to want the answers to your questions so why bother to ask them..I feel sorry for the turtle in question if you don't want the advice to keep him/her happy and healthy..
dont have an answer for u, but dam that a cute lil turtle! :)

(tries hard not to put turtles on new wish list,
Lol Garry, i wouldnt keep it on. With my long neck he lives outside and only gets water temps wat r outside. Like garry said they sleep in the water? And the water is heated just turn the light of and have the water as a heated thing.
This isnt just for you Dabool as there are others on APS that do the same ...
maybe next time when you put up a help thread or a want to know your opinion thread ...underneath the title you should also put ....ONLY WANTING TO READ ANSWERS THAT WRAP IT UP IN COTTONWOOL AND HAVE PINK PONIES AND FLUFFY WHITE CLOUD BOARDERS ...that way the ones that give you straight answers ...sometimes not what you like to read ...but straight answers for your problem and make you feel responsible for what has happened to your pet or suggest that your enclosure or setup isnt correct ..wont bother answering ..and then there is no more problems...
A normal aquarium heater is very adequate and they work very well, so just leave that on at night and turn the globes off like Gary told you to do, most reptiles can cool down quite considerable over short periods, especially now that it is summer and the ambient tempretures are quite warm, hell im not even giving my pygmy bearded dragon night time heat and he is doing great!
This isnt just for you Dabool as there are others on APS that do the same ...
maybe next time when you put up a help thread or a want to know your opinion thread ...underneath the title you should also put ....ONLY WANTING TO READ ANSWERS THAT WRAP IT UP IN COTTONWOOL AND HAVE PINK PONIES AND FLUFFY WHITE CLOUD BOARDERS ...that way the ones that give you straight answers ...sometimes not what you like to read ...but straight answers for your problem and make you feel responsible for what has happened to your pet or suggest that your enclosure or setup isnt correct ..wont bother answering ..and then there is no more problems...

OMG i love you lol
they are pretty much in the water most of the time when they are that small they usually just float on the surface thats y the distance between your fluro and the water should not be and more the 300mm and no glass between,still give them land so they can dry out
here i went thinking i was just going to look at cute turtle pics... but no, another argument (oops -debate!) well and truly under way!

Well, just to get back on the original post title here is a pic of some baby turtles that they sell in the *hardware* store in Japan. Its called D.I.K. (lol!!) and its kind of like bunnings meets kmart.......


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here i went thinking i was just going to look at cute turtle pics... but no, another argument (oops -debate!) well and truly under way!

Well, just to get back on the original post title here is a pic of some baby turtles that they sell in the *hardware* store in Japan. Its called D.I.K. (lol!!) and its kind of like bunnings meets kmart.......
cool are they red ear sliders .
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