Beautifull Blues.....

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Very Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2005
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North Queensland
keeping bluetrees...Do's and dont's, mainly for juveniles...
- After hearing a member had some problems, i spoke with a mate and felt a quick guide was in order, maybe of use to someone.... Do's and Dont' per the way i keep them.
1. Housing Juveniles....I house my juv's in plastic containers, heaps of ventilation....moist Chux's on the bottom, large water bowl, simple perch. Think tropical rainforest, humid and moist...i heat for a few hours a day, just to build up the humidity....condensation builds on the inside of the container...Keep water, container, chux's/papertowl clean...
2. Feeding Juveniles....they eat a varity of food, however somes got some advantages and disavantages...Small fish- can be a pain to convert them to rodents latter...Mouse tail segments- may take longer and is harder to digest...may cause related problems....Skinks- worms, parasites...'New born pinkies'...The faster you can get them feeding on these the better, my choise in juv food. Offer a new born pinky...wash, dry and scent with a gecko/skink tail (preferabily a non-native),asian house gecko tail, i container without any rapid body movenment...offer pinky off the forceps keeping still as possible...slightly hassel it to strike and take food, once it grabs it, stay as still as possible, so it doesnt spit it out....hopefully it eats...My mate puts his in a bin that they carnt see out of, so when they grab it, he can back away without them seeing him.....if it doesnt you can try dropping it into the bin, then back away...try this process over, until it eats....
-Dont feed to large a prey item, better to feed more regular, rather then one large feed, which may cause problems...
-keep container, water, chux/papertowel clean, alway's
-Dont over heat or keep them to dry...
There are those that may disagree with what i've said in part, however this is whats worked for me, up to date.....My advice, if buying one is to do your homework first, ask questions on, How?, Why?, and When? regards to how the seller has kept?, fed?, etc....I believe its a truly rewarding experience, and as the photos that a mate sent me shows, with time effort and patience you to can enjoy......Beauitifull Trees :D
Thats one crazy looking Snake!!! And its a native too!!! BONUS!!

Where can i get me some of these bad boys?
Aw Indicus, What a pretty creature. Nice bangle too :)
They're spectacular pics!

Are they called 'Baby Dolls'? or something like that?
And are they called Dendrelaphis punctulatas?
I have never seen such a beautiful snake! i didnt even know they existed in that colour! amazing looking snake, :shock: how do we get one!!
I have heard they are or can be just as hard to rear as greens are,they like the humidity and are tiny delicate things when hatchlings.They're a very fast alert snake in comparison to any python.

I keep mine in an escape proof tub with a small branch,bowl of water and a moist chux over the hot end for humidity plus i spray the chux once a day to keep humidity up.I used small hides but found they're more than happy perched on a branch.

I found mine went from gecko tails which are cool cause there's no parasites and a decent sized gecko tail is quite a large meal for these guys and they love em.I had success converting to thawed pinkies scented with a fresh gecko tail very first attempt with 2 hatchlings.After a few feeds i noticed the blue trees kept getting the pinkie in the wrong spot and tried swallowing for ages till it gave up and regurged cause it couldn't get past the front legs,so what i do now is when i get a frozen pinkie out i nip it's legs of all round with finger tips and that way they're sure to get it down backwards or not.I think the key to keeping and enjoying these guys is making sure they eat rodents,offer fish for a treat if you wish but on rodents it makes life easy.

Only just got interested in these guys and it's already been a new experience in keeping snakes for me.If adult animals are for sale check what they feed on and how they've been kept successfully in the past.Get as much info as you can from others who have them.Wouldn't recommend one for a first snake but great for something different than pyhtons.

Couple of pics guys...


Here's a juvenile in a simple set-up.....just a container....Thats right, earthmother.....i think however 'dolls eye', is the common name that refers to a brown tree, Baby dolls, may also refer to the Brown Trees as well, i'm not sure... :D
They are awesome looking snakes, I think your right BROWNS sounds like not the best snake to start off on but certainly something to think about in the future aye!!! awesome pictures INDICUS keep em coming!
the hatchies are coming along well - starting to 'blue' up.
the are stunning animals alright!!
With my plastic containers i drill heaps holes the back half of the lid above the heat and at the opposite end on the bottom half of the tub drill more holes agin ,this will be at the cool end....this creates a good crossflow of air,but make sure no holes are big enough for the little fellas to get out,it doesn't take much.

I find they handle very well as hatchlings and will happily just sit in one pose on your hand,very alert and they have such big inviting eyes.

Here's a pic of one taking a pinkie backwards which it tried to swallow for well over an hour and eventually hung from a branch and regurgitated which was a bit worrying,i thought it was going to croak it on me,so my trick again to stop this happening is nipping off the legs on a frozen pinkie.The blue's starting to come out as you can see where the pinkies going down not the same animal in the pic above...



These guys are a joy to keep,hopefully i will breed them one day...
I have started my babies by putting them in chinese containers and then putting a skink in another chinese container, i then put the skink on top of the tree snake and they can see the skink running in the top container and get into a frenzy.Then i throw a pinkie in and they usually grab it straight away. They can be a challenge sometimes, but are well worth it when they are feeding good.
Good idea Pike...something to try for the next fussy feeder...Jimbo, regardless of the substraight, so long as that humidity, is there, and they dont dry out....Beardy, heres phase i bought on the Herptrader :D
its a great idea mike,any one who has kept the food container where the snake/frog/lizard can see it knows their animal can get really worked up watching all the little movements...
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