Be careful what you buy

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2008
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I just want to give everyone the heads up on being careful what they buy at this years herp shows.
Last year I purchased a "sexed" pair of geckos that were suppose to be hypos off what I thought and most of you would think are very reputable breeders at WildExpo, they were in a container of white gravel so they looked very light in colour, when I got them home and put them in more natural conditions they darkened up to normal coloring for the species but I thought " oh well, I'll just deal with it", After a month or two I noticed that the "sexed pair" had turned out to be two males so I contacted the seller who lives a long distance from me and they agreed that they would swap one of the males for a female at the next show as it was not worth freighting the animals back and forth to which I agreed.
Now 12 months later I am told by them that 12 months from purchase they are not in a position to do anything.
So be careful what you buy, who you buy it from and believing what someone tells you.
thats a bit rough seeing as they offered to exchange at this years expo. Did you remind them they said they would do that?
Can you pm who its was so I dont waste any money with them? Got bitten before with 6 marms all males what a champ that guys was $1000.00 well spent.
I don't really know, but surely there must be a way of telling the sex of something without having to "probe" it. Like surely a male would go nuts over seeing a female "ready for action". So pheromones or something? like give it a whif and if it goes nuts, you know that's a male. Dunno what a female would do, but i guess if they both went nuts atleast you would know they were both male?

I am sure if this was the case, ppl would be doin it :p
Unfortunately i think the way it works is there is no guarantee you were given right? Like the breeder never gave you a piece of paper with a deceleration stating they are a sexed pair? The breeders that are honest and experienced will have a guarantee. These are also the most respected. If there's no guarantee on a "pair" i wont buy, unless they tell me i can sex it myself for my own guarantee. With out a signed guarantee, you have no leg to stand on. Its all just words. Sorry to hear what happened. I also had a problem with a breeder that's there every year, names not to be mentioned. I had my vet ring up stating the facts and he promptly replaced it by sending a family member down to drop another off.
I also have a friend Kelly that bought a 'sexed pair' from a 'reputable breeder' who attended last years show....... These also turned out to be 2 males! Hmmmmmmm
What makes you think there are reputable breeders at expos. They are any Tom, Dick or Harry that can apply for a selling table.

can you please pm me the name too

I would recommend not doing that, you could cause alot of trouble for yourself, sexing is never 100%
Gillsy. Reputable breeder, meaning one who has a business name and breeds animals as part of yearly income, not one who breeds a clutch of pythons once a year and wants a table to sell them. This person is big.. So yes there is a term for "Reputable Breeder" And this one is there every year.
What makes you think there are reputable breeders at expos. They are any Tom, Dick or Harry that can apply for a selling table.

I would recommend not doing that, you could cause alot of trouble for yourself, sexing is never 100%
I should have said "well known breeder".
I'm more upset that I was told for close to 12 months that they would swap the animals and then for them to turn just in the last couple of days and say that there is nothing they can do 12 months down the track, they shouldn't have wasted my time for nearly a full year, it's not like they don't remember me, I sent them a copy of all previous correspondence.

The last email I received said "get over it" and nothing else, top notch customer service.
Unfortunatly that seller is not attending Wild Expo this year.

The animals were young and I understand mistakes can happen when sexing young geckos, no one is perfect and I have also made mistakes before and will again, I'm just not happy with how it was handled.
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The breeders that are honest and experienced will have a guarantee. These are also the most respected.

Several of the 'respected' breeders are absolutely the worst cons in the hobby! they will lie to your face and tell you to F off when you figure them out! I know enough members on this forum know who the dodgy ones are, people are just scared to say names because it gets you booted off or infractions for naming names! It's just a business to some.

Sorry to hear mate. they are clearly lying and misleading people. Shame they cant be named!!!!!
Oh Chris!
That really sucks!
Pretty lousy for them to go back on their word like that,. especially as you have been so patient

Gee there are some tossers out & about within this industry.

What type were they?
Let me know if I can help.

Cheers Kelly
Yeah another hint would be to find people's past experience with them. This is easily done for petshops and the big breeders. Because googling them will come out with customers ratings. Unfortunately people will always get ripped off thats why its always best to do your research. Not saying anything against you Geck as it would have seemed reasonable meeting them in person and all that but anyone who buys online make sure they have photos and make sure to get other customers feedback. I recently paid for some frogs that are getting shipped to me and all the people who have dealt with this breeder have found them to be great and coincidentally the breeders that I have found horrible to be horrible so I am assured that I wont be ripped of this time like last time.

If I was planning on buying any geckos I would ask you about this breeder but I am not planning to do so in the near future.
Put an agreement in writing and have both parties sign it. Then they legally have to stand by the agreement and honour the swap.
Put an agreement in writing and have both parties sign it. Then they legally have to stand by the agreement and honour the swap.

Its not that simple to have a legal document written up and be usefull in court.
Put an agreement in writing and have both parties sign it. Then they legally have to stand by the agreement and honour the swap.

and no one is ever going to do that when selling animals.....

There is never a gaurantee of determined sex when selling hatchies, yes you can probe, pop etc etc and yes you can be exact on some instances, but unfortunately there are always the "I believe it to be female", however you cannot always be certain.

As others have mentioned, there are a lot of breeders that will tell you anything to make a sale and there are also a lot of customers that will make up a story cause they killed the juvenile whateer they just bought 2 weeks ago. It is a two way street, I personally have always looked after anyone that has bought from me and will continue to do so, but as for sexing animals I will never gaurantee sex for this reason. Unless it is a breeding pair that I have personally bred from.
That sucks Chris thanks for the heads up mate,
Hows everything going with you have to catch up at next expo, Hows the breeding going this season for you ?

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