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What I dont get is why you guys are friends with these idiots? I'm sorry but it makes my blood boil just reading it. I'm lucky that the people I've met have been a little scared, but fascinated and interested at the same time. I've successfully converted my mum from a snake hater to a snake tolerator. I watched Steve Irwin shows when I was little and he has educated my mum well so she doesnt hate them any more, just respects them. They still scare her a little though. And all my friends my age LOVE my snake :D My friend Jasper had him all over him! He was even more confident than me!!! Even though just a few hours later the snake bit my mum :? haha
I hate it when people turn up their noses at snakes, my snakes have a much better temperament than most people! Irresponsible owners doing stupid things with their animals sometimes get their stories in the newspaper and then it gets exaggerated but many people believe whatever they read in the paper... everyone should know by now that the media isn't to be trusted, I only look at newspapers to see what animals people are selling, at least the for sale adds have some truth in them lol. I have a cousin who used to be a journalist, and she said the journalists motto was 'never let the truth get in the way of a good story'. I've seen plenty of articles that can be easily proved wrong (about all sorts of thing, not just snakes) but people tend to be too busy or too lazy to check things out for themselves. I have a few friends who now love snakes since they've seen mine, even a friend of mine who 'hates' them now comes to my place and goes straight to the tanks to see them. I think she likes them now but doesn't want to admit it :D She asks where they are if she can't see them and shows a fair bit of interest, it's very different to when she used to come over and sit as far away from the tanks as possible. Open minded people can be educated, but people who are stubborn and ignorant will always think they're right. They're the ones who are missing out in the end.
Heres one for ya :)
when i first got my little chihauhau grandparents said QUOTE " we can see death in its eyes "
Ha, chihuahua puppy, what did you feed that to?
Had a tattooed plumber at my place the other day, i was venturing inside to put the python in my avatar back in her enclosure when he arrived. He refused to come near me.
I was holding a jungle whilst talking to a friend of mine he was talking about how much of a man he was and how you can't scare him I took a step forward and he ran off like a little school girl. Poor snakes get such a bad wrap.
What I dont get is why you guys are friends with these idiots? I'm sorry but it makes my blood boil just reading it. I'm lucky that the people I've met have been a little scared, but fascinated and interested at the same time. I've successfully converted my mum from a snake hater to a snake tolerator. I watched Steve Irwin shows when I was little and he has educated my mum well so she doesnt hate them any more, just respects them. They still scare her a little though. And all my friends my age LOVE my snake :D My friend Jasper had him all over him! He was even more confident than me!!! Even though just a few hours later the snake bit my mum :? haha
the reasons i put up with people like this is 1. been friends along time and they will get used to the idea. 2. they respect my right to keep snakes, i respect their right to not like them, it isn't like they are asking me to kill it or are all for the eradication of snakes world wide.
I had a very nasty boyfriend a few years back and everyone was scared of him as he had been quite violent in his younger days and had a terrible temper. We all knew however that he was petrified of snakes. My sons girlfriend turns up one day, 6 months pregnant, carrying a sick coastal carpet python she'd rescued of the side of the road. He jumped back so fast he fell over his own feet and straight on his back, it was all we could do to stop from laughing at him.
Had a guy come over once, big, rough looking bloke.. When he found out i had snakes, he sat in the car outside, and flatly refused to come in the house.. He was sitting there for 4 hours! *rolleyes*
Had a guy come over once, big, rough looking bloke.. When he found out i had snakes, he sat in the car outside, and flatly refused to come in the house.. He was sitting there for 4 hours! *rolleyes*

Well good, maybe the snakes didn't want his company either :p
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