Baby white bearded dragons - T3 generation

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Oh gotya, I do have pics of the other seven but figured as I was only keeping these ones I'd let the other two owners show pictures of theirs when they wanted to.
There were 15 but two failed, my whites always have small clutches even though they are big beardies. This is her first clutch, bless her.
They certainly are 'eye-catching' and by the comments I reckon none of their future bubs will ever end up homeless :)
Wow Saz thank god number 5 pulled through hey she is amazing!! Well done. As for number 4 not colouring up he prob show the best colours at 6 months maybe blow your mind lol.
how much do the different BD morphs usually go for? anyone got a general...ish price guide? i didnt even know you could get white ones, but they are so cute!

and to u, number 5 ... U CAN DO IT!
I am always blown away by the complete variation one can get in the same clutch, and your bubs knocked me of my chair. Congrats.
I know, the variation within a clutch can be incredible!
Love the really pale one Saz, can't wait to see how he/she turns out!

I've got 3 lovely bubs from this clutch, will try to get some photos of them next week :)
wow, those beardies have stunning colour and patterns.. wonderful choice!!!

Glad you are pleased with your bubs Mischief! Mine are growing like weeds! All but number 5 are having their first shed.

They are three weeks old now. Here's the palest three.



Nope, I marked the keepers with a little red pen on their elbow so I knew which ones were staying. Funny you say that, my husband came running through the day after I marked them going "This ones been bitten!!!" He didn't think it was funny, I was giggling LMAO!
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