Bali reptile park

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2011
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I had a look through old threads and could only find positives about the place. I visited today and found it to be pretty horrific.

The staff were very blase about the animals and spoke great english until i asked about an animals heath and suddenly they did not understand.

This iguana was obviously in great distress, couldnt move and was gurggling when it breathed. I asked the staff about it and she said it was fine... a few of the other iguanas also had facial injuries.

Some of the animals had burns from uncovered lights and for this retic it was pretty bad. Its face was broken, both eyes were severely damaged and it had burns as well (hard to get a pic in the darkness but thats the front of its mouth).

Most of the animals housed outdoors had no water, the water bowls grimy and dirty.

This led to shedding problems. A vine snake had a few layers of retained shed on the bottom portion of its body. I asked if they were going to remove it and i was laughed at.
This retic shows why its important.

The crocs were housed in very dirty enclosures with this little saltie only given about 5cm of stagnant water.

this little pygmy croc had a painful looking open wound on its neck.

All up i was extremely disappointed in the park. The bird park next door was immaculately kept with all of the birds appearing healthy and happy, i was sad to find the opposite true next door. I understand this is a developing country, i just couldnt understand the good feedback?
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